@Miss_Stressa Streetmuseum Clue 12

Intersession C [Transcript]

Intersession C comprises all Char communication between S1|E1|S3 and S1|E1|S4. All PCs were in attendance. The 2 participating SCs were: @jr_carpenter and @labfly.

Transcript of Intersession C:

Tuesday, 11th of May

07:06:22 Thank you @if! I will post more. Especially of that house. There’s something about that house. #feralc By:Miss_Stressa

07:40:11 @gossama does a crippling addiction to online scrabble count? lexulous, actually. it’s bad. #feralC By:jr_carpenter

07:40:52 oooooH NoooooOOOOooooo……… i missed the end!!!!!!!!1???!!!!! #feralC By:HUD_B

07:43:24 @HUD_B me toooo i missed it toooo and it’s damn early here damn damn i am awake in all the wrong time zones #feralC By:jr_carpenter

07:44:17 heya @jr_carpenter lol re scrabble. idc mucho 4 board-games-gone-intermehnet. wots wOOTworthy bout em? #feralC By:gossama

07:47:06 i was heer 4 a bit!!! but then @jr_carpenter i couldn’t find @labfly ‘s email addy????!!!! i looked EVRYWHERE!!!? do u have it?? #feralC By:HUD_B

07:49:03 @gossama luv playin w far off friends w.out havin 2 watch the slowmo machinations of their move makin. +i’m craz good at scrab #feralC By:jr_carpenter

07:52:06 *hi5s* 2 u then gal;) i’m afk 4 a bit. BIO. laters @jr_carpenter #feralC By:gossama

07:53:15 @HUD_B email? who uses email? ha ha. flaw. i havnt gots it. i havnt even had coffee yet. culdnt find it if i did. x #feralC By:jr_carpenter

07:56:59 awwwwww @jr_carpenter !!!!!!!! I still use email:( thx anyway…. :( (((((((((((((((((((((( #feralC By: HUD_B

14:06:56 @HUD_B sorry i wasn’t around yesterday :( moving has pushed my digital life to the sidelines. hope to see u later. :) any new poems? By:labfly

17:26:49 ughhhh no…. more…….. quests must…. BIO….. #feralC By:gossama

17:29:31 Are you there @gossama? I’ve just been sent the strangest email. Could you help? #feralC By: Miss_Stressa

17:36:17 oic @Miss_Stressa wot’s the deal? ….i’m just wrappin up these quests + lulz-watching
#feralC By:gossama

17:40:28 I signed up for some Trial Photo Manipulation Software and now I have this emailed invitation to try another program? @Miss_Stressa #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

17:42:12 Is that normal @gossama? I’m worried I might be getting sent Viruses. The email is from the same company? #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

17:44:36 yah @Miss_Stressa if its from the same peeps it’s prolly ok. stress less:) + btw gotta go afk soon. … u kno when the next sesh is?#feralC By:gossama

17:48:40 Thanks @gossama .That’s a relief. I’ll might even try it out. And I’m not sure re Session 4:1 haven’t been told yet. Thanks and bye #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

17:50:23 coolies re trying out the proggie @Miss_Stressa + later bud…….. i’m gone.:) #feralC By:gossama

Wednesday, 12th of May

01:50:25 whoa this *sucks*: RTing @GamePron: Blizzard issues takedown on Cataclysm leak #feralC By:gossama

10:30:05 Series 1| Episode 1|Session 4: 13/5/10 6pm Madison US Time. All chars intending to participate: please note. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

22:45:37 0000 hi@labfly!!!!!1<3i had sum new poems but i trashed em lol !!!!!!!!!!!! i couldn’t find ur email!!!! they were 2 long 2 msg #feralC By:HUD_B



@Miss_Stressa Streetmuseum Clue 11

S1|E1 Session 3 [Transcript]

S1|E1 Session 3 encompasses Char communication between S1|E2|S2 and S1|E2|S4. All PCs were in attendance. Participating SCs were @o0000O0 and @if.

