Session 2 from the #feralC Series 1|Episode 1 is now complete. Output from Session 1 and Session 2 is currently being analyzed and a summary will be available ASAP.
The altered recording methods from Session 1 have been retained. One Secondary Character could not attend and sent notification: their absence was acknowledged and noted.
Session 3 will occur at this time. Both Primary Chars and Secondary Chars have been notified.
I’ve been thinking about this Feral C idea and it seems very much like the first serious attempt to create a twitter Soap Opera. A better term that I just thought of is a “Soc Opera”. It seems to fit in well with the idea of a “Socumentary”. @netwurker herself seems to agree, as she has posted this summary of Session 2 to her own Twitter account:
“@HUD_B likes to write incredibly bad love poems + is totally crushed when given bad feedback, @Miss_Stressa can’t work out Twitpic + @gossama games like a biatch. @QReada is still a mystery [details classified] but not as much as @shadowmcclone [who @gossama suspects is a gold farmer]. Secondary chars [participating were] @labfly @if + @strongria…”