Session 1: Introduction

Series 1|Episode 1|Session 1 Commencement

Series 1|Episode 1|Session 1 Commencement

The first trial #feralC Session of Series 1|Episode 1 initialized on Saturday, 8 May 2010 at 2:59 PM Sydney time EST. The Session progressed until Session Close at 04:36 PM. There were several Intersessional Communications [interactions between official Sessions] after close. These Intersessionals will be documented separately: they indicate that several of the PCs [Primary Chars] perceive the Study boundaries as largely artificial. This ongoing behaviour is confirmed in subsequent Sessional activity by both the PCs and SCs [Secondary chars]. As there was no substantial discussion of where the chars are geophysically located, no Seize Codes were required.

4 of the PC’s actively responded during this first trial Session. @shadowmcclone was absent. All 4 active #feralC Chars displayed acceptable Range Responses to encountering unknown entities in the FEF [Forced Environment Field]:

1. @gossama:
  • employed highly idiosyncratic and gamer inflected language:
Example of @gossama's Game Inflected Language

Example of @gossama's Game Inflected Language

  • attempted to Frame the encounter with indirect and direct questioning regarding the identity of the remaining PCs.
  • attempted Distancing via their insistence they were participating purely for the monetary rewards.
  • quick to question Placement and request Core Group Identification.
  • displayed overt curiosity and fluctuating communication patterns with Power Spiking in evidence.
  • displayed Lingual Flocking behaviours.
  • displayed high adaptive techniques [by "afking" - temporarily leaving and returning].
  • displayed potential altruistic tendencies.
2. @QReada:
  • attempted communication once. This attempt was unsuccessful: failures in Translation Framing and QR Code auto-linking has since been corrected. The content of the attempted message was undecipherable [even accounting for the Session-Side errors].
3. @Miss_Stressa:
  • displayed curiosity regarding geophysical location: “Are you there? Where is ‘there’?”. They did not attempt to question further when @gossama was unresponsive.
  • responded in an assertive manner to SC @O’s provocative communication patterns.
  • perceived and responded to SC @O’s communication as deliberately aggressive.
  • revealed that their participation in the study is a favour to an unspecified friend.
  • framed the Session Close with appeals to authority:

    Example of @Miss_Stressa's Timestamping and Authority Framing

    Example of @Miss_Stressa's Timestamping and Authority Framing

4. @HUD_B:
  • responded tentatively and reluctantly throughout the Session.
  • revealed they had signed up through a “match-matching” [Translation Framing links to "match-making"] survey.
  • perceived SC @O’s communication as confusing.
  • responded to an Implied Group Dynamic when signing off.
  • displayed insecure Status Indicators by self-identifying as “shy” and “promised” they’d “have a clue next time”. They also inquired if they would “be in trouble” if they didn’t consistently respond to all parties involved.

2  SC’s were active during this first trial Session:

1. @if:
  • displayed minimal but Positive Engagement.
  • self-identified as a “lurker rather than a sec char”.
  • suggested practical modifications to one Recording aspect. This modification has been in continual use throughout subsequent Sessions.
  • displayed moderate Altruism Levels when replying to a generalised question from @gossama.
  • employed Cryptic Engagement with @HUD_B.
2. @o0000O0:
  • employed provocative language comprised of hybrid gamespeak and abbreviations.
  • displayed Inflammatory Engagement Patterns with no active modification of these behaviours in evidence when identified as such by other chars.
  • perceived the Session as principally revolving around themself: “I tweet”/”i am”/”4 me”/”i could”.
  • quick to produce text without Verifiable Context or understandable Content.

@Miss_Stressa Streetmuseum Clue 4