Hyperrhiz 11 | Netprov | Spring 2015
Twitter Archive - #omla, by Mark C. Marino and Rob Wittig

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See also the @occupyMLA archive at markmarino.com/omla

UsernameTime and DateTweet TextURL LinksTwitter Permalink
@occupymla2:05 AM - 14 Nov 2011@savasavasava @ultramaricon (we seek to be freed from our parentheses) Join us! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/135976738877476864
@ProfessorIsIn12:31 AM - 15 Nov 2011@occupymla Go #omla! Solidaridad! https://twitter.com/ProfessorIsIn/status/136315375531982849
@occupymla12:32 AM - 15 Nov 2011RT @professorisin: @occupymla Go #omla! Solidaridad! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/136315690603921408
@occupymla3:15 PM - 16 Nov 2011Launching #omla hashtag for the movment. Join us! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/136900123144884224
@occupymla3:20 PM - 16 Nov 2011Deepest gratitude for @PorfessorIsIn & the hashtag suggestion. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/136901377338253313
@rgfeal8:31 PM - 16 Nov 2011The MLA speaks on student debt. People's-Mic that! https://twitter.com/mlanews/status/136943094426902528 … @occupymla #omlahttp://t.co/b8m9sDIqhttps://twitter.com/rgfeal/status/136979754288029696
@rgfeal8:35 PM - 16 Nov 2011Care about student debt? Join us! (and pls RT) https://twitter.com/mlanews/status/136943094426902528 … @occupymla #omlahttp://t.co/b8m9sDIqhttps://twitter.com/rgfeal/status/136980826817699840
@rbthisted9:33 PM - 16 Nov 2011MT @rgfeal: Care about student debt? Join us! http://bit.ly/sOE1YG  @occupymla #omlahttp://t.co/k879JHGQhttps://twitter.com/rbthisted/status/136995219605426176
@occupymla11:25 PM - 16 Nov 2011Gargantua has turned his head! Let the conversation begin: http://www.mla.org/fromthepres  Looking forward to our GAs in Seattle! #omlahttp://t.co/ngUHYwSLhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137023645951328256
@occupymla12:34 AM - 17 Nov 2011@rgfeal @MLAConvention Our community shares the sentiment that you are attempting to contain us. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137040786901581824
@occupymla12:38 AM - 17 Nov 2011@rgfeal Nonetheless, a small contingent believes you have other motives #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137041940817518592
@occupymla12:40 AM - 17 Nov 2011@rgfeal A third segment, smaller still, believes you are @occupymla #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137042354531090433
@occupymla12:43 AM - 17 Nov 2011@rgfeal A fourth cadre believes we should de-emphasize Twitter and focus our energies on @mlaconvention #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137043179764584448
@occupymla9:35 AM - 17 Nov 2011Panel for MLA was rejected? Special session denied? Join us! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137176937620705280
@occupymla10:20 AM - 17 Nov 2011Attempting to identify panels friendly to #omla. Tweet or DM us. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137188243736231937
@occupymla11:28 AM - 17 Nov 2011The Communications Core has set up a new mail box for #omla : omla@mailinator.com https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137205540727169026
@occupymla12:05 PM - 17 Nov 2011Corps & Orgs declare we ALL sleep in the bed the markets made, yet when we awake we surely find they have stolen all the covers #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137214691368906752
@occupymla1:15 PM - 17 Nov 2011We will soon be accepting proposals for the shadowMLA via Twitter. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137232316018851840
@occupymla2:13 PM - 17 Nov 2011@AdjunctNation Let us build a coalition! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137247078287024128
@occupymla2:15 PM - 17 Nov 2011@KeethInk It is our understanding that we are engaged in a two-step with @rgfeal #nounpleasantriesintended #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137247615900319744
@MLAnews2:22 PM - 17 Nov 2011tx @ColumbiaUP. The MLA sees debt, time to degree, changes in hiring, shifts in schol communic as interrelated. That is what #omla is abt. https://twitter.com/MLAnews/status/137249278371438593
@JenHoward2:26 PM - 17 Nov 2011Does the hashtag make the movement? @occupymla claims #omla. https://twitter.com/JenHoward/status/137250340453097472
@occupymla2:55 PM - 17 Nov 2011@KeethInk #altMLA #hackMLA #pMLA inspired our movement. Many from those tags have joined us. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137257496514531328
@occupymla3:00 PM - 17 Nov 2011Will you join us along the road to Seattle? #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137258836267503616
@rgfeal3:16 PM - 17 Nov 2011.@academicdave as well we all should be--righteously indignant-- hence the real spirit of #ows #omla #occupycampuses https://twitter.com/rgfeal/status/137262746164150273
@occupymla5:25 PM - 17 Nov 2011It appears @rgfeal does not wish us to use #omla. We are getting through! Join us! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137295247431569409
@readywriting10:21 PM - 17 Nov 2011Lost Generation(s): Thoughts on MLA’s Reforming Ph.D. Programs | Inside Higher Ed: http://bit.ly/rVQaLl  #OMLA #highered #phdchat #humanitieshttp://t.co/2h9i3dbBhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/137369870152114176
@nickmirzoeff10:28 PM - 17 Nov 2011"Can't Pay! Won't Pay! Don't Pay" Student Debt Refusal campaign launches Monday Zucotti Park 1.30pm http://www.thenation.com/article/164686/students-debt-cant-pay-wont-pay-dont-pay … #omla #owshttp://t.co/VjX2GKZYhttps://twitter.com/nickmirzoeff/status/137371695097970688
@readywriting10:21 PM - 17 Nov 2011Lost Generation(s): Thoughts on MLA’s Reforming Ph.D. Programs | Inside Higher Ed: http://bit.ly/rVQaLl  #OMLA #highered #phdchat #humanitieshttp://t.co/2h9i3dbBhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/137369870152114176
@The_book_girl1:27 AM - 18 Nov 2011RT @occupymla Corps & Orgs declare we ALL sleep in the bed the markets made yet when we awake we find they have stolen all the covers #omla https://twitter.com/The_book_girl/status/137416626659278848
@occupymla11:20 AM - 18 Nov 2011@NewFacMajority So glad to meet you! We are building a coalition with @AdjunctNation. Will you consider joining us? #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137565755284783105
@occupymla12:30 PM - 18 Nov 2011PFC: Tweet you Proposals For Counterpresentations at @MLAConvention in Seattle #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137583398637146112
@occupymla12:40 PM - 18 Nov 2011Re:PFC: If you wish to submit a proposal longer than 140 characters, please email omla@mailinator.com #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137585877714087936
@occupymla2:25 PM - 18 Nov 2011Building a human gramophone. Join us! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137612311551680512
@occupymla3:20 PM - 18 Nov 2011Issuing apology re: prev post: the GA leave posting via the jointly held @occupymla to the discretion of he/she who posts #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/137626144680849410
@readywriting3:26 PM - 18 Nov 2011Lost Generation(s): Thoughts on MLA’s Reforming Ph.D. Programs http://j.mp/shOo6R  #omla #highered #loveHE #cndpse #phdchathttp://t.co/TnjePuYVhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/137627645797072897
@readywriting10:48 PM - 18 Nov 2011Lost Generation(s): Thoughts on MLA’s Reforming Ph.D. Programs http://j.mp/shOo6R  Who benefits? #highered #omla #loveHE #cndpse #phdchathttp://t.co/TnjePuYVhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/137738878588157952
@occupymla8:20 AM - 20 Nov 2011The Powers That Be are attempting to redirect discussion by using their preferred #occupyhashtags #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/138245217034838016
@rgfeal12:41 PM - 20 Nov 2011.@readywriting @wpwend42 maybe the #ocampuses #omla #oacademia will unite everyone who believes system is broken. https://twitter.com/rgfeal/status/138310943707901953
@occupymla1:30 PM - 20 Nov 2011Apologies again, experiencing a bit of disagreement among the #omla GA about the usage of our joint Twitter account. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/138323238592847872
@PhDsAtWork4:17 PM - 20 Nov 2011Now on Facebook! Head on over and join me. "Like" CORP 101! http://ht.ly/7zDCk  #PhDChat #HigherEd #jobsearch #omlahttp://t.co/hEw4x2eBhttps://twitter.com/PhDsAtWork/status/138365364965879808
@occupymla5:15 PM - 20 Nov 2011Feeling adjunctified? Please tweet your stories. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/138379869041082369
@JohnACaseyJr5:52 PM - 20 Nov 2011#MLA is so far behind the times I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Talk is cheap. Time to act. #leadorbeleftbehind #omla https://twitter.com/JohnACaseyJr/status/138389352903491584
@nickmirzoeff7:17 PM - 20 Nov 2011Can't Pay! Won't Pay! Join us! Don't Pay! Occupy Student Debt campaign launch Monday 1.30pm Zuccotti Pk http://occupystudentdebtcampaign.com/  #OWS #omlahttp://t.co/7Z6Xyg6chttps://twitter.com/nickmirzoeff/status/138410583660834816
@occupymla11:25 PM - 20 Nov 2011@readywriting We stand at your side in solidarity. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/138473198655242241
@occupymla11:31 PM - 20 Nov 2011In every movement, a decisive moment, when arise leaders. @readywriting This is your hour. #omla. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/138474560893882368
@nickmirzoeff8:48 AM - 21 Nov 2011Live for pledges of Student Debt Refusal and support http://occupystudentdebtcampaign.com/ . Rally at Zucotti 1.30 pm #OWS #stdntdebtpledge #omlahttp://t.co/7Z6Xyg6chttps://twitter.com/nickmirzoeff/status/138614728464416769
@readywriting12:12 PM - 21 Nov 2011Take Back #HigherEd http://j.mp/vUSFVw  I'm mad as hell at those in higher ed who do nothing, stay silent #loveHE #cndpse #omla #owshttp://t.co/fT2tmNAUhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/138665999019933697
@occupymla12:47 PM - 21 Nov 2011In many ways, Seattle was the birth place of the current wave of public dissent #omla Join us! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/138674855527723008
@readywriting1:14 PM - 21 Nov 2011Take Back Higher Education | Inside Higher Ed: http://bit.ly/tDeJAX  Great discussion going on in the comments #highered #adjuncts #omlahttp://t.co/AWsHnco1https://twitter.com/readywriting/status/138681780101332992
@readywriting3:26 PM - 21 Nov 2011Take Back #HigherEd http://j.mp/vUSFVw  Scared, complicit silence is no longer an option #ucdavis #psu #adjuncts #omla #loveHE #cndpsehttp://t.co/fT2tmNAUhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/138714813617537024
@marigolds4:09 PM - 21 Nov 2011http://chronicle.com/article/Bootstrapping-My-Way-Into-the/129640/ … #omlahttp://t.co/y8twXM3Shttps://twitter.com/marigolds/status/138725852149055488
@occupymla4:12 PM - 21 Nov 2011Why is MLA the site of our protest? Why Wall Street? The insinuations of synecdoche #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/138726552589434880
@occupymla7:34 PM - 21 Nov 2011Looking for #mla12 panel recs. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/138777275750551552
@occupymla8:14 PM - 21 Nov 2011Also, amassing a list for carpool/vanpool to Seattle for those near enough #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/138787500578709504
@readywriting10:46 PM - 21 Nov 2011Open Letter to MLA director @rgfeal -talk is cheap on non-TT issue. Time for action http://johnacaseyjr.wordpress.com/2011/11/21/an-open-letter-to-mla-executive-director-rosemary-feal/ … #highered by @JohnACaseyJr #omlahttp://t.co/6Aqf8kPDhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/138825732603383809
@occupymla11:11 PM - 21 Nov 2011RT @johnacaseyjr: An Open Letter to MLA Executive Director Rosemary Feal http://wp.me/p1MyOa-2q  #omlahttp://t.co/pbbpIrSZhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/138831916630687745
@PhDsAtWork1:45 AM - 22 Nov 2011You are too smart, too dedicated, and you have given up too much to not be properly rewarded. http://ht.ly/7Be77  #phdchat #highered #omlahttp://t.co/edYggi1rhttps://twitter.com/PhDsAtWork/status/138870764161085440
@readywriting10:44 AM - 22 Nov 2011Do unions effectively represent contingent faculty? http://chronicle.com/article/Unions-Confront-Fault-Lines/129836/ … #highered #adjuncts #omla #takebackhigheredhttp://t.co/jYvHTMtdhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/139006254453501953
@occupymla10:49 AM - 22 Nov 2011Suspect the digerati are eating the literati's breakfast (& then tweeting about it?). Join us! #omla #dh https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139007621465255939
@occupymla11:50 AM - 22 Nov 2011RT @readywriting: Do unions effectively represent contingent faculty? http://chronicle.com/article/Unions … #highered #adjuncts #omla...http://t.co/pphrz0glhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139022840824471553
@occupymla1:35 PM - 22 Nov 2011Funny how neither MLA (lit. or leg.) actually represents us! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139049302570962944
@occupymla2:05 PM - 22 Nov 2011If MLA does not stand for YOU, what do those letters stand for? #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139056823230668800
@occupymla4:32 PM - 22 Nov 2011MLA: Misleading Lecturers & Adjuncts #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139093977164034048
@readywriting4:56 PM - 22 Nov 2011More on the (apparent) contempt TT faculty show for those off the TT http://bit.ly/upafQB  #highered #adjuncts #OMLAhttp://t.co/g12Q2PCPhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/139099878994362369
@occupymla5:15 PM - 22 Nov 2011RT @readywriting: More on the (apparent) contempt TT faculty show for those off the TT http://bit.ly/upafQB  #highered #adjuncts #OMLAhttp://t.co/P9KNd25nhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139104712455749632
@occupymla6:10 PM - 22 Nov 2011RT @x_c_aronson: i love english but hate MLA #claireholtzproblems #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139118471274438656