Transcript of  S1|E1 Session 3:

Tuesday, 11th of May

06:00:02 #feralC Subjects prepared: [primary chars] @gossama @HUD_B @Miss_Stressa @QReada @shadowmcclone engaged. Commencing S1|E1 Session 3. By:pupa_mistress

06:01:39 Thank you @if. As I’ve said before, I’m still learning photographic techniques and how to manipulate them. #feralc By:Miss_Stressa

06:02:23 @pupa_mistress was tweeting b4 this time considered unengaged #feralc By:if

06:03:37 Hello [sec char] @if. In answer to your query, I’m not consistently online. I will however get back to any queries ASAP. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

06:03:57 @Miss_Stressa … the cat added lots of dimensions into the pic [imho] #feralc By:if

06:05:03 @if Tweeting in between scheduled Session times is acceptable. All Intersessional Engagement is logged for future analysis. #feralc By:pupa_mistress

06:05:48 Thank you @if #feralc. I was extremely patient and still so as not to scare the cat. #feralC By: Miss_Stressa

06:06:17 @pupa_mistress ic … thanks #feralc By:if

06:07:09 KITTIES!!!! oo000 @Miss_Stressa <3 <3 <3 ur pic. …that cat is s00000 CUTE!!!!!!!<# cats. #feralC oh + hey all:)))) By:HUD_B

06:09:05 #feralC @HUD_B o00000o wuz xactly wut i thott 2 :-) speakin’ of s0000000 cute, how iz photoshop 1.0 goin’ @Miss_Stressa ;-) By:0000000

06:09:27 is @labfly heer?…….. #feralC By:HUD_B

06:11:57 #feralC @HUD_B – ya u will need more 2ndary chars i.e. @labfly since y0000000urz truly will be hittin’ the zzz momentarily… By:0000000

06:12:00 Hi @@o000000. I’m slowly learning some new techniques. See here for more photos: http://twitpic.com/photos/Miss_Stressa #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

06:13:41 s000000 @pupa_mistress we gonna get 2 meet that 5th dude 2day? wots his name… shadow McHidesMyFace? ;) ))))) #feralC By:gossama

06:15:38 @Miss_Stressa http://twitpic.com/1mne6c – evocative … where is this? By:if

06:16:07 eh wut @0000000? i just wann c @labfly again!!!!!! mite send them some more poetry….I”LL B BACK #feralC By:HUD_B

06:17:10 Hello @gossama. @shadowmcclone is in attendance. #feralC By:pupa_mistress 06:17:47 #feralC Hi @Miss_Stressa, thx 4 pix…r u using web-layout 1.0 reddymadez 2? By:0000000

06:20:11 Well @if it’s a house I pass by most days. I know the photo isn’t brilliant, but I still do like it. I’m not sure why. @0000000 NO? #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

06:20:13 feralC# @HUD_B, I’m in zero touch w. nO0b 2ndary chars. By:0000000 06:22:13 #feralC HEY. BEEN THUNDER RUNNIN & FOD DEALIN. By:shadowmcclone

06:22:47 #feralC @pupa_mistress, inspired by pix von @Miss_Stressa, my next tweet containz pix for discussion amongst chars… By:0000000

06:23:23 #feralC @pupa_mistress – http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=orko Chars = Discuss! ;-) By: o000000

06:23:58 Loverly @0000000. I’m keen to see it. #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

06:24:22 #feralC @shadowmcclone – AC/DC THUNDERFo00000oD? By:o000000

06:25:02 Hello [sec char] @0000000. We welcome any visual input. Thank you for participating in this manner. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

06:25:49 #feralC @Miss_Stressa – note the genius foto-layout of the Orko page :-D By:0000000

06:27:19 Sorry @0000000 but I can’t see any link: I am new to this remember. #feralC By: Miss_Stressa

06:28:19 #feralC @pupa_mistress – uhhh…is @gossama allowed to f**k around w. durty wurds or does he/she need to be MODed? By:0000000

06:29:40 #feralC CLDN’T MAKE LST SESS = 2 AFUED. T_L IZATION CNTRL. By: shadowmcclone

06:29:49 @o000000 good point … though doesn’t bother me … #feralc By:if

06:30:09 #feralC Ooops @Miss_Stressa, I sent the !inky 2 the PM… http://vvvvw.flickr.com/search/?q=orko – clickiez pleez! By:0000000

