@Nozfera2 | 4:30 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | ....so, if i go in tru ze vront door, @MrShamble by ze side door + @VVolfMaan @ vrom ze back... #OutsideUrDoor #AttackTheHumanInside | | https://twitter.com/Nozfera2/status/29308040415 |
@MrShamble | 4:31 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | *bB--rRR--aaAiin-ns--s* (*cough* how embarrassing!)...I don’t mean to be a bother but why do *I* have 2 go in by the side? #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308149646 |
@kidNeutrino | 4:32 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | what was that scratching noise? #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/kidNeutrino/status/29308189320 |
@MrShamble | 4:33 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | After all I *can* move *N--uuuu--u--UUUUUUu--HGG* (oh dear, my apologies) as well as both of you @VVolfMaan and @Nozferat2. #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308240034 |
@Nozfera2 | 4:33 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | uhm, no, u kan’t u kno @MrShamble. u run zlower zan my wampyre zizter! #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/Nozfera2/status/29308276789 |
@MrShamble | 4:34 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | Besides, I'm much more articulate *f--fUUUUuunnnGGG--hh--hh* (whoops) than most other #zombies (@zombie is just awful!). #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308336134 |
@MrShamble | 4:35 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | I mean really *n--uUUuuuu-hHnnnnng-g--h-hhH* (sorry)... I might even be able to distract him while you two throat him? #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308380176 |
@MrShamble | 4:36 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | Hrumph @kidNeutrino *please* don't make me paranoid *HHYYUUUUURgg-G* (oh dear, so sorry). #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308484874 |
@Nozfera2 | 4:37 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | ohh vill u juzt **zhutup** @MrShamble!? can ve juzt #AttackTheHumanInside ?! #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/Nozfera2/status/29308536512 |
@vvolfmaan | 4:38 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | *yyiiP!* *arrrRRRrrrrrrr----YIP!* #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/vvolfmaan/status/29308557004 |
@MrShamble | 4:38 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | Now *that’s* *gARRgg-hhhhh-G-GG* (the shame!) just plain rude @Nozfera2. And I don’t *care* if you agree with him @vvolfmaan! #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308582353 |
@MrShamble | 4:39 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | The fact that I'm *zombie* undead doesn't *GGg--uuGGGGm--mm-m-m-m* (pardon me) make me completely incapable, does it? #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308628684 |
@Nozfera2 | 4:39 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | can ve *pleaze* juzt do thiz?? i’m ztarving! @vvolfmaan, kan u zee anythink tru zat window? #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/Nozfera2/status/29308655531 |
@kidNeutrino | 4:39 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | @MrShamble perhaps we should find some #zombie anti-anxiety meds to cool down this dilemma #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/kidNeutrino/status/29308694467 |
@Nozfera2 | 4:40 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | @jeroenjpeb vor a private operation, ziz zure iz gettink alot ov attention! #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/Nozfera2/status/29308705968 |
@vvolfmaan | 4:40 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | *grRRRrrrrrrrr-Yip!!* http://bit.ly/c627VN #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/vvolfmaan/status/29308753525 |
@Nozfera2 | 4:41 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | hmm. vell at leazt zey zeem 2 be in ze Halloveen zpirit. maybe ve can pretend 2 be trick or treaterrrrs? #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/Nozfera2/status/29308770542 |
@MrShamble | 4:41 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | All I can see is http://bit.ly/dAsUmP . I wonder what kind of human baby *NUUUHHHHHhgg-gg* (oh dear) would live in there? #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308788355 |
@vvolfmaan | 4:41 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | arhhhhOooooOOOOOOOoooOOooo *pant* ....*pantpantpant*....#OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/vvolfmaan/status/29308801915 |
@MrShamble | 4:41 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | Yes yes @vvolfmaan you can eat whatever’s in the cradle *B-b-b-rrrrAiiinn-s*(my apologies) as long as @Nozfera2 doesn’t mind. #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308821779 |
@Nozfera2 | 4:42 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | vine by me, zough it all zeems a liddle ztrange here tho...kan u zee that pozter http://bit.ly/cOnGBF @MrShamble? #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/Nozfera2/status/29308848480 |