@qui_oui6:47 PM - 22 Nov 2011RT @readywriting: More on the (apparent) contempt TT faculty show for those off the TT http://bit.ly/upafQB  #highered #adjuncts #OMLAhttp://t.co/CB16SlEkhttps://twitter.com/qui_oui/status/139127832491208704
@occupymla7:05 PM - 22 Nov 2011GA reminder, AS PER OUR AGREEMENT we are NOT to use the #omla account to retweet various complaints about MLA format. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139132312561516544
@occupymla1:05 AM - 23 Nov 2011We have had some disagreement regarding how to operate a people's twitter account. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139222905170042880
@occupymla1:10 AM - 23 Nov 2011In attempting to provide a pulpit for profs without panels, we do not wish to over police ourselves #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139224175377264640
@occupymla1:15 AM - 23 Nov 2011Nonetheless we have reached a consensus and hope to strive for greater regularity without suppressing the voices of our cause #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139225433181917185
@occupymla1:20 AM - 23 Nov 2011We, the 999 lines, stand in solidarity with you who have taken up the #omla banner. We look forward to the road to Seattle #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139226682577002496
@occupymla7:20 AM - 23 Nov 2011RT @johnacaseyjr: #mla seems to stand for making language absurd. An elegant way of passing the buck. #leadorbeleftbehind #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139317277903425536
@occupymla10:30 AM - 23 Nov 2011Announcing the Occupy MLA T-Shirt Design Contest. #omla #omlashirts #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139365145867591680
@occupymla11:30 AM - 23 Nov 2011@AdjunctHulk Use your verdant might to free yourself from the lowercase bonds of ancillary servitude! Join us! #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139380233907355649
@occupymla11:51 AM - 23 Nov 2011#omla #mla12 RT @moodyfred: Counting down to Occupy MLA Seattle. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139385468935614466
@occupymla12:07 PM - 23 Nov 2011@mattthomas What color then? Scarlet? Taupe? Something resonant, like this: http://www.snorgtees.com/t-shirts/wanted-dead-and-alive … #omlahttp://t.co/7oYRDqp4https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139389684437626880
@occupymla12:15 PM - 23 Nov 2011@mattthomas Safety orange! Yea, verily! Twill be complementary to @adjuncthulk once he joins our movement #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139391509140226048
@occupymla1:30 PM - 23 Nov 2011Love this title: Mokes with Jokes #omla #mla12 #294 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139410465171324930
@occupymla2:25 PM - 23 Nov 2011Seeking recommendations of #mla12 panels. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139424260144889856
@occupymla3:09 PM - 23 Nov 2011Thnx MT @bendprof: 68. What Works? Integrating Culture into First-Year English and Foreign Language Courses #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139435512187457536
@occupymla12:05 PM - 24 Nov 2011First #omla tshirt design entry. Keep sending & tweeting your designs. #omlashirts #mla12 http://ow.ly/i/lYTQ http://t.co/iDZxpzZphttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139751424144842754
@JohnACaseyJr1:08 PM - 24 Nov 2011Denizens in the Realm--A Response to Rosemary Feal http://wp.me/p1MyOa-2z  /via @wordpressdotcom #omla #leadorbeleftbehindhttp://t.co/AQYkASCjhttps://twitter.com/JohnACaseyJr/status/139767473091256320
@occupymla12:10 AM - 25 Nov 2011Please, post your comments on the #omlashirts entries as the submissions are shared #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/139933841384153089
@occupymla7:30 AM - 25 Nov 2011RT @johnacaseyjr: Denizens in the Realm--A Response to Rosemary Feal http://wp.me/p1MyOa-2z  /via @wordpressdotcom #omla #leadorbeleftbehindhttp://t.co/EQ8qj8tjhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/140044578366558209
@occupymla7:35 AM - 25 Nov 2011I'm a little worried that @JohnACaseyJr is putting himself in jeopardy by all these posts. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/140045848418594817
@occupymla11:05 AM - 25 Nov 2011#omla is a movement. @occupmla is a practicality to shield the most vulnerable of our number. Imperfect but necessary. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/140098709013794816
@occupymla12:45 PM - 25 Nov 2011Second entry in the #omlashirts contest: http://ow.ly/i/lZ2L  We are not sure of copyright issues in this case #omla #mla12http://t.co/hqVXLgI7https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/140123880021958657
@occupymla1:10 PM - 25 Nov 2011Unfortunately, the winner of the #omlashirts contest will be kept anonymous but you can take pride at #mla12 whenever you see them. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/140130140750495744
@occupymla11:20 AM - 27 Nov 2011Third entry in the #omlashirts contest http://ow.ly/i/mbJm  #omla #mla12 Vote for your favorite or post your ownhttp://t.co/VC356aGxhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/140827235941761024
@occupymla12:50 PM - 27 Nov 2011Even though penultimate MEANS that we'd made our FINAL tweet. But we didn't. And everyone makes mistakes on Twitter. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/140849879902732288
@occupymla3:05 PM - 27 Nov 2011Theme Song! #omla #mla12 RT @itswavey: Sleepless in Seattle, tired in Toronto.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR6z8297OG0&feature=player_embedded …http://t.co/q5126hOxhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/140883852926259201
@occupymla8:30 PM - 27 Nov 2011Remember setting tabs and carriage returns for MLA Format by hand? Join us! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/140965649764716544
@occupymla8:30 AM - 28 Nov 2011Enjoy explaining to family that their holiday is an historical palimpsest? Join us! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141146893576175616
@occupymla10:10 AM - 28 Nov 2011The fourth entry in the #omlashirts contest is in! #mla12 #omla http://ow.ly/i/meJC  This design is *olde scole*!http://t.co/Ebzfzfd2https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141172019394916352
@occupymla3:59 PM - 28 Nov 2011The time has arrived to coordinate travel plans to #mla12! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141259959374577664
@occupymla4:24 PM - 28 Nov 2011@readywriting Your dilemma speaks to the heart of #omla. However @briancroxall taught us you do not have to attend to participate #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141266300503732224
@occupymla6:49 PM - 28 Nov 2011We just want to make sure you are protected from retribution! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141302726452707329
@occupymla11:25 PM - 28 Nov 2011Sorry wrong account. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141372192591065088
@occupymla12:00 AM - 29 Nov 2011Continuing to build our list of #mla12 panels that #omla - friendly. The program is staggering. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141381041406484481
@occupymla12:15 AM - 29 Nov 2011Support #omla & the movement for improved conditions for alll Lit & Lang PhDs? Tell us when you will present! #mla12 No panel? Join us! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141384662034558978
@occupymla10:20 AM - 29 Nov 2011Even though we're the butt of this, we post the fifth submission in the #omlashirts contest #omla #mla12 http://ow.ly/i/mjsI http://t.co/8RviLaXHhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141536918763601922
@occupymla11:20 AM - 29 Nov 2011We, the 999 lines, wish to remind everyone that #omla stands for more than a mere tee shirt contest. #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141552012000112640
@occupymla11:30 AM - 29 Nov 2011However, we'd also like to mention that the #omlashirts contest is an important fundraiser we've been planning for a long time. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141554570949177345
@occupymla11:40 AM - 29 Nov 2011Nevertheless, this collective movement should not to be besmirched by peddling merchandise #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141557060084047872
@GeorgeOnline12:43 PM - 29 Nov 2011If you think of yrself as rebel alliance challenging an evil empire, then the public in-fighting via your Twitter feed needs to stop. #omla https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141572954097065984
@GeorgeOnline12:44 PM - 29 Nov 2011( Or, to put it bluntly http://ow.ly/7IKNQ  ) #omlahttp://t.co/HwZAXFp6https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141573147811004418
@GeorgeOnline1:11 PM - 29 Nov 2011@rgfeal @ncecire Here's where #omla is correct: conditions for contingent labor in higher ed are abominable. + https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141579940071084032
@GeorgeOnline1:12 PM - 29 Nov 2011@rgfeal @ncecire But making the MLA the target of your ire and your movement is not going to get you very far. + #omla #imho https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141580191670599681
@GeorgeOnline1:12 PM - 29 Nov 2011@rgfeal @ncecire And #omla needs to decide who they think their allies are. So far, they're busy alienating everyone. + https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141580397082460161
@GeorgeOnline1:15 PM - 29 Nov 2011@rgfeal @ncecire DH academics, alt-ac professionals, ppl who think FYC is a desirable class to teach, ppl who like MLA style... #omla + https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141581104305012736
@amandafrench1:15 PM - 29 Nov 2011RT @GeorgeOnline: Here's where #omla is correct: conditions for contingent labor in higher ed are abominable. + https://twitter.com/amandafrench/status/141581104669929473
@amandafrench1:15 PM - 29 Nov 2011RT @GeorgeOnline: But making the MLA the target of your ire and your movement is not going to get you very far. + #omla #imho https://twitter.com/amandafrench/status/141581170080096256
@GeorgeOnline1:17 PM - 29 Nov 2011"You know middle English. You shouldn't have to teach freshman comp." Seriously? That's your revolutionary slogan? #omla - https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141581462569889792
@mla20121:18 PM - 29 Nov 2011I'm so lonely. If only someone would, oh, I don't know, occupy me? Like with shirts and mindless retweets? #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/mla2012/status/141581917567983616
@loriemerson1:20 PM - 29 Nov 2011@GeorgeOnline even if #omla is supposed to be wry, funny, parodic it's not really hitting the mark... https://twitter.com/loriemerson/status/141582293994192896
@mla20121:21 PM - 29 Nov 2011I just want to be loved! #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/mla2012/status/141582520876666881
@GeorgeOnline1:35 PM - 29 Nov 2011@jjory7 @afamiglietti Hashtag: #omla. Twitter feed: @occupymla. News article: http://ow.ly/7IPLQ  Critique: http://ow.ly/7IPU4 http://t.co/Ce9QgEhqhttps://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141586081647828992
@occupymla3:05 PM - 29 Nov 2011Great moments in MLA protests: #MLA79 Alice Walker stands up to claim the power of Zora Neale Hurston's voice and her own #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141608629013975041
@alothian3:32 PM - 29 Nov 2011RT @amandafrench: RT @GeorgeOnline: Here's where #omla is correct: conditions for contingent labor in higher ed are abominable. + https://twitter.com/alothian/status/141615440710471681
@alothian3:32 PM - 29 Nov 2011RT @amandafrench: RT @GeorgeOnline: But making MLA the target of your ire and your movement is not going to get you very far. + #omla #imho https://twitter.com/alothian/status/141615476970225664
@occupymla4:30 PM - 29 Nov 2011RT @amandafrench: RT @GeorgeOnline: Here's where #omla is correct: conditions for contingent labor in higher ed are abominable. + #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141630017972080641
@GeorgeOnline5:09 PM - 29 Nov 2011.@occupymla Your MT makes no sense. Relationship of the MLA to faculty (TT/ NTT) is not equivalent to that of Wall Street to the 99%. #omla https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141640054832500738
@occupymla5:15 PM - 29 Nov 2011@georgeonline Like WS, MLA is the site for our occupation. Metonymic/synecdochic for a disfunctional, inequitable system. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141641437841338368
@ryancordell5:17 PM - 29 Nov 2011Just tuning into @georgeonline’s wonderful discussion of what #omla gets right & where it misses the mark for its ire https://twitter.com/ryancordell/status/141641874770378752
@GeorgeOnline5:37 PM - 29 Nov 2011Sincere advice for @occupymla: Spend $10 to buy domain name occupymla.org, then start a blog & make statements > 140 characters #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141647049983672321
@occupymla5:50 PM - 29 Nov 2011@georgeonline Well, we have to wait till #MLA12 before we can #omla. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141650210840526848
@occupymla5:52 PM - 29 Nov 2011@georgeonline Can we count on you to help us (better) articulate the calls for reform? #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141650735187238913
@occupymla5:58 PM - 29 Nov 2011@georgeonline We view these short messages as only the beginning of a much larger conversation+ #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141652320013385728
@occupymla6:00 PM - 29 Nov 2011@georgeonline However, our internal group is a diverse contingent, and consensus is a process. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141652758234279939
@occupymla8:25 PM - 29 Nov 2011#omla RT @bendprof: Best Happy Hours, downtown Seattle: http://bit.ly/ulynSt  #mla12http://t.co/cEEZT3Yphttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141689167980675072
@occupymla11:28 PM - 29 Nov 2011@triproftri Sorry didnt mean to rebuff you. what did you want to say? #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141735358009323520
@GeorgeOnline7:52 AM - 30 Nov 2011The MLA has always been out ahead in publicizing data abt the academic job market. I hope students pay attention. #omla http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2011/11/30/mla-projects-modest-gains-job-openings …http://t.co/Na4GXDSKhttps://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141862220429660161