06:30:51 #feralC wtf @shawdowmcclone? By:0000000

06:32:21 [Sec char] @0000000 There is no language moderation requirements. There are certain behavioural constraints operating. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

06:32:30 #feralC @shadowmcclone 1 qwestion…PCP? By:0000000

06:33:34 #feralC WOT @0000000? By:shadowmcclone

06:35:15 There’s quite a few photos there @0000000. I’ll have a look through and get back to you. Thanks for sending them. #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

06:36:30 ffs @shadowmcclone don’t tells me ur gonna b another tarded @QReada #feralC By: gossama 06:37:40 [SX X0 COLX. WHXRE'X MY XAD?] http://bit.ly/ba1ed7 By:OReada

06:38:05 @shadowmcclone – y’know, angel dusties By:o000000

06:38:34 AHAHHAHAHHA zomg & there he goez…. #feralC By:gossama

06:38:43 #feralC @shadowmcclone – y’know, angel dusties By:0000000

06:39:53 #feralC @pupa_mistress time 2 zzz…klassikal muzak and angelik dusteez are wearin’ off… By: o000000

06:40:15 #feralC MBRACE THE SUC @gossama By:shadowmcclone 06:42:13 @Miss_Stressa the house is one in Aultsville? #feralc By:if

06:42:55 Thank you for your participation [sec char] @o000000. Please check in for future geralC Session times. By:pupa_mistress

06:44:49 #feralC @pupa_mistress okie dokiez…zzz 4 now… :-) By:000000006:46:22 No @if: that house isn’t in Aultsville. There’s some beautiful houses there though. And @0000000 I thought you’d wish me goodnight. #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

06:48:06 *rolls eyes* hey @shadowmcclone chill bro! was just sayin @QReada is a fruitloop. anywai where bouts r ya? + where u beeEen? #feralC By:gossama

06:48:41 @0000000 g0000000d nite u p0000000r mezangelle po000000zer :) #feralc By:if

06:49:37 Just when I was starting to think @0000000 was quite reasonable. I guess not many people follow etiquette in here. #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

06:51:25 #feralC STFU @gossama AINT NO BIZ OF URS WHERE I AM BUDDY By:shadowmcclone

06:53:33 og BIG WORDS @shadowmcclone y don’t u step in2 WoW + we’ll c how good u r *pwnage time* #feralC By:gossama

06:56:01 *******ATTENTION****** @shadowmcclone and @gossama: stop from your current conversational thread. **STOP** your threatening behaviours. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

06:57:46 What a note to end the session on. Goodbye @if and @pupa_mistress #feralC By: Miss_Stressa

06:58:37 #feralC ROGER @pupa_mistress OVER + OUT. By:shadowmcclone

06:59:18 wotever @pupa_mistress *gone* #feralC By:gossama

06:59:32 @Miss_Stressa good night & please post more photos they r gr8 #feralc By:if

07:00:42 @pupa_mistress yikes u step in & all leave … or is it just time? #feralc By:if

07:02:26 @pupa_mistress good to know threats will not be tolerated #feralc By:if

07:04:11 [sec char] @if and all: S1|E1 Session 3 is now closed. Please check in regarding times for #feralC Session 4. By:pupa_mistress

@Miss_Stressa Streetmuseum Clue 10

Intersession B [Transcript]

Intersession B comprises all Char communication between S1|E1|S2 and S1|E1|S3. All PCs were in attendance. The 3 participating SCs were: @o0000O0, @jr_carpenter and @if.

Transcript of Intersession B:

Sunday, 9th of May

11:30:16 @pupa_mistress yr gang sur wake early like. #feralC By:jr_carpenter

11:31:47 Hello [secondary char] @jr_carpenter. The Study Subjects are from diverse geographical locations: we schedule sessions accordingly. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

11:34:59 For instance [sec char] @jr_carpenter, the next session is timed for @shadowmcclone who is based in Pakistan http://bit.ly/csKv39 #feralC By:pupa_mistress

11:49:41 We do try to cater for direct needs of the Subjects @jr_carpenter. Scheduling a reasonable time for different regions is difficult. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

12:06:25 Hello again [sec char] @jr_carpenter. What you describe about being always awake/everywhere simultaneously sounds like omnipotence? #feralC By:pupa_mistress

14:29:27 @pupa_mistress always awake/everywhere simultaneously mayb omnipotence or mayb just internet #feralC By:jr_carpenter

Monday, 10th of May.

