Session 2 of the #feralC Series 1|Episode 1 began on Sunday, May 9 2010 at 8:00 AM Sydney time EST. The Session progressed until Session Close at 09:13 AM. 4 of the PC’s actively responded during this first trial Session: see here for the relevant Summary.
SC @o0000O0 provided notification of their absence prior to Session Commencement:
3 SC’s were active during s1|E1 Session 2. Two of the active SC’s [@if and @strongria] made Context connections without direct PC input. These connections are significant in terms of externalization of engagement within the Forced Environment Field [FEF]. The context of these connections involved exchanges regarding poetic output involving/concerning family members, with @if initialising the exchange via: “@HUD_B here’s a mother’s day poem To My Mother by Wendell Berry : Find Poems and Poets. Discover Poetry. #feralC”. @strongria responded by referencing personalised External FEF Content: “Here’s a poem I wrote last year, about my relationship with my mother. #feralC”. Both @if and @strongria continued to engage with each other via Bio-Referencing, with @if asking @strongria if: “many mothers have spoken/forgotten ‘your father didn’t have a temper’ to their children #feralC”. @strongria replied: “Probably lots. Pretty surreal moment tho. “your father didnt have temper”, said *literally* in front of hole he punched in wall. #feralC”. No PC indicated Awareness Indicators regarding this content: no questions were asked regarding family specifics or details of the PCs. SC @labfly also made a Bio-Reference: “will catch u tomorrow? off to goodbye dinner. my move is beginning to feel like an extended performance w/long curtain call #feralC”.
All 3 active SC’s [@if , @strongria and @labfly] displayed curiosity and high Altruism Levels regarding @Miss_Stressa’s photography and @HUD_B‘s poetry. @strongria also displayed targeted curiosity in reference to PC @shadowmcclone and his biography: “@shadowmcclone bio… interesting. “fan of slaying not doing”.