@GeorgeOnline7:56 AM - 30 Nov 2011Students (apparently) need to do a better job of assessing the employment opportunities available in higher ed. #omla https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141863229700849665
@nowviskie8:24 AM - 30 Nov 2011@GeorgeOnline In fact (as I argue: http://is.gd/CqWbSh ) the skillsets we should foster are one & the same. That's why #omla statements...http://t.co/o1FRpHp6https://twitter.com/nowviskie/status/141870330774949888
@nowviskie8:25 AM - 30 Nov 2011@GeorgeOnline encouraging me to stick my #alt-ac advice in my variorum have been so disappointing & self-defeating. Know yr enemies, #omla. https://twitter.com/nowviskie/status/141870481526632449
@occupymla8:35 AM - 30 Nov 2011Is this an entry in #omlashirts? RT @georgeonline: ( Or, to put it bluntly http://ow.ly/7IKNQ  ) #omla #mla12http://t.co/Sm8zpHxLhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141872872028246017
@GeorgeOnline8:36 AM - 30 Nov 2011MT @nowviskie: encouraging me to stick my #alt-ac advice in my variorum has been so disappointing & self-defeating. Know yr enemies, #omla. https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141873224333004800
@GeorgeOnline8:38 AM - 30 Nov 2011Hypothesis: If the desired utopian future of more TT jobs in English arrives, most of those jobs will be teaching writing. Yes? No? #omla https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141873614856261632
@GeorgeOnline8:40 AM - 30 Nov 2011Hypothesis: If schls are somehow forced to rely less on NTT faculty, likely result is larger class size for existing faculty. Yes? No? #omla https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141874245503422465
@nowviskie8:43 AM - 30 Nov 2011@GeorgeOnline Even before #omla became an obvious train wreck, they had alienated me w/their tag line. But hey, I'm just a... [+] https://twitter.com/nowviskie/status/141875035072757760
@nowviskie8:44 AM - 30 Nov 2011@GeorgeOnline trained textual critic turned #alt-ac higher ed admin campaigning tirelessly & creating programs for #omla's target audience. https://twitter.com/nowviskie/status/141875182611599360
@nowviskie8:45 AM - 30 Nov 2011@GeorgeOnline What do *I* know? (How to create a variorum edition *and* effect change. But, hey.) #omla https://twitter.com/nowviskie/status/141875610640318465
@nowviskie8:48 AM - 30 Nov 2011@occupymla Sorry, #omla. But you have an interesting opportunity to do some real good. You need to get it together. https://twitter.com/nowviskie/status/141876283129860097
@Scrivenings9:10 AM - 30 Nov 2011@GeorgeOnline I have no beef w/ MLA, really. & agree w/ most of what you've said abt #omla. https://twitter.com/Scrivenings/status/141881761020911616
@veek10:52 AM - 30 Nov 2011Catching up on #omla, and... I mean, what? Seriously? @GeorgeOnline and @nowviskie are right; alienating #alt-ac allies is... not smart. https://twitter.com/veek/status/141907460968550400
@occupymla10:55 AM - 30 Nov 2011Have the floor plans for the #mla12 convention center been posted yet? #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141908118337634307
@occupymla11:10 AM - 30 Nov 2011@georgeonline @ncecire & indeed @AdjunctHulk have given #omla pause for reflection. #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141911901297844224
@occupymla11:15 AM - 30 Nov 2011Or should we say have given @occupymla pause, since we no longer own+ #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141913146771251202
@occupymla11:15 AM - 30 Nov 2011...or perhaps it was the events of last night in Los Angeles, which we watched with the world #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141913189473452032
@occupymla11:20 AM - 30 Nov 2011We have been asked to articulate the demands of the excluded, of reformers. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141914420031922176
@occupymla11:35 AM - 30 Nov 2011Therefore, consider these a preliminary set+ #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141918171908145152
@occupymla11:40 AM - 30 Nov 2011Yes, theyre starters. Tapas! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141919430937554944
@occupymla12:00 PM - 30 Nov 2011First among our priorities is the fair treatment and inclusion of the adjuncts, NTT, & lecturers in the bodies of power #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141924504459939841
@GeorgeOnline12:04 PM - 30 Nov 2011@prepuniversity That sounds great. Of course, the future of the print book business is unclear, unfortunately. #omla + https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141925624422998016
@occupymla12:05 PM - 30 Nov 2011Next, the need for bodies of organized negotiation for these excluded groups, what MLA is not #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141925734309576705
@GeorgeOnline12:05 PM - 30 Nov 2011@prepuniversity But demonstrated experience with that kind of production workflow has to be valuable, even if the future is digital. #omla - https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/141925819483308032
@occupymla12:45 PM - 30 Nov 2011Consequently, we see a necessity for an end to the system that preys on part-time labor of postdocs and adjuncts #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141935820532744193
@occupymla1:05 PM - 30 Nov 2011To be sure, we are not against FYC: We teach FYC. We are against a system that too often treats FYC like alms for adjuncts. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141940837016805376
@occupymla1:15 PM - 30 Nov 2011And we love our students too! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141943360733708288
@occupymla1:20 PM - 30 Nov 2011MLA is not our enemy. MLA is the site where the status quo is restated: the myth of PhD->TT->Tenure, a delusion for 999 lines #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141944604701364224
@occupymla1:40 PM - 30 Nov 2011But this year, MLA'll be the place where we can all have this conversation. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141949631524376576
@occupymla4:34 PM - 30 Nov 2011Required Reading: The State of the TT Job Market by Scott Jaschik @rgfeal: "Just Not Enough" http://ow.ly/7KoaG  #omla #mla12http://t.co/eHVkXBL9https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/141993529667895296
@occupymla5:30 PM - 30 Nov 2011But it's also about what's happening to our syllabi. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142007551171629057
@DonnaBickford10:33 PM - 30 Nov 2011#occupymla #omla agree re need 4 more TT jobs but stop dissing #alt-ac jobs some of us r happy & do crucial & impt work. https://twitter.com/DonnaBickford/status/142083844651220992
@occupymla11:34 PM - 30 Nov 2011@patrick_mj Can you help? We cannot parse "most of you did (or at least a non-ac job)" #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142099174912032768
@occupymla11:36 PM - 30 Nov 2011@araqueltrubek Is there something the matter with wanting to teach literature courses? #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142099732523778048
@occupymla11:42 PM - 30 Nov 2011@donnabickford We do not feel we are "dissing #alt-ac jobs" by saying we would prefer not to have them #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142101126131613696
@occupymla11:43 PM - 30 Nov 2011@amwhisnant Again, to be clear, we support your decision and are glad for your success. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142101596090798081
@occupymla11:46 PM - 30 Nov 2011@araqueltrubek We appeal to those PhDs & students who are studying with the dream of attaining a TT position. Join us! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142102356182573057
@occupymla11:53 PM - 30 Nov 2011@patrick_mj Yes, of course, jobs are good. There are many good jobs in the world. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142103955604910081
@occupymla11:53 PM - 30 Nov 2011RT @samplereality: You wouldn't believe how hard it is to send fake direct messages anymore. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142104082545524736
@occupymla11:56 PM - 30 Nov 2011@araqueltrubek MLA is to be the site of our protest. Its connection synecdoche. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142104757358702592
@occupymla12:05 AM - 1 Dec 2011@betajames Thanked, whole heartedly. #youarethesolution #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142107059545047040
@occupymla12:07 AM - 1 Dec 2011I just want to say that I'm so excited to see so many of you chatting with us at #omla tonite! This is awesome! #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142107584445419521
@JohnACaseyJr12:10 AM - 1 Dec 2011Unsolicited advice to OccupyMLA. Pause. Take a deep breath. Some of your tweets are cringe inducing. Just saying.... #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/JohnACaseyJr/status/142108278866984961
@occupymla12:14 AM - 1 Dec 2011We need to pause our tweets for a brief meeting. #omla #returnshortly. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142109357360951296
@DonnaBickford7:05 AM - 1 Dec 2011"@occupymla: @donnabickford We do not feel we are "dissing #alt-ac jobs" by saying we would prefer not to have them #mla12 #omla" WTF? https://twitter.com/DonnaBickford/status/142212756211367936
@occupymla7:30 AM - 1 Dec 2011We didnt all agree with how the @occupymla account was being used last night. Esp. regarding @miriamkp who we think is great #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142218905979592704
@occupymla7:40 AM - 1 Dec 2011So we had a long meeting and decided to change our line of attack, so to speak. #MLA12 Like I think we said: Consensus is a process #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142221418870996992
@occupymla7:45 AM - 1 Dec 2011So we realized that our position on #altac (for ourselves) was being misinterpreted #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142222685378838528
@occupymla7:50 AM - 1 Dec 2011We agreed we want to reach out to the #altac to join with us because, well, you are us #MLA12 #omla #sameboat https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142223933133955072
@amwhisnant7:54 AM - 1 Dec 2011That's the spirit! RT @occupymla: We agreed we want to reach out to the #alt-ac to join with us because...you are us #MLA12 #omla #sameboat” https://twitter.com/amwhisnant/status/142225058990002176
@occupymla8:00 AM - 1 Dec 2011So we apologize if we alienated #altac--or anyone else as some off you were saying #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142226500513566721
@nowviskie8:49 AM - 1 Dec 2011RT @whitneytrettien: "Enduring long nights in the stacks"? Please. // Ref: http://is.gd/hfjfIj  #omlahttp://t.co/iH4HViCEhttps://twitter.com/nowviskie/status/142238926235639808
@HeardFC9:09 AM - 1 Dec 2011Is anything more suspicious than anonymously claiming to speak for "the people"? #omla #transparency #ethos #trollishness https://twitter.com/HeardFC/status/142243915909701632
@RickGodden9:19 AM - 1 Dec 2011is reading some of the #omla tweets, and it reminds me how difficult it is to talk about anything other than TT jobs as success. (1/2) https://twitter.com/RickGodden/status/142246527379845120
@occupymla9:35 AM - 1 Dec 2011However, now that we have commenced the discussion: We would like to formally reach out to the #alt-ac community #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142250356334796802
@occupymla9:40 AM - 1 Dec 2011As @patrick_mj has made clear, & our own internal exchanges have confirmed, a number of our number have held #alt-ac positions #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142251621060050944
@occupymla9:45 AM - 1 Dec 2011In any event, we take this opportunity to reach out to ALL those who want reform. May #omla be a tag for productive discourse. #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142252883218411520
@anetv9:55 AM - 1 Dec 2011.@occupymla reconsiders some statements disparaging alt-ac, thankfully. but not about teaching FYC? #omla https://twitter.com/anetv/status/142255507078512640
@moncia9:55 AM - 1 Dec 2011Confused by the "we" denoted by @occupymla. Can't individuals tweet with a hashtag? Consensus emerges after many speak, no? #omla #altac https://twitter.com/moncia/status/142255629996802049
@anetv9:56 AM - 1 Dec 2011.@occupymla reorganization/retraction points to the problem of using royal We to represent multiple voices w/o consent in rapid media. #omla https://twitter.com/anetv/status/142255865465024512
@aabeaton10:00 AM - 1 Dec 2011Really crossing my fingers in hopes that someone starts a @FakeOccupyMLA account. It would be so good. #altac #omla https://twitter.com/aabeaton/status/142256813608411137
@occupymla10:20 AM - 1 Dec 2011YEs, but we also wanted to say we found the post by @brendbetham to be very convincing. #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142261704607272961
@fiveoclockbot10:23 AM - 1 Dec 2011Interesting to see the backlash to @occupymla #mla2012 #omla https://twitter.com/fiveoclockbot/status/142262676146503680
@fiveoclockbot10:24 AM - 1 Dec 2011It's obviously the Twitter academic squabble du jour #mla2012 #omla https://twitter.com/fiveoclockbot/status/142262845017567232
@occupymla10:30 AM - 1 Dec 2011and thanks @JohnACaseyJr It got a little heated. #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142264248012247040
@trentmkays10:45 AM - 1 Dec 2011I think @occupymla is a joke. It's a lovely, pretentious, academic masturbation joke. Huzzah! #omla https://twitter.com/trentmkays/status/142268097057914880
@occupymla10:50 AM - 1 Dec 2011Hey, great. Does anyone know if the #altac people support the #omlashirts conteest? #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142269233391353857
@arifried10:57 AM - 1 Dec 2011@occupymla @miriamkp @wynkenhimself Don't agree with much of #omla nonsense, but think skirmish is instructive re: seeming ac/altac divide https://twitter.com/arifried/status/142271192903057409
@amwhisnant11:16 AM - 1 Dec 2011Via @trentmkays and @qui_oui: OccupyMLA vs. Alt-Ac: A Storify. http://bit.ly/trfdKc  #alt-ac #tenure #omlahttp://t.co/O2aX6rbYhttps://twitter.com/amwhisnant/status/142275787897323520
@occupymla3:15 PM - 1 Dec 2011Student debt is a significant symptom of the crisis. #omla #mla12 Join us! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142335954479349760
@LibSkrat4:49 PM - 1 Dec 2011@nowviskie Thank you. Personally, I was at the "#omla can just sod right the eff off; they are another part of the problem" stage. https://twitter.com/LibSkrat/status/142359598542749696
@occupymla4:54 PM - 1 Dec 2011RT @nowviskie: .@occupymla Okay, I ranted. I'm done. Best wishes, most sincerely. http://is.gd/QLGLeA  #omla #alt-ac #mla12http://t.co/PtG6Xyt5https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142360844494315520
@occupymla4:55 PM - 1 Dec 2011@nowviskie we really appreciated all you had to say. Weve been talking a lot on this end and think you are right on #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142361284002848768
@adr4:56 PM - 1 Dec 2011@RepoRat As much as #OMLA's rhetoric is off, I sympathize with the tenure bit. It would have stopped a lot of problems at MPOW. https://twitter.com/adr/status/142361357117956096
@occupymla4:58 PM - 1 Dec 2011@nowviskie we are sorry you think were so ick. Were reading up on your work. Its great #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142361941963317249
@occupymla5:11 PM - 1 Dec 2011@nowviskie reading over your work, we think youre an advocate. Join us? #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142365328293380096
@nowviskie5:12 PM - 1 Dec 2011@occupymla I think you *have been* icky. Where will you go from here? Don't waste this chance to be righteous, do good. #omla #mla12 #alt-ac https://twitter.com/nowviskie/status/142365503837585409
@LibSkrat5:14 PM - 1 Dec 2011@adr #omla can respect me and what I do or #omla can sod off because they are exactly the same as the ppl they're protesting. https://twitter.com/LibSkrat/status/142366059763220480
@LibSkrat5:15 PM - 1 Dec 2011#omla RT @AdjunctHulk: PROBLEM WITH ACADEMIA IS TOO MANY PEOPLE DISGUISE LOOKING OUT FOR THEMSELVES AS SPEAKING OUT FOR OTHERS!!! https://twitter.com/LibSkrat/status/142366252713783296
@occupymla5:15 PM - 1 Dec 2011@nowviskie we dont always agree as a group, but we feel like are teachable & are learning a lot about #altac #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142366269788794880
@angevin25:22 PM - 1 Dec 2011i mean, i get it. if i wanted a job i shouldn't have done a ph.d. in english #omla https://twitter.com/angevin2/status/142368029785866240
@angevin25:23 PM - 1 Dec 2011i am just an entitled little bitch who thinks she's too good for a lifetime of part-time jobs #omla https://twitter.com/angevin2/status/142368200229797888
@LibSkrat5:23 PM - 1 Dec 2011@adr and that is NOT a platform I can have any respect for. #omla https://twitter.com/LibSkrat/status/142368223030018048
@jvinopal5:36 PM - 1 Dec 2011Hooray! RT @nowviskie: .@occupyMLA Okay, I ranted. I'm done. Best wishes, most sincerely. http://is.gd/QLGLeA  #omla #alt-ac #mla12http://t.co/RAg6Xtm7https://twitter.com/jvinopal/status/142371547905130497
@ryancordell6:01 PM - 1 Dec 2011RT @nowviskie: .@occupyMLA Okay, I ranted. I'm done. Best wishes, most sincerely. http://is.gd/QLGLeA  #omla #alt-ac #mla12http://t.co/LKpgAPezhttps://twitter.com/ryancordell/status/142377806150647808
@occupymla6:30 PM - 1 Dec 2011RT @rgfeal: Geffert: what to do? 4 options. The usual: accept status quo; work around edges; resist it; invent smtg new. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142385019300741122
@occupymla7:15 PM - 1 Dec 2011We certainly received a drubbing last night. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142396345452478465
@occupymla7:40 PM - 1 Dec 2011Rephrasing: To be sure, it is our deepest hope that EACH of us has an interview at #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142402614041116672
@cpwillett7:40 PM - 1 Dec 2011Reading the #omla thread is a sad and dispiriting exercise. https://twitter.com/cpwillett/status/142402777929363456
@aabeaton7:43 PM - 1 Dec 2011Well, I can't ever imagine why. RT @occupymla We certainly received a drubbing last night. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/aabeaton/status/142403357099819009
@mjgiarlo8:26 PM - 1 Dec 2011Why all the hubbub about the Maine Lobstermen's Association? Get a job and leave those crustaceans alone, y'all. #omla #butter https://twitter.com/mjgiarlo/status/142414323506089984
@sshreeves8:36 PM - 1 Dec 2011Just catching up on the #omla debacle. Wow. https://twitter.com/sshreeves/status/142416910133362688
@pmhswe8:56 PM - 1 Dec 2011@sshreeves I'd totally missed the #omla stream today. Glad you mentioned it. Also, double WOW. https://twitter.com/pmhswe/status/142421933210865664
@pmhswe9:12 PM - 1 Dec 2011Never once thought working as an #alt-ac that I was *settling*. #Alt-ac is about pioneering, being a change agent, turning the tide. #omla https://twitter.com/pmhswe/status/142425895053967360
@JenHoward9:35 PM - 1 Dec 2011So, alt-ac folk, remind me: Did somebody Storify the recent #omla/#alt-ac threads? @booksurvival wants to know. https://twitter.com/JenHoward/status/142431680970493953
@occupymla9:40 PM - 1 Dec 2011Who will stand among us at #mla12 & where shall we stand at the convention center? #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142432818109222912
@mjgiarlo9:53 PM - 1 Dec 2011Laboring & suffering thru career of unrecognized achievements and stifling stigmata... we're talking about academic IT pros, right? #omla https://twitter.com/mjgiarlo/status/142436111833239553
@mjgiarlo9:56 PM - 1 Dec 2011Academic IT pros have been busy occupying basements outside the spotlight supporting services that enable the work of faculty & admin. #omla https://twitter.com/mjgiarlo/status/142436835518459906
@mjgiarlo9:57 PM - 1 Dec 2011Not that I am complaining; I took my academic IT jobs knowing what they entail, and I love my work. But yeah, get in line w/ us, y'all #omla https://twitter.com/mjgiarlo/status/142437276847308803
@mjgiarlo10:00 PM - 1 Dec 2011Of course I'm only saying this because I want some hugs. #omla (@ADR WILL RETWEET THIS.) https://twitter.com/mjgiarlo/status/142438063518400513
@adr10:01 PM - 1 Dec 2011@mjgiarlo although I would like hugs also tnx #omla. I also have an English degree, so maybe I deserve extra hugs. https://twitter.com/adr/status/142438305273888768
@BendProf11:04 PM - 1 Dec 2011The line at Star$ is a popular place to stand? RT @occupymla Who will stand among us at #mla12 & where shall we stand... #omla https://twitter.com/BendProf/status/142453938480885760
@brendabethman5:11 AM - 2 Dec 2011A great rant! “@nowviskie: .@occupyMLA Okay, I ranted. I'm done. Best wishes, most sincerely. http://is.gd/QLGLeA  #omla #alt-ac #mla12”http://t.co/zzhc2Zydhttps://twitter.com/brendabethman/status/142546522947592192
@occupymla7:15 AM - 2 Dec 2011Adjunctification = edusploitation! Join us! @AdjunctNation #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142577522998124544
@occupymla8:30 AM - 2 Dec 2011Now that we have been properly disciplined, it is time to return to the business at hand. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142596394421723136
@occupymla8:35 AM - 2 Dec 2011Raise your complaints, your critiques, your voices #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142597649114206208
@occupymla8:40 AM - 2 Dec 2011What are the changes you envision? We have arrived at the hour for new theses. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142598906293911552
@occupymla9:00 AM - 2 Dec 2011The time has come to address the issue of student debt, including, but not limited to, grad. student debt #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142603961743065089
@occupymla9:10 AM - 2 Dec 2011Too many graduates, PhDs, find only tenuous positions with low pay, horrific hours: exploitation. #alt-ac & ac #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142606468544331777
@occupymla9:15 AM - 2 Dec 2011"Distance learning" offers possibility but w/o proper care will be another means of increasing workload w/o incr. pay #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142607742576766976
@occupymla9:25 AM - 2 Dec 2011The premise that faculty salaries have caused the education bubble is a misdirection! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142610232680513536
@coblezc9:40 AM - 2 Dec 2011this is not new, shd've known this going in MT @occupymla:Too many find only low pay, horrific hours:exploitation. #alt-ac & ac #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/coblezc/status/142614033445564416
@occupymla10:10 AM - 2 Dec 2011Your work on your disertation was valuable, no matter if you can't market yourself #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142621557007728640
@occupymla10:20 AM - 2 Dec 2011Grad schools need to rethink how theyve been preparing students for the job markets #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142624075632738304
@occupymla10:25 AM - 2 Dec 2011We wanted also to apologize for not replying to everyone over twitter. Weve got a lot of grading to do. #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142625333525495808
@occupymla10:35 AM - 2 Dec 2011Thee's been a lot of hate on us lately. But we're already the most vulnerable at your institutions. #MLA12 #omla #altac https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142627868072087552
@briancroxall10:36 AM - 2 Dec 2011@occupymla But you're not vulnerable when hiding behind an anonymous collective on Twitter. You're vulnerable IRL. #MLA12 #omla #altac https://twitter.com/briancroxall/status/142628224499855360
@_JimAustin10:42 AM - 2 Dec 2011RT @occupymla: Grad schools need to rethink how theyve been preparing students for the job markets #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/_JimAustin/status/142629743173443584
@occupymla11:27 AM - 2 Dec 2011@briancroxall As adjuncts & part-timers we are vulnerable. On Twitter, we have chosen shelter. You are both brave & vulnerable. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142641101646475265
@occupymla11:30 AM - 2 Dec 2011I just want to say, we're not trying to be THE voice of the reform movement. We just want you to speak up! #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142641711678623747
@occupymla11:45 AM - 2 Dec 2011Lead? Follow? Whatever. But if you were in our discussion sections, we'd ask you to at least talk about these problems. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142645499172892673
@occupymla12:25 PM - 2 Dec 2011No one will ever have to #OccupyHASTAC. Those HASTAC folks are already doing social change! #omla #mla12 #hastac2011 Awesome! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142655534225555457
@bibezhik12:41 PM - 2 Dec 2011Has anyone read Mieville's TheCity&theCity? #altacadvice Alt-ac careers are like "breaching" and never being able to "unsee" again. #omla https://twitter.com/bibezhik/status/142659759508688896
@HeardFC12:57 PM - 2 Dec 2011worth reading: RT @nowviskie: @occupyMLA Okay, I ranted. I'm done. Best wishes, most sincerely. http://is.gd/QLGLeA  #omla #alt-ac #mla12http://t.co/5Zh65XD8https://twitter.com/HeardFC/status/142663750787403776
@occupymla1:45 PM - 2 Dec 2011We should not muddy the waters by introducing other conferences #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142675697649987584
@occupymla2:20 PM - 2 Dec 2011Focus on #mla12! @rgfeal has already indicated in as many words that she is open to constructive critique & dialogue. #omla Join us! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142684473757138944
@occupymla3:15 PM - 2 Dec 2011We just want to remind peolpe that we share this Twitter account to protect our group from repercussions of speaking out. #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142698338351988736
@occupymla3:30 PM - 2 Dec 2011We also reach out to @nowviskie and #altac and say how much we support what you are doing. Youve taught us alot! #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142702084612034563
@nowviskie3:39 PM - 2 Dec 2011@occupymla Thanks, guys. I'm hearing from all quarters how much people appreciate your marked change in tone. We're in it together! #omla https://twitter.com/nowviskie/status/142704514024218624
@occupymla3:45 PM - 2 Dec 2011We know some people feel were weak to write anonymously. But this is how we can feel safe to critique #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142705861670879232
@occupymla4:34 PM - 2 Dec 2011@nowviskie Well we're a mixed bag. Lots of strong personalities. Its actually what makes it such a neat group to be a part of. #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142718200310808576
@occupymla5:45 PM - 2 Dec 2011RT @mlaconvention: Need a place to stay for #MLA12? Best rooms reserved for attendees. Book yours at http://mla.org . #omlahttp://t.co/BeKKKH1Yhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142736063583096833
@lisahelps11:24 PM - 2 Dec 2011RT @occupymla: The time has come to address the issue of student debt, including, but not limited to, grad. student debt #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/lisahelps/status/142821591103975424
@occupymla11:28 PM - 2 Dec 2011@the_book_girl Tuition is a snare. To reiterate: it shall be used against us & to divide us. http://ow.ly/7NeKc  #omla #mla12http://t.co/JO2rWPf0https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142822552090329088
@occupymla11:35 PM - 2 Dec 2011@aabeaton We are trying to enforce a style guide. Not all of the cohort is complying. Freshly minted PhDs can be remiss #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142824136555761664
@occupymla11:56 PM - 2 Dec 2011@terilee007 In portions of the nation & in particular life situations, DL is a necessity. In most, it is a cow of PayPal. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142829472939393024
@occupymla12:05 AM - 3 Dec 2011Realizing as this term pads toward its terminus, one of us will have taught FYC as an adjunct for a decade. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142831689947811841
@occupymla12:15 AM - 3 Dec 2011Nonetheless, retiring this evening with optimism about #mla12 to sweetest dream, delivering a lecture on Chrétien or Malory #omla #nyght https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142834216051294209