00:01:06 [Gossama] has now completed [Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 10 player)] 3 times. #feralC By: gossama

09:32:29 Well I have finally worked out how to post Photos. @strongria may enjoy these. That last link is to one of my favourite buildings. #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

11:05:22 Series 1| Episode 1|Session 3 is due to commence in approximately 19 hours. All chars intending to participate: please note. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

21:33:33 [Gossama] Has now completed [The Prophet Tharon'ja kills (Heroic Drak'Tharon Keep)] 17 times #feralC By:gossama

21:44:06 @gossama stop gaming n get some zzzzzs b4 Series 1| Episode 1|Session 3 starts geeze #feralC By:jr_carpenter

21:55:50 wtf @jr_carpenter Sess3 isn’t 4 freakin aaaaages;) u a gamer? wots ur game poison o choice eh? #feralC By:gossama

22:02:58 Series 1| Episode 1|Session 3 is due to commence in approximately 8 hours. All chars intending to participate: please note. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

22:12:32 #feralC @pupa_mistress brb/afk ’til episode 4++ By:0000000

22:27:43 Hello [seconday char] @0000000 . Thank you for your notification of absence until “Ep 4″. Did you mean Session 3? #feralC By:pupa_mistress

22:31:30 Please also note [secondary char] @0000000: #feralC Series 11 Episode 11Session 3 is set to Karachi Pakistan time  By:pupa_mistress

Tuesday, 11th of May

04:00:35 Series 1| Episode 1|Session 3 is due to commence in approximately 2 hours. All chars intending to participate: please prepare. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

05:28:48 Series 1| Episode 1|Session 3 is due to commence in approximately 30 minutes. All chars intending to participate: please prepare. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

05:45:18 weEEEeeLLL howz bout that this eh? i’m EARLY” #feralC By:gossama

05:46:19 Well @gossama it just so happens that I’m early as well. And not too happy to boot. #feralC By: Miss_Stressa

05:47:13 @gossama me too #feralc By:if

05:47:26 hmmm @Miss_Stressa sounded afued. wots the prob, officer? [joking] #feralC By:gossama 05:48:29 heh lots of us r keeno 2day @if #feralc By:gossama

05:50:32 @gossama since we haven’t begun is all this off the record …. #feralc By:if

05:51:46 It seems @gossama as if this “Twitter” is a bit unstable. Have you seen this? http://bit.ly/dhQ3fF #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

05:54:01 yerr saw that @Miss_Stressa. dw bout it…sheete like that just happens. @if dunno re if this is off da record? ask @pupa_mistress #feralC By:gossama

05:55:27 Well I’ll take your word for that @gossama. I was quite annoyed as I have new photos I’ve finally managed to upload. #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

05:56:49 nah not always @if she has to SS+S sometimez *wink* #feralc By:gossama 05:57:45 @Miss_Stressa saw your photo …loved the black cat …#feralc By:if 05:58:40 nice @Miss_Stressa #feralc By:gossama


@Miss_Stressa Streetmuseum Clue 9

S1|E1 Session 2: Secondary Char Summary

Session 2 of the #feralC Series 1|Episode 1 began on Sunday, May 9 2010 at 8:00 AM Sydney time EST. The Session progressed until Session Close at 09:13 AM. 4 of the PC’s actively responded during this first trial Session: see here for the relevant Summary.

SC @o0000O0 provided notification of their absence prior to Session Commencement:

Absence Notification for S1|E1 Session 2 from @oooooOo

3  SC’s were active during s1|E1 Session 2. Two of the  active SC’s [@if and @strongria] made Context connections without direct PC input. These connections are significant in terms of externalization of engagement within the Forced Environment Field [FEF]. The context of these connections involved exchanges regarding poetic output involving/concerning family members, with @if initialising the exchange via: @HUD_B here’s a mother’s day poem To My Mother by Wendell Berry : Find Poems and Poets. Discover Poetry. http://ow.ly/1IDVp #feralC”. @strongria responded by referencing personalised External FEF Content: “Here’s a poem I wrote last year, about my relationship with my mother. http://is.gd/c0AIg #feralC”. Both @if and @strongria continued to engage with each other via Bio-Referencing, with @if asking @strongria if: “many mothers have spoken/forgotten ‘your father didn’t have a temper’ to their children #feralC”. @strongria replied:  “Probably lots. Pretty surreal moment tho. “your father didnt have temper”, said *literally* in front of hole he punched in wall. #feralC”. No PC indicated Awareness Indicators regarding this content: no questions were asked regarding family specifics or details of the PCs. SC @labfly also made a Bio-Reference: “will catch u tomorrow? off to goodbye dinner. my move is beginning to feel like an extended performance w/long curtain call #feralC”.

All 3  active SC’s [@if , @strongria and @labfly] displayed curiosity and high Altruism Levels regarding @Miss_Stressa’s photography and @HUD_B‘s poetry. @strongria also displayed targeted curiosity in reference to PC @shadowmcclone and his biography:@shadowmcclone bio… interesting. “fan of slaying not doing”.

@Miss_Stressa Streetmuseum Clue 8

S1|E1 Session 2: Primary Char Summary

Session 2 of the #feralC Series 1|Episode 1 initialized on Sunday, May 9 2010 at 8:00 AM Sydney time EST. The Session progressed until Session Close at 09:13 AM. 4 of the PC’s actively responded during this first trial Session: @shadowmcclone was again absent.

1. @gossama:
  • displayed Partial Engagement indicators including: “gimme a sec just finishing a quest”:

    Example of A Partial Engagement Indicator from @gossama

    Example of A Partial Engagement Indicator from @gossama

  • displayed Continuation Behaviors and successful navigation of the Forced Environment Field including Placement, Core Group Identification, Power Spiking, Lingual Flocking and an Implied Group Dynamic.
  • again questioned the identity of the absent PC @shadowmcclone: “yeah woteva @pupa_mistress . we still haven’t met the 5th dude yet anywai. betcha theyre a gold farmer;) amirite?”
  • displayed Inflammatory Engagement Patterns towards @HUD_B regarding her poetry attempts: “ok back. wots goin on? oh sheete …. @HUD_B ? u freakin *serious* re that?”
  • displayed Positive Engagement Patterns regarding secondary char @labfly.
  • framed the Session Close with indications of how they perceive(d) time passing in the FEF: “farck that went quick. later all.”
2. @QReada:
  • messaged [XXLXX HXXP XEX] which Translation Frames to “[HELP! HELP ME!]“. The Quick Response Code also auto-linked successfully:
    Successful Implementation of Quick Response Code Auto-Linkage

    Successful Implementation of QR Code Auto-Linkage

3. @Miss_Stressa:
  • displayed initial assertiveness, Bio-Referenced their presence and alluded to External Content: “Well I’m here. I’ve worked out quite a bit about this Twitter. I also have some photos to show if I can.”
  • displayed potential altruistic tendencies towards @HUD_B regarding her poetry attempts.
  • framed interactions with @gossama with successfully integrated “time” references: “Oh there’s no drama @gossama take your time.”
  • displayed variable Status Indicators: “I must say I’m not the world’s best photographer. I do try though.”
  • revealed to @strongria that she “mostly takes nature and building photos” . As this statement does not indicate Awareness Indicators of their intrinsic state beyond the FEF Perceptual Integration is therefore intact.
  • referenced an Implied Group Dynamic by asking for assistance in uploading their photos.
  • framed the Session Close with definitive Content regarding Post Session Social Contracting activity: “I’ll show you next time. I’ll work it out before then, I promise @strongria” and an appeal to authority: “And now it’s the end of the Session @pupa_mistress?”
4. @HUD_B:
  • responded via Emotional Spiking throughout the Session. These Spikes ranged from Elation: “hi all!!!!!!! <3 how r u all? i’m great just finished writing some poetry!!!???????????” to Disappointment: “dont think i’ll post anymore poems here…..:((((((((“ to Anger: “not now tho just feeling like crushing things now…”.
  • displayed Typographic Disruption while experiencing Emotional Spiking: “um yea i kno that poem needs wrok but its a start!!!???
  • referenced an Implied Group Dynamic at Session Close: “baibai all!!!!!”.