Intersession B [Transcript]

Intersession B comprises all Char communication between S1|E1|S2 and S1|E1|S3. All PCs were in attendance. The 3 participating SCs were: @o0000O0, @jr_carpenter and @if.

Transcript of Intersession B:

Sunday, 9th of May

11:30:16 @pupa_mistress yr gang sur wake early like. #feralC By:jr_carpenter

11:31:47 Hello [secondary char] @jr_carpenter. The Study Subjects are from diverse geographical locations: we schedule sessions accordingly. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

11:34:59 For instance [sec char] @jr_carpenter, the next session is timed for @shadowmcclone who is based in Pakistan #feralC By:pupa_mistress

11:49:41 We do try to cater for direct needs of the Subjects @jr_carpenter. Scheduling a reasonable time for different regions is difficult. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

12:06:25 Hello again [sec char] @jr_carpenter. What you describe about being always awake/everywhere simultaneously sounds like omnipotence? #feralC By:pupa_mistress

14:29:27 @pupa_mistress always awake/everywhere simultaneously mayb omnipotence or mayb just internet #feralC By:jr_carpenter

Monday, 10th of May.

00:01:06 [Gossama] has now completed [Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 10 player)] 3 times. #feralC By: gossama

09:32:29 Well I have finally worked out how to post Photos. @strongria may enjoy these. That last link is to one of my favourite buildings. #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

11:05:22 Series 1| Episode 1|Session 3 is due to commence in approximately 19 hours. All chars intending to participate: please note. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

21:33:33 [Gossama] Has now completed [The Prophet Tharon'ja kills (Heroic Drak'Tharon Keep)] 17 times #feralC By:gossama

21:44:06 @gossama stop gaming n get some zzzzzs b4 Series 1| Episode 1|Session 3 starts geeze #feralC By:jr_carpenter

21:55:50 wtf @jr_carpenter Sess3 isn’t 4 freakin aaaaages;) u a gamer? wots ur game poison o choice eh? #feralC By:gossama

22:02:58 Series 1| Episode 1|Session 3 is due to commence in approximately 8 hours. All chars intending to participate: please note. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

22:12:32 #feralC @pupa_mistress brb/afk ’til episode 4++ By:0000000

22:27:43 Hello [seconday char] @0000000 . Thank you for your notification of absence until “Ep 4″. Did you mean Session 3? #feralC By:pupa_mistress

22:31:30 Please also note [secondary char] @0000000: #feralC Series 11 Episode 11Session 3 is set to Karachi Pakistan timeĀ  By:pupa_mistress

Tuesday, 11th of May

04:00:35 Series 1| Episode 1|Session 3 is due to commence in approximately 2 hours. All chars intending to participate: please prepare. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

05:28:48 Series 1| Episode 1|Session 3 is due to commence in approximately 30 minutes. All chars intending to participate: please prepare. #feralC By:pupa_mistress

05:45:18 weEEEeeLLL howz bout that this eh? i’m EARLY” #feralC By:gossama

05:46:19 Well @gossama it just so happens that I’m early as well. And not too happy to boot. #feralC By: Miss_Stressa

05:47:13 @gossama me too #feralc By:if

05:47:26 hmmm @Miss_Stressa sounded afued. wots the prob, officer? [joking] #feralC By:gossama 05:48:29 heh lots of us r keeno 2day @if #feralc By:gossama

05:50:32 @gossama since we haven’t begun is all this off the record …. #feralc By:if

05:51:46 It seems @gossama as if this “Twitter” is a bit unstable. Have you seen this? #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

05:54:01 yerr saw that @Miss_Stressa. dw bout it…sheete like that just happens. @if dunno re if this is off da record? ask @pupa_mistress #feralC By:gossama

05:55:27 Well I’ll take your word for that @gossama. I was quite annoyed as I have new photos I’ve finally managed to upload. #feralC By:Miss_Stressa

05:56:49 nah not always @if she has to SS+S sometimez *wink* #feralc By:gossama 05:57:45 @Miss_Stressa saw your photo …loved the black cat …#feralc By:if 05:58:40 nice @Miss_Stressa #feralc By:gossama