@occupymla8:25 AM - 3 Dec 2011Schools should compensate adjuncts, lecturers, & community college part-timers commensurate with workload #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142957525023731712
@occupymla9:30 AM - 3 Dec 2011Just wanted to say: one of us just got an interview at #MLA12 !!! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142973918175703041
@occupymla9:35 AM - 3 Dec 2011Don't believe it, dont believe it, dont believe it! out of my head! #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142975139615748097
@occupymla10:05 AM - 3 Dec 2011Astounding. If one of us did indeed get an interview, that is nothing short of a marvel. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142982699215355907
@joydelivery10:06 AM - 3 Dec 2011RT @occupymla: Schools should compensate adjuncts, lecturers, & community college part-timers commensurate with workload #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/joydelivery/status/142983093337329664
@occupymla10:20 AM - 3 Dec 2011its true!! One of #omla just received an email and will be in the first round interviews in Seattle. #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142986470867734530
@occupymla10:35 AM - 3 Dec 2011Apparently we have been astounded right out of our grammar. Ha! LOL RT @occupmla: its true!! One of #omla just received an email and... https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142990239009472514
@occupymla10:45 AM - 3 Dec 2011Sorry, just got a little excited I guess. Didn't expect this at all. #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142992774432694272
@occupymla10:50 AM - 3 Dec 2011No, we did not expect this at all. Nevertheless, that is one of the goals of #omla, is it not? #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142994025476136960
@occupymla10:55 AM - 3 Dec 2011Wow! Just heard! Awesome! Terrific news! Details? Details? #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142995273147359233
@occupymla11:10 AM - 3 Dec 2011Its very exciting. So cool! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/142999056279543808
@occupymla11:15 AM - 3 Dec 2011Party in Seattle! Which one did you get?!? What did they tell you? #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143000312762998785
@occupymla11:20 AM - 3 Dec 2011As a rule, we should monitor all of our accounts all of the time. #omla mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143001558530002944
@occupymla11:25 AM - 3 Dec 2011We do monitor. How do you think I found out about the interview? #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143002820138901504
@laglowzenski11:28 AM - 3 Dec 2011@occupymla Okay kids, calm down, stop talking amongst yourselves, and tell us how, if at all, this will impact #omla. https://twitter.com/laglowzenski/status/143003606445068288
@occupymla11:30 AM - 3 Dec 2011We should monitor ALL of the #omla accounts all of the time. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143004112039051264
@occupymla11:45 AM - 3 Dec 2011Dont we have all the streams in Hootsuite? #omla #idontgetit https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143007886040240128
@occupymla11:50 AM - 3 Dec 2011First round is on me when we get to SEATTLE! Go #OMLA! #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143009115407532032
@occupymla11:55 AM - 3 Dec 2011Hey, I thought you make your own! #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143010372738220033
@booksurvival12:58 PM - 3 Dec 2011@JenHoward thanks for the links for the #omla https://twitter.com/booksurvival/status/143026393700245504
@occupymla5:20 PM - 3 Dec 2011We have been receiving some inquiries over DM about the future of our coalition given the recent fortunes of one of our members #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143092156750508032
@BigSamThompson5:34 PM - 3 Dec 2011I laughed when I checked @occupymla's stream because it made me think of a multiple-headed talking cat. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/BigSamThompson/status/143095830365220865
@occupymla5:35 PM - 3 Dec 2011We assure you #omla shall continue, mightier for this good fortune. #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143095935562547200
@occupymla5:45 PM - 3 Dec 2011Our coalition has never been contingent on our contingency. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143098463155007488
@occupymla5:50 PM - 3 Dec 2011We shall continue to advocate for those who have been neglected at the negotiation table. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143099706770325504
@occupymla5:55 PM - 3 Dec 2011Additionally, the future is uncertain. We may all ultimately receive the call for interviews, i.e., winning the loterij #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143100961873862658
@VCVaile8:20 PM - 3 Dec 2011@occupymla to speak out for #adjuncts, you must eventually step out into the sunshine & drop the veil of anonymity #mla12 #omla #whitherU https://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/143137542160662529
@mrc020112:31 AM - 4 Dec 2011hmmm RT @occupyMLA Adjuncts at unis, colleges, and community colleges deserve a greater voice in our institutions, including #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/mrc0201/status/143200684886605824
@occupymla7:20 AM - 4 Dec 2011The divide between TT and adjunct compensation has become a chasm. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143303546421518336
@occupymla7:30 AM - 4 Dec 2011It is unconscionable for an instructor, TT or adjunct, to be tasked with surveillance on his students. #mla12 #omla http://ow.ly/7NPvl http://t.co/fegRMTMmhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143306070260064257
@occupymla7:45 AM - 4 Dec 2011Those who deem #omla privileged complainers have never worked 3 adjunct jobs while attempting to provide for a family. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143309851211202563
@occupymla7:55 AM - 4 Dec 2011People who say were the "powerful elite" have never been a grad student in a Lit. Dept. #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143312351440027648
@occupymla8:20 AM - 4 Dec 2011Over 70% of teaching is done off the tenure track, we have reached a boiling point! (@rgfeal "Rosemary Feal") #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143318665264246785
@occupymla9:10 AM - 4 Dec 2011Adjunct facuty, NTT, lecturers, we know you are overworked! But the time has come to take action! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143331237086502913
@occupymla10:20 AM - 4 Dec 2011It would be wise to begin getting a head count of those who will be standing at our side #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143348845110231040
@occupymla10:40 AM - 4 Dec 2011Count me in. Now Ive got even more of a reason to be there! #MLA12 #omla #stillsohappy! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143353889515765760
@occupymla10:50 AM - 4 Dec 2011We have other ways of counting *our* team. We assumed that all of us would be in attendance. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143356399483756545
@occupymla10:55 AM - 4 Dec 2011We don't know that all of us can swing it, eh. Now, it's looking a little shaky for one of us. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143357654314651648
@occupymla11:00 AM - 4 Dec 2011We will plan for ourselves during our regularly scheduled meeting. Presently, we are inquiring more broadly #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143358971414183936
@occupymla11:05 AM - 4 Dec 2011Neither @readywriting nor @JohnACaseyJr will be in attendance, correct? #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143360172427980802
@readywriting11:26 AM - 4 Dec 2011@occupymla @johnacaseyjr I won't be. :-( #omla https://twitter.com/readywriting/status/143365530055745537
@occupymla11:50 AM - 4 Dec 2011Those who intend to travel to Seattle, RSVP over public Twitter or DM. How great is our number? Join us! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143371493001281536
@occupymla2:12 PM - 4 Dec 2011@readywriting Sorry to hear that. S eems to be the story for so many of us. #MLA #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143407345307877377
@occupymla2:17 PM - 4 Dec 2011@readywriting We'll miss you and your leadership. But you can lead on line by using the #omla tag! Plus your column in IHE! #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143408707039010816
@occupymla2:30 PM - 4 Dec 2011Current admins in #highered are drinking our milkshake #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143411762987941888
@BigSamThompson2:33 PM - 4 Dec 2011Just begging to be drawn literally: RT @occupymla Current admins in #highered are drinking our milkshake #omla https://twitter.com/BigSamThompson/status/143412510677155840
@BigSamThompson2:35 PM - 4 Dec 2011SOMEBODY PLEASE POUR SOME OF YOUR MILKSHAKE INTO A BOWL & PUT IT ON THE FLOOR FOR THE 3 HEADED KITTEH #omla https://twitter.com/BigSamThompson/status/143413019903401986
@occupymla2:45 PM - 4 Dec 2011Left one out! MT @mlaconvention: When tweeting about Seattle convention, use hashtag #mla12 and #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143415545230929922
@JohnACaseyJr3:08 PM - 4 Dec 2011@occupymla @readywriting Won't be able to attend. Travel and lodging costs too high. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/JohnACaseyJr/status/143421409362849792
@BigSamThompson3:39 PM - 4 Dec 2011The #kittyheads would like a milkshake: http://tinyurl.com/7gmwmdx  #omla #mla12 @occupymlahttp://t.co/CpYVrRhehttps://twitter.com/BigSamThompson/status/143429276627247104
@occupymla3:40 PM - 4 Dec 2011Sweet! That's how it's done! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143429382294347777
@BigSamThompson3:50 PM - 4 Dec 2011Now I want a milkshake. Or an academic career. Or a cat. #omla https://twitter.com/BigSamThompson/status/143432013276393472
@occupymla5:25 PM - 4 Dec 2011Due to our very contingency, when we are given the opportunity to participate in governance, our choices are often compromised #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143455800269078529
@occupymla7:45 PM - 4 Dec 2011Our desire for a TT position is not a slight against those who have chosen their paths otherwise. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143491043340455936
@occupymla7:30 AM - 5 Dec 2011The problems with #highered dont begin with adjuncts & other contingent faculty, but they're who typically pay in the end #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143668460537397248
@occupymla7:45 AM - 5 Dec 2011The adjunct crisis has reached its tipping point. #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143672247540916226
@occupymla7:50 AM - 5 Dec 2011In institutions that supposedly challenge social inequality, we shouldnt be creating more stratification #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143673484281774081
@VCVaile8:02 AM - 5 Dec 2011More abt #OMLA, jobs, unions, root causes, etc. We Taking Action 4 #ContingentFaculty & @ReadyWriting @InsideHigherEd http://bit.ly/rsoYJM http://t.co/HIYwO1mRhttps://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/143676495259373569
@occupymla8:05 AM - 5 Dec 2011Dont know whether to be excited or nervous about what's going to happen at #MLA12 #omla #interview https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143677263085445120
@occupymla8:15 AM - 5 Dec 2011Does anyone have any recommendations for interviewing at #MLA12? Any tips? #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143679797128732673
@VCVaile8:37 AM - 5 Dec 2011Read Open Letter to MLA ExecDirector #RGFeal @JohnACaseyJr http://bit.ly/tp54Tv  + comments & follow up http://bit.ly/uiZrLk  #omla #ntthttp://t.co/OhOMSssPhttps://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/143685440711565312
@PWPicnic8:37 AM - 5 Dec 2011Read Open Letter to MLA ExecDirector #RGFeal @JohnACaseyJr http://bit.ly/tp54Tv  + comments & follow up http://bit.ly/uiZrLk  #omla #ntthttp://t.co/3dVIVhi9https://twitter.com/PWPicnic/status/143685440782876673
@occupymla9:05 AM - 5 Dec 2011Our #highered institutions have been charged with combating social inequality, not fostering it! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143692370356080641
@occupymla9:30 AM - 5 Dec 2011The student debt crisis is no more the fault of #highered than the mortgage crisis was the fault of banks. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143698673774235649
@readywriting10:43 AM - 5 Dec 2011Taking Action for Contingent Faculty | Inside Higher Ed: http://bit.ly/uPPmwO  @MLAconvention @rgfeal @aaup @NCTE_CCCC #highered #omlahttp://t.co/TnM6zvnVhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/143717055227629568
@occupymla10:45 AM - 5 Dec 2011Just because academic jobs will go to <1% does not mean literary studies lead people out of the 99% #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143717563573088257
@occupymla10:55 AM - 5 Dec 2011Put it another way: I can barely make my rent with my multiple adjunct jobs. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143720045980303361
@occupymla11:05 AM - 5 Dec 2011Yeah, we're glad to have our jobs as adjuncts. Thanks for exploitation. Thanks (faculty & admin) for reminding us of our worth #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143722567046410241
@occupymla11:15 AM - 5 Dec 2011We adjuncts could really use a hug, especially at the end of a semester. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143725105762144256
@occupymla11:35 AM - 5 Dec 2011Had this idea: Hug an Adjunct Day. What do you think? #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143730118634909697
@occupymla11:45 AM - 5 Dec 2011We could make it Friday, International Hug an Adjunct Day! Not physical hugs, Twitter hugs! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143732659980472320
@occupymla11:55 AM - 5 Dec 2011Well, there could be real hugs, too, I mean, I know I could use a hug. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143735147693477888
@occupymla12:00 PM - 5 Dec 2011But be very careful if you hug in person, there are all kinds of rules and penalties related to that one. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143736453917192192
@occupymla12:30 PM - 5 Dec 2011JK about the Hug an Adjunct Day. I mean, it's a good idea, but it's not representative of a serious movement #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143743989567336449
@occupymla1:56 PM - 5 Dec 2011@shakespeareprof Awesome! Thnx! Should we do the Friday International Hug an Adjunct Day? Some -- no, all of us could use them! #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143765815311872000
@occupymla1:57 PM - 5 Dec 2011@shakespeareprof And right back!! #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143766081343979520
@occupymla2:31 PM - 5 Dec 2011So I guess tweet doesnt necessarily represent (whole group) endorsement in this case #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143774485064056832
@occupymla2:35 PM - 5 Dec 2011Not sure were behind this part: @readywriting Get rid of the conference job interview. #MLA12 #omla At least not this year https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143775407496368129
@occupymla3:34 PM - 5 Dec 2011@academicdave So this is where Im in disagreement w some of my fellows in #omla but also why im here. MLA is more than a 501c3.+ #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143790340883746817
@occupymla3:37 PM - 5 Dec 2011@academicdave a Skype interview keeps me as far out of that loop as I already am #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143791141790298112
@RogerWhitson6:43 PM - 5 Dec 2011@loriemerson Is this from #omla? I stopped following them. https://twitter.com/RogerWhitson/status/143837888885436417
@JohnACaseyJr7:28 PM - 5 Dec 2011Blame game continues. Excellent job #mla at passing the buck. #omla #leadorbeleftbehind https://twitter.com/JohnACaseyJr/status/143849294686978048
@occupymla8:15 PM - 5 Dec 2011Let's not allow the fortunes of one among us to sway the course of the #omla vessel. We have but one course, charted & underway #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143860992177221632
@occupymla9:50 PM - 5 Dec 2011It is illuminating how the insider cliques take every opportunity to laugh at and deride those outside #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143885066030952448
@occupymla10:01 PM - 5 Dec 2011We await an engagement with the ideas put forward by @readywriting & @JohnACaseyJr two of rising leaders #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143887713026842624
@occupymla10:12 PM - 5 Dec 2011@georgeonline Would you care to trade places? #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143890638918778882
@occupymla10:20 PM - 5 Dec 2011What does it signify when the execs of #mla12 downplay its significance to those who cannot afford to attend? #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143892562976055296
@occupymla10:25 PM - 5 Dec 2011Adjuncts, lecturers, NTT faculty, please, do not be disappointed that you are unable to participate in the annual conference. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143893759996866560
@occupymla10:27 PM - 5 Dec 2011Yes @readywriting & @JohnACaseyJr we know you shall lead from wherever you are! #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143894292920942592
@readywriting10:48 PM - 5 Dec 2011Taking Action for Contingent FAculty | Inside Higher Ed http://j.mp/uV1wyb  Start advocating for #alt-ac jobs #highered #omla #mla12http://t.co/ZIhh1MBQhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/143899475478454273
@occupymla12:30 AM - 6 Dec 2011Just wanted to apologize for that last outburst. Weve got some harder heads here. Sometimes things get a little heated. #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143925141871669249
@occupymla12:45 AM - 6 Dec 2011Where are the other voices of those who have been hurt by this system? The outsiders? Who will be this years @briancroxall? #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143928920566272000
@occupymla12:50 AM - 6 Dec 2011Cause laugh at us all you want? System needs fixing. And believe me, our little group is just getting started! #MLA12 #omla #igotyourback https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143930174130495488
@occupymla12:55 AM - 6 Dec 2011Certainly, we are in agreement. & Twitter can summon forth the worst in all of us. #mla12 #omla #thankyou #nyght https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143931440457981952
@occupymla1:00 AM - 6 Dec 2011We are the 999 lines! #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143932691497238528
@occupymla1:38 AM - 6 Dec 2011@michaelberube1 Oh, Okay. Thats great. #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/143942328485298177
@occupymla8:10 AM - 6 Dec 2011Also I'm still thinking about Friday as Hug an Adjunct Day (& STILL need hugs.) Thoughts? #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144040904154562562
@pannapacker8:25 AM - 6 Dec 2011Looking forward to blogging on Occupy MLA at MLA, and hoping someone involved will contact me directly. #omla https://twitter.com/pannapacker/status/144044798775537664
@occupymla8:30 AM - 6 Dec 2011We are training graduate students for TT positions that will not exist! #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144045985339949056
@mellio28:58 AM - 6 Dec 2011RT @occupymla We are training graduate students for TT positions that will not exist! #omla #MLA12 . This is most powerful msg of #omla. https://twitter.com/mellio2/status/144053085235462144
@nowviskie9:18 AM - 6 Dec 2011RT @mellio2: RT @occupymla We are training graduate students for TT positions that will not exist! // This is most powerful msg of #omla. https://twitter.com/nowviskie/status/144058200268873728
@brianbhalley9:29 AM - 6 Dec 2011Making appointments for #mla - while avoiding #omla controversy. Hope that's reasonable... https://twitter.com/brianbhalley/status/144060981901918209
@occupymla9:44 AM - 6 Dec 2011@academicdave We assure you, when the hour of #mla12 arrives, you will no have this problem. #omla Must be off to teach now. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144064750307905537
@occupymla12:05 PM - 6 Dec 2011Last eve's celebration in "snark," lingua franca of a particular cohort, has opened our eyes to a necessity. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144100072706146304
@readywriting12:12 PM - 6 Dec 2011Taking Action for Contingent Faculty http://j.mp/uV1wyb  Don't be afraid to take a hard look at ourselves #highered #mla12 #omlahttp://t.co/ZIhh1MBQhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/144101819843481602
@occupymla12:15 PM - 6 Dec 2011As we build our coalition, we look to reach out to the DH group, the most powerful of the #mla12 caucuses. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144102603951841280
@occupymla12:20 PM - 6 Dec 2011DH, You were the foremost topic of the press coverage of #mla11 & you have unquestionable klout! #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144103835747614722
@occupymla12:25 PM - 6 Dec 2011Therefore, as with the #alt-ac community, we wish to extend a hand in friendship, asking for your support #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144105080155684864
@rgrusin12:58 PM - 6 Dec 2011Any plans for mic checks at Occupy MLA? Seems fitting. #omla #mla2012 https://twitter.com/rgrusin/status/144113588364255232
@occupymla1:35 PM - 6 Dec 2011So sorry! twitter fail! we really need to build (unburn) a bridge with DH community? Ugh! We were not consulted. #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144122694152110080
@occupymla1:53 PM - 6 Dec 2011@cmleitch We are regrouping. On a daily basis. We have a volatile contingent. Please be patient! #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144127344603443200
@occupymla1:55 PM - 6 Dec 2011We really support those who are interviewing at #MLA12, even as we see it as an occasion for protest #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144127738817687552
@occupymla1:59 PM - 6 Dec 2011MT MLA: "...and matters pursuant to their official duties—without fear of retaliation." Yes! http://ow.ly/7QEI9  #MLA12 #omlahttp://t.co/wmpcoDL4https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144128841349201920
@occupymla2:01 PM - 6 Dec 2011Once instructors are hired in TT jobs, they can tear down the house from the inside and build a better one. #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144129234594578432
@occupymla2:34 PM - 6 Dec 2011One of us is really looking forward to meeting @michaelberube1 in person at #MLA12 Hes a very charismatic figure. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144137623462625280
@HesterBlum2:53 PM - 6 Dec 2011@occupymla 1st reply went missing; @MichaelBerube1 is an uncommonly responsive and ethically-minded citizen of the profession #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/HesterBlum/status/144142318256132097
@readywriting3:26 PM - 6 Dec 2011Taking Action for Contingent Faculty http://j.mp/uV1wyb  Bonus reason: Let go of the bitterness #highered #loveHE #cndpse #omla #mla12http://t.co/ZIhh1MBQhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/144150629605052416
@occupymla3:55 PM - 6 Dec 2011Planning sample syllabus for Medieval Lit. course, as a mental exercise. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144157931607298048
@occupymla4:05 PM - 6 Dec 2011Sounds like one of us needs a hug! Wait for Friday! #hugaaday #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144160442128928768
@readywriting5:04 PM - 6 Dec 2011If we can't put aside our differences, #highered will never improve http://j.mp/uV1wyb  #loveHE #cndpse #omla #mla12http://t.co/ZIhh1MBQhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/144175303332331522
@occupymla6:10 PM - 6 Dec 2011Looking ovr the last week or so, wed also like to reach out to @triproftri who felt like we were brushing her off #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144191914265157632
@occupymla6:15 PM - 6 Dec 2011Reading over @triproftri work and her own battle for tenure she seems like a real role model for #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144193187404189696
@occupymla6:20 PM - 6 Dec 2011Need to grade now but hope to hear from her, hope shell give a second chance at discussing these issues #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144194423566237697
@JohnACaseyJr6:33 PM - 6 Dec 2011We Are Not Contingent! An Adjunct Manifesto. http://wp.me/p1MyOa-3e  via @wordpressdotcom #omla #highered #mla12 #leadorbeleftbehindhttp://t.co/8Qn103D9https://twitter.com/JohnACaseyJr/status/144197699221209088
@occupymla11:28 PM - 6 Dec 2011RT @johnacaseyjr: We Are Not Contingent! An Adjunct Manifesto. http://wp.me/p1MyOa-3e  via @wordpressdotcom #omla #highered #mla12...http://t.co/af6aBAZGhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144272083311009792
@occupymla11:30 PM - 6 Dec 2011RT @autologophagist:I suspect that part of the problem is that non-medievalists seem to just shut down when a medievalist talks #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144272450136453120
@occupymla11:45 PM - 6 Dec 2011Late Nite Grading in Forced/Shared office no joke when Someone uses speakers, not headphones. Let's talk space allocations at #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144276265803849728
@ShadowMLA11:50 PM - 6 Dec 2011If you're tired of shitting in the adjunct litterbox, join us! #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/144277455824367616
@KaisPhD12:35 AM - 7 Dec 2011Why is the UMinnPress following @subwayfreshbuzz? Are scholars excited about the $2 subs? Given the job market, I'm not surprised. #omla https://twitter.com/KaisPhD/status/144288953774776320
@readywriting4:56 AM - 7 Dec 2011Killing Two Birds with One Giant Stone: Tenure http://j.mp/tDA1Ax  Why changing #highered is hard b/c of the loss of tenure #omla #cndpsehttp://t.co/OgwGpEtVhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/144354469356900353
@occupymla7:35 AM - 7 Dec 2011RT @readywriting: Killing Two Birds with One Giant Stone: Tenure http://j.mp/tDA1Ax  Changing #highered won't be easy #omla #loveHE #cndpsehttp://t.co/EEBf6gFlhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144394484149530624
@occupymla7:45 AM - 7 Dec 2011Want us to feel less contingent? Stop calling us contingent. http://adjunctmanifesto.tumblr.com/  #mla12 #omlahttp://t.co/LFHYm1Rxhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144397010101997568
@occupymla8:45 AM - 7 Dec 2011If you're giving out course evaluations this week, we recommend donuts, Tim Hortons here we come! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144412124670734336
@readywriting8:54 AM - 7 Dec 2011Killing Two Birds with One Giant Stone: Tenure http://j.mp/tDA1Ax  Addressing my detractors and distractors #highered #omla #cndpse #loveHEhttp://t.co/OgwGpEtVhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/144414367398637568
@occupymla10:00 AM - 7 Dec 2011The numbers of occupiers traveling to #mla12 are disappointing low so far. Where is the courage? Are we so without resolve? #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144431011374170113
@VCVaile1:02 PM - 7 Dec 2011Role of the #MLA? Follow @readywriting / @michaelberube1 conversation http://storify.com/readywriting/role-of-the-mla … via @Storify #mla12 #omlahttp://t.co/kgtacXZlhttps://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/144476840638152704
@readywriting1:20 PM - 7 Dec 2011Taking Action for Contingent Faculty | Inside Higher Ed: http://bit.ly/sbqXan  Still great convo going on in the comments #highered #omlahttp://t.co/zsD5v7Lfhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/144481483665584128
@occupymla2:01 PM - 7 Dec 2011The kinds of people who are supporting #omla are the kinds of people youd want to hire at your school! #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144491680215732224
@readywriting3:26 PM - 7 Dec 2011Killing Two Birds with One Giant Stone: Tenure http://j.mp/tDA1Ax  Why tenure is imp for everyone in #highered #loveHE #cndpse #omlahttp://t.co/OgwGpEtVhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/144513016669536256
@occupymla4:35 PM - 7 Dec 2011Don't forget to an Adjunct on Friday! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144530573069787136
@occupymla4:45 PM - 7 Dec 2011Tired of hiding your research because "Only T-Track Fac are paid for research! You're paid to teach!"? Occupy MLA. Resolve. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144532912656752640
@readywriting5:04 PM - 7 Dec 2011Killing Two Birds with One Giant Stone: Tenure http://j.mp/tDA1Ax  I kicked the hornets nest (again) #highered #loveHE #cndpse #omlahttp://t.co/OgwGpEtVhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/144537693190234112
@readywriting6:25 PM - 7 Dec 2011So, think it's ever be possible to convince accrediting bodies to sanction schools for over-reliance on contingent faculty? #highered #omla https://twitter.com/readywriting/status/144558275545927680
@occupymla7:25 PM - 7 Dec 2011People even in #omla tend to slam my #omlashirts contest. Fact is, I've got to be a part of this movement. I've got to get to #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144573163370577920
@occupymla7:30 PM - 7 Dec 2011OK. Here is why I'm #omla. The other shoe finally dropped at my gf's institution down south. No health care for her starting fall '12 #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144574448350134272
@occupymla7:35 PM - 7 Dec 2011Wish I could play recording of quarter-hour of sobbing gf on phone over lost health care to responsibles. Seriously, world. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144575684206010368
@occupymla8:05 PM - 7 Dec 2011Somebody make angry big #omlashirts about institutions who keep adjuncts under 20 hrs so they don't have to pay health care. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144583232988520449
@readywriting8:10 PM - 7 Dec 2011Killing Two Birds with One Giant Stone: Tenure http://j.mp/tDA1Ax  Refusing to get off topic #highered #loveHE #cndpse #omlahttp://t.co/OgwGpEtVhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/144584487152517120
@occupymla10:05 PM - 7 Dec 2011Can anybody with access to good database find figures about how many US adjuncts don't have healthcare? Percentage? #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144613434187726849
@readywriting10:48 PM - 7 Dec 2011Killing Two Birds with One Giant Stone: Tenure http://j.mp/tDA1Ax  Other arguments are both a distraction and a symptom #highered #omlahttp://t.co/OgwGpEtVhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/144624248491741184
@occupymla7:30 AM - 8 Dec 2011Nervous taking a gamble shopping for my #MLA12 interview outfit. Its worth racking up the debt, rt? #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144755616878047232
@occupymla7:35 AM - 8 Dec 2011Tips on dress for women interviewing at #MLA12? #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144756881603313665
@occupymla7:55 AM - 8 Dec 2011OK, OK, enough! Its not that I refuse to use apostrophes. Just that they are an absolute pain in the butt with this phone. #MLA12 #omla ' https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144761907985915904
@occupymla8:25 AM - 8 Dec 2011#omla in the NYTimes: Maybe the most wry and eloquent of all the Occupy Twitter feeds is Occupy MLA http://ow.ly/7SCa2  #MLA12http://t.co/8oOtQsNDhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144769455245901824
@occupymla8:30 AM - 8 Dec 2011But I take issue with "downtrodden." Im fairly upbeat. #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144770719367168000
@readywriting8:54 AM - 8 Dec 2011Killing Two Birds with One Giant Stone: Tenure http://j.mp/tDA1Ax  Lack of TT profs hurts everyone, esp those on the TT #highered #omlahttp://t.co/OgwGpEtVhttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/144776756623196160
@occupymla11:33 AM - 8 Dec 2011@readywriting I know! I wish Id heard about the interview b4 Black Friday - and when I did hear I was too stunned to shop. #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144816773278081024
@occupymla11:33 AM - 8 Dec 2011@readywriting @PorfessorIsIn I LOVE her blog. Will look for tips. #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144816970993369089
@occupymla11:52 AM - 8 Dec 2011believe me, its not about dressing to impress, but my gradstudent wardrobe would make me look like I was dressing to distress #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144821730391752704
@occupymla12:34 PM - 8 Dec 2011Well said! RT @wynkenhimself: real #mla12 tip: People are awkward. Conferences can make it more so. Be kind. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144832185059389441
@occupymla1:20 PM - 8 Dec 2011Just tweet a @ an adjunct you know. They might be just tweets, but they still can take the edge off a semester. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144843708188196864
@occupymla1:25 PM - 8 Dec 2011And while a does not count as a healthcare plan, some hugs for adjuncts on one little day, might feel pretty good #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144844952910827520
@occupymla2:30 PM - 8 Dec 2011We have recently become aware of attempts to uncover the identity of our members. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144861354862448641
@occupymla2:35 PM - 8 Dec 2011We wish to make it clear that our anonymity is but the sheerest screen to protect the most vulnerable among us. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144862584355565568
@occupymla2:50 PM - 8 Dec 2011It was only one reporter. Not like someone could figure out who we are? #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144866370197270530
@occupymla2:55 PM - 8 Dec 2011There were others. We have witnessed the traces of their attempts. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144867698323623936
@occupymla3:15 PM - 8 Dec 2011All of us are vulnerable. We are staging a protest. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144872667206533120
@occupymla3:19 PM - 8 Dec 2011No, as a matter of fact, no, people need to comprehend that they are placing us in jeopardy. This is not a joke for us. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144873783432450050
@occupymla3:20 PM - 8 Dec 2011But one of us hs been in the same adjunct slot for 10 years. Pretty secure! More secure. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144873920993050624
@occupymla3:23 PM - 8 Dec 2011Or as they respond to, say, the irony of my tweets, the humour, they may not understand that I would be imperiled if exposed #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144874662642454529
@occupymla3:25 PM - 8 Dec 2011None among us is secure. That is the point. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144875161991131136
@occupymla3:25 PM - 8 Dec 2011What about me? What about my gf? I thought you said they couldn't trace us. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144875177510055937
@occupymla3:29 PM - 8 Dec 2011I didn't even think that either of them was following us. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144876238840922112
@occupymla3:30 PM - 8 Dec 2011This could screw up my interview royally, rt? What could you possibly gain by exposing us? #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144876430021505024
@occupymla3:31 PM - 8 Dec 2011Your interview is of no concern here. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144876694958903296
@miriamkp7:43 PM - 8 Dec 2011Oh, wow. #omla has entered a whole new world of weird. https://twitter.com/miriamkp/status/144940140366802944
@anarchivist7:47 PM - 8 Dec 2011Wow, @occupymla is on a roll tonight. #omla https://twitter.com/anarchivist/status/144941185125990401
@jvinopal8:09 PM - 8 Dec 2011They shld worry abt ppl not wanting to hire them for weird rather than outspoken MT @miriamkp: #omla has entered a whole new world of weird. https://twitter.com/jvinopal/status/144946669409153025
@nowviskie8:43 PM - 8 Dec 2011#omla do the police in different voices. RT @whitneytrettien: @OccupyMLA just went from gross to performance art. https://twitter.com/nowviskie/status/144955170135097344
@ncecire9:47 PM - 8 Dec 2011RT @nowviskie: #omla do the police in different voices. RT @whitneytrettien: @OccupyMLA just went from gross to performance art. https://twitter.com/ncecire/status/144971457804509184
@occupymla10:30 PM - 8 Dec 2011Remember that tomorrow is International Hug an Adjunct Day #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/144982110929825792
@RickGodden10:44 PM - 8 Dec 2011@wynkenhimself just read the #omla tweets. Strange... It's tough to imagine that a conversation would unfold like that and be real... https://twitter.com/RickGodden/status/144985800700989441
@BigSamThompson10:52 PM - 8 Dec 2011For those of you confused by @occupymla, allow me to clear things up: http://shadowmla.tumblr.com/about  #omla #mla12http://t.co/Olyod80Fhttps://twitter.com/BigSamThompson/status/144987876017455104
@occupymla12:40 AM - 9 Dec 2011Tired of hiding your research because "Only T-Track Fac are paid for research! You're paid to teach!"? Occupy MLA. Resolve. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145014822038290433
@occupymla1:20 AM - 9 Dec 2011Tumblr for Adjunct Manifesto http://bit.ly/t3k8Rp  Thanks @readywriting! #mla12 #omlahttp://t.co/M9LvCufqhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145024892671246337
@occupymla1:30 AM - 9 Dec 2011Assigned Reading:Vancouver's Program for Change http://ow.ly/7TLjB  #mla12 #omlahttp://t.co/eZ9WSTOQhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145027403717165056
@occupymla8:20 AM - 9 Dec 2011Announcing: International Hug an Adjunct Day!!! Commence #omla #mla12 (includes NTT, lecturers, & instructors) https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145130621423976448
@occupymla9:00 AM - 9 Dec 2011Remember, a is only a sign of affection on the road, hopefully, to genuine reform. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145140755932000256
@occupymla9:05 AM - 9 Dec 2011 to leaders @JohnACaseyJr & @readywriting We love you! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145141936687288321
@JohnACaseyJr10:45 AM - 9 Dec 2011@occupymla @readywriting back to all the members of #omla. Esp. the adjuncts. We are not contingent. https://twitter.com/JohnACaseyJr/status/145167068768112640
@occupymla1:10 PM - 9 Dec 2011When one finds a man of worth, he should be well loved and cherished (Chrétien trans. by D.D.R. Owen of St. Andrews) #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145203596118597632
@occupymla1:20 PM - 9 Dec 2011Wow. Only one thing you need now! ! #omla Oh, and shoulda given 'em donuts. Gets better evals! And we need those evals! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145206097937039360
@occupymla1:30 PM - 9 Dec 2011Which reminds me: International Hug and Adjunct Day continues! And lets throw in graduate student teachers! ! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145208657171333121
@occupymla1:47 PM - 9 Dec 2011Coffee spilled on jeans due to startling lovely stealth-hug at coffee machine in honor of HugAnAdjunct day. Proud stain!! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145212889651871744
@occupymla2:30 PM - 9 Dec 2011Special to @briancroxall who began a convo on reform and Rockupied MLA! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145223701095387137
@occupymla2:35 PM - 9 Dec 2011 to @mattthomas. Dude used to chat with us more. We miss you! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145224957054566401
@mattthomas2:45 PM - 9 Dec 2011@occupymla Sorry for the dearth of lately, busy trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents. I’ll be in Seattle though. #omla https://twitter.com/mattthomas/status/145227612074164224
@occupymla3:15 PM - 9 Dec 2011A for @tmcphers who retweeted our call for International Hug an Adjunct Day! #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145235035111440384
@occupymla3:20 PM - 9 Dec 2011 to @ncecire really just because you were there in the early days of the movement. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145236286511398912
@ncecire3:23 PM - 9 Dec 2011Say what? RT @occupymla: to @ncecire really just because you were there in the early days of the movement. #omla https://twitter.com/ncecire/status/145237068300288000
@ncecire3:28 PM - 9 Dec 2011@occupymla I'm sad about how #omla has proceeded--so much wasted potential. It could have been funny and smart. But it isn't. https://twitter.com/ncecire/status/145238421957382145
@occupymla3:36 PM - 9 Dec 2011@savasavasava I think Ive had that all this semester! And another one of #omla may have had it his whole life. *halipula* snds like a curse https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145240513501597696
@occupymla4:00 PM - 9 Dec 2011Wanted a group hug in adjunct office but no room for five-way hug. Does that tell you something about space allotment? #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145246355693109248
@occupymla4:05 PM - 9 Dec 2011Also wanted to send a to @cmleitch who gave a sweet shoutout of support. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145247606023536640
@occupymla4:10 PM - 9 Dec 2011I want a We Are Not Contingent T-shirt so much! Stick an #omla paperclip on the collar. Please someone design one! #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145248885739225088
@ShadowMLA5:10 PM - 9 Dec 2011We've decided to hold an adjunct cuddle party tonight! DM for details! http://www.cuddleparty.com/  #omlahttp://t.co/IodhDe1Ahttps://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/145264002568699905
@ShadowMLA5:13 PM - 9 Dec 2011Hey, if enough people are interested, I'd be happy to host a cuddle party in my hotel room in Seattle. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/145264770277310464
@occupymla5:15 PM - 9 Dec 2011 for the chair of this department who holds an online certificate in belittling adjunct faculty! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145265224205864960
@occupymla5:45 PM - 9 Dec 2011 to @GeorgeOnline even though he gets so disappointed in us! #omla #mla12 That guy's like my dad. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145272774796120066