@MrShamble | 4:42 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | They do seem rather big on Halloween decorations... *O-oOOoggggghhhhhhNNNN--N-N* (piffle!). #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308875635 |
@MrShamble | 4:42 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | Perhaps they hired a *n-n--gguuunGHHhhhh* (darn it) good (that is, rotten) zombie interior decorator? #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308886947 |
@vvolfmaan | 4:43 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | *arrroOOOOOoLLLLLll-ll* *ARRrrRROOOOWWWWLLLL*..*pant* ....*pantpantscratch*... #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/vvolfmaan/status/29308908907 |
@MrShamble | 4:43 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | Oh *do* be quiet @vvolfmaan. I’m sure they’re no danger to us. He’s just 1 silly human, after *garrGhhnn-n-NNn* (hrumph) all? #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308932210 |
@Nozfera2 | 4:43 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | ENOUGH!!!! @vvolfman, get inzide that door, now! u 2 @MrShamble! i’m goink in the vront now...#OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/Nozfera2/status/29308950104 |
@MrShamble | 4:44 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | Indded @kidNeutrino Do you happen to have any? #zombie #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308977537 |
@MrShamble | 4:44 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | That’s *so* rude of you @Nozfera2! How about *bRaaaIINNNNsnn-ns* (sorry) *you* two go in and I’ll watch from this keyhole... #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29308993741 |
@vvolfmaan | 4:44 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | *ggGrrrRRrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRR* *AAGRRRRRRRRRR* *GRRRRR------YIPE!!!!*........ *thump* #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/vvolfmaan/status/29309008790 |
@MrShamble | 4:45 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | Oh *crap* did you hear that @Nozfera2?! It’s @vvolfmaan’s...he’s....somethings....... #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29309040827 |
@MrShamble | 4:45 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | @Nozfera2?! @Nozfera2?? @NOZFERA2!?! Are you still #OutsideUrDoor ?! Where *are* you!!???? ...Oh NNNnoooooooO....http://bit.ly/9HTGsh | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29309069869 |
@MrShamble | 4:45 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | You..you...stay away..I’m vicious #OutsideUrDoor - I tell you!..A-a-and I move quick for a zombie! Stay...a-w-AYY...ARGGHHH-------- *gurgle* | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29309085051 |
@MrShamble | 4:46 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | http://bit.ly/bNwlPU #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MrShamble/status/29309134432 |
@MarkRHancock | 4:48 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | Twitter is under attack from monsters!!!! aaahhh check out #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/MarkRHancock/status/29309308956 |
@kidNeutrino | 4:49 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | @MrShamble would this be a side effect? http://bit.ly/cmV1mp #OutsideUrDoor | | https://twitter.com/kidNeutrino/status/29309337477 |
@Storeees | 6:03 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | perfect > mez @netwurker has some digital storytelling happening on twitter tonight follow #OutsideUrDoor swoot! | | https://twitter.com/Storeees/status/29314392453 |
@OctoberDreaming | 6:09 PM - 31 Oct 2010 | RT @labfly perfect > mez @netwurker has some digital storytelling happening on twitter tonight follow #OutsideUrDoor swoot! | | https://twitter.com/OctoberDreaming/status/29314818103 |
@Kiely__ | 6:37 PM - 2 Aug 2012 | @jodie_carberry_ il drop sum dwn to u #outsideurDoor | | https://twitter.com/Kiely__/status/231156922047426560 |
@Leonardo_UPRM | 2:00 PM - 14 Mar 2013 | Today in I E-Poetry: "#OutsideUrDoor" by @netwurker http://leonardoflores.net/post/45353433963/outsideurdoor-by-mez-breeze#_=_ … #elit #poetry #dh #performance #twitter @mediascot | http://t.co/c81CjtnU2g | https://twitter.com/Leonardo_UPRM/status/312262049042399232 |
@ILoveEPoetry | 7:25 PM - 25 May 2013 | I E-Poetry Archives: "#OutsideUrDoor" by Mez Breeze http://iloveepoetry.com/?p=39 #elit #poetry | http://t.co/tLr5ta65Qw | https://twitter.com/ILoveEPoetry/status/338435640368701440 |
@ILoveEPoetry | 3:42 AM - 7 Jun 2013 | I E-Poetry Archives: "#OutsideUrDoor" by Mez Breeze http://iloveepoetry.com/?p=39 #elit #poetry #dh | http://t.co/tLr5ta65Qw | https://twitter.com/ILoveEPoetry/status/342909508458262528 |
@ILoveEPoetry | 1:18 PM - 10 Apr 2014 | I E-Poetry Archives: "#OutsideUrDoor" by Mez Breeze http://iloveepoetry.com/?p=39 #elit #poetry #dh | http://t.co/BS6hcMsrMm | https://twitter.com/ILoveEPoetry/status/454307377651515392 |
@ILoveEPoetry | 6:44 AM - 27 Dec 2014 | I E-Poetry Archives: "#OutsideUrDoor" by Mez Breeze http://iloveepoetry.com/?p=39 #elit #poetry #dh | http://t.co/J4pOojBAAK | https://twitter.com/ILoveEPoetry/status/548806700052914178 |