@wynkenhimself6:19 PM - 9 Dec 2011All the #omla tweets made me think about how long I'd been part-time and/or adjunct. So long! But not now! https://twitter.com/wynkenhimself/status/145281534897831936
@occupymla7:00 PM - 9 Dec 2011OMLAers: I haven't gotten any BackChannel messsages in a while. Did I miss a meeting or or something?Sorry this is public. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145291737517137920
@occupymla7:48 PM - 9 Dec 2011Sending a out to @triproftri who tried to chat with us but we snarked. Hope we can talk soon! #mla12 #omla You are a true reformer! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145303910721126400
@occupymla7:49 PM - 9 Dec 2011Signing off to get back to the mountain of portfolios. Keep the flowing! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145304096168083456
@occupymla11:05 PM - 9 Dec 2011A bit more time left on International Hug an Adjunct Day! #mla12 #omla Tomorrow hugging might come off as creepy. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145353303939751936
@occupymla9:00 AM - 10 Dec 2011When you are not permitted to sit at the table that determines the curriculae, all decisions appear arbitrary and capricious. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145503061496963073
@occupymla10:05 AM - 10 Dec 2011Hey, #omla compadres, big thanks for letting me run the Hug day yesterday. Now what about #omlashirts, eh? I need funds to get to #mla12! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145519403285495810
@occupymla10:15 AM - 10 Dec 2011Huge grading day ahead of me. Who else out there is in it? #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145521914750836736
@occupymla10:25 AM - 10 Dec 2011Not that I'm procrastinating, but we need an #omla chant. How about "Upholding Justice, Truth, Honor, & Loyalty"? Cretien, I think :) #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145524431429713920
@occupymla10:45 AM - 10 Dec 2011Can I say, I just love the hootsuite. The collaborative tweeting thing rocks. Okay, last tweet. Back to grading. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145529466553245696
@occupymla12:30 PM - 10 Dec 2011Sorry to hear about a rejection letter for one of #omla. Its still early. And the best is yet to come! #MLA12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145555904916504576
@occupymla2:20 PM - 10 Dec 2011Although I do not doubt this sartorial advice is useful, we shall attempt to circumscribe our future posts to #omla-related issues. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145583581589274625
@ShadowMLA3:47 PM - 10 Dec 2011One of us just got a milkshake!!! #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/145605502401904641
@ShadowMLA3:53 PM - 10 Dec 2011Return to your grading and stop using the account for your rambling. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/145607017711665152
@ShadowMLA4:03 PM - 10 Dec 2011I was thinking about making a Kickstarter account to get myself a milkshake. What do you think? #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/145609547397087232
@ShadowMLA4:08 PM - 10 Dec 2011My gf down in the States has a smoothie (like a milkshake but healthier) but her institution is threatening to take it away. Very sad. #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/145610826777243648
@ShadowMLA4:09 PM - 10 Dec 2011BC! NOW! #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/145611045329838080
@ShadowMLA4:09 PM - 10 Dec 2011What does BC stand for? #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/145611152464949249
@ShadowMLA4:11 PM - 10 Dec 2011Okay, I'm confused now. Can we just out ourselves? Pancake, is that you being mean to me for getting an interview? I mean, milkshake. #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/145611677579227136
@ShadowMLA4:13 PM - 10 Dec 2011What is milkshake code for? I forgot. #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/145612216379514881
@ShadowMLA4:25 PM - 10 Dec 2011We will be diligent in our callipygian cannonade of asinine codswallop which will surely get us the things we want! #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/145615060641923072
@occupymla6:30 PM - 10 Dec 2011Agh. That post is really bugging me again. What does she mean? Back to grading. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145646498670067712
@occupymla11:54 PM - 10 Dec 2011I am speaking out. THats her problem. She resents me. Well Im okay with being outcast for speaking out. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145728111156264960
@occupymla3:00 AM - 11 Dec 2011We are still and ever The 999 Lines! Join us! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145774850366128128
@occupymla11:30 AM - 11 Dec 2011Just finished grading an epically bad personal narrative recounting being 1st generation to go to college. Utter word salad. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145903182181187584
@occupymla11:30 AM - 11 Dec 2011A clarification from me, one head of the 3-headed cat: this is about betterment for everyone so I am Glad one of us has an interview! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145903288615845889
@occupymla11:35 AM - 11 Dec 2011It may surprise some that I too was 1st in my family's American lineage to attend college. My father's collar: caerulean. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145904433040080896
@occupymla11:40 AM - 11 Dec 2011Nonetheless, I worked tirelessly to ensure that my essays were always rapier point to the prompt and indeed compliant with MLA format. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145905693394874368
@occupymla1:55 PM - 11 Dec 2011OK. Stepping up to the #omla microphone, gonna write my share for the shared account and sharew ith you all the Model of the Cafeteria. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145939670331703296
@occupymla2:00 PM - 11 Dec 2011So, my gf has driven up to for our annual traditional Weekend of Grading in Bed. Pot of Sumatran coffee. Papers all over the duvet. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145940974504378368
@occupymla2:10 PM - 11 Dec 2011And, yes, on our Weekend of Grading in Bed we mostly grade papers. Behave! But this morning: a deep talk abt TT and non-TT dynamics. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145943460757774336
@occupymla2:15 PM - 11 Dec 2011My gf is way into social-psych recently. She says: All academia is just a middle-school cafeteria. Tenured control the Cool Table. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145944703001567233
@occupymla2:20 PM - 11 Dec 2011Cafeteria Model: from the Cool Table Tenured rule the hierarchy, keep TT craving to to sit at the Cool Table w/mixed signals #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145945985535848449
@occupymla2:25 PM - 11 Dec 2011Cafeteria Model: Tenured don't have to pressure Contingents directly, the TT do that for them, as a way of earning the Cool Table. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145947228828221440
@occupymla2:30 PM - 11 Dec 2011Cafeteria Model: What the feudal hierarchy wants from Contingents is clear body language of fear and anxiety. Stomp foot, room cringes #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145948474523914241
@occupymla2:35 PM - 11 Dec 2011Cafeteria Model: Face it, we've all managed to stay in school. The adolescent parts of us are all still alive, grappling for position. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145949732626366465
@occupymla2:40 PM - 11 Dec 2011So either: All academia is like a middle-school cafeteria or we're just sleep-deprived and addled from too much grading. Back to it! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145951000400887808
@occupymla4:40 PM - 11 Dec 2011Shout out to everyone grading in bed this weekend! Woo hoo! Hope you have company! #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/145981196600479744
@occupymla6:50 PM - 11 Dec 2011Show of hands . . . who's still grading in bed??? We are! More coffee! #omla We are not contingent! Resolve! Our eyes are going to fall out! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146013915728445440
@ShadowMLA12:31 AM - 12 Dec 2011We don't believe in shaming undergrads. We teach with respect, compassion, & the knowledge that everyone is different. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/146099945966022656
@ShadowMLA1:44 AM - 12 Dec 2011We demand compassion. http://shadowmla.tumblr.com/post/14108525669/occupymla-just-finished-grading-an-epically-bad … #omla @occupymlahttp://t.co/VKAQY8iYhttps://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/146118263435296769
@ShadowMLA2:18 AM - 12 Dec 2011Personally, we like to have sex in bed(s) with our girlfriend(s). We're just not very turned on by grading, I guess. #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/146126674566713346
@occupymla7:30 AM - 12 Dec 2011#omla-ers: Hey, are we going to use the paperclip-on-the-collar to show omla support at the conference? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146205230265139201
@occupymla7:50 AM - 12 Dec 2011Okay, make that official, to show you support #omla at the conference, please wear a paperclip on your collar. Or stand with us! #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146210204151840768
@occupymla9:35 AM - 12 Dec 2011Adjunct faculty need department chairs willing to defend them against the tyranny of student entitlement esp. on evals. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146236662018609152
@occupymla11:50 AM - 12 Dec 2011The school mentioned #omla at #MLA12. Now my applications undergoing a secondary review process https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146270646140276736
@occupymla12:10 PM - 12 Dec 2011Be calm. We are the only ones who can hurt our chances. Resolve. #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146275685181308928
@occupymla12:20 PM - 12 Dec 2011Even if someone suspected the identity of the #omla team, they would not be legally permitted to use that to impact their hiring decision. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146278163226427392
@occupymla5:01 PM - 12 Dec 2011Thank you for your DM notes of inquiry about our #omla member. Though matters are uncertain at the present, doubtless she will be vindicated https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146348901857890306
@occupymla5:35 PM - 12 Dec 2011@philsandifer Institutions should be made aware they they too will be held accountable for any retributions to #omla members. #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146357420384460804
@occupymla8:00 AM - 13 Dec 2011Good morning #mla12 #omla. Sorry, but no one's responding to my emails, bc, or anything. Trying to figure out what I missed. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146575147728502785
@occupymla12:40 PM - 13 Dec 2011Hey, suggestion in DM that we put a band-aid on our collar beside the #omla paperclip to say we care about adjunct health care. #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146645618050338818
@occupymla12:45 PM - 13 Dec 2011After yesterday's news, we should scuttle the paperclip-on-the-collar as recognition sign for #omla. Jeopardizes others n'est-ce pas? #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146646829986099200
@erinsells2:19 PM - 13 Dec 2011“@mellio2: MT @occupymla We are training graduate students for TT positions that will not exist! #omla #MLA12 ." You mean "do not exist." https://twitter.com/erinsells/status/146670597571747840
@occupymla3:30 PM - 13 Dec 2011In debt & vulnerable to the whims of advisers and programs, for grad students "support' is a euphemism for exploit! #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146688429047025665
@occupymla4:02 PM - 13 Dec 2011MT @triproftri: #mla12 #fundrun 7am on Saturday 1/7: http://bit.ly/uYiKLW  Who's in? #omlahttp://t.co/Jwu41OKrhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146696462179373056
@occupymla4:20 PM - 13 Dec 2011Read: We are not contingent: an adjunct manifesto http://ow.ly/7Xud2  #mla12 #omlahttp://t.co/NF0iKCV3https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146700983949463553
@DIRNEHERC7:58 AM - 14 Dec 2011Who's writing the best (#faculty) #job postings in #highered? Send links! #adjunct #omla #occupymla https://twitter.com/DIRNEHERC/status/146937073906106368
@occupymla8:05 AM - 14 Dec 2011For as many classes as adjuncts teach across #highered, its amazing how little voice or choice we have! Join us #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/146938793772064768
@occupymla12:10 PM - 14 Dec 2011When I got that email, I was this close (fingers inches apart) to hanging up the whole #omla bit. Leave it to the boys. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147000423075676161
@occupymla12:42 AM - 15 Dec 2011Adjunct faculty should be permitted (and encouraged) to teach courses in their areas of expertise! Fear not, we will still teach FYC! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147189747117334528
@occupymla7:30 AM - 15 Dec 2011You think we adjuncts want your jobs, but what really need is healthcare! # #highered #unjust #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147292350576730112
@occupymla10:00 AM - 15 Dec 2011If adjuncts make up more than 1/2 your faculty, shouldn't we have more than 1/2 of the seats on the governing bodies? #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147330159991734272
@occupymla10:10 AM - 15 Dec 2011Oh, and by the way, adjuncts ARE faculty. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147332620894736384
@occupymla11:20 AM - 15 Dec 2011Thats terrible. Im sure it was just a mixup. Your students LOVE you. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147350288439836672
@occupymla11:45 AM - 15 Dec 2011bc? #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147356578805317633
@occupymla11:55 AM - 15 Dec 2011No. It is appropriate that #omla hear what has happened to me. I am comfortable with the circulation of my private agon #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147359068300918785
@occupymla12:25 PM - 15 Dec 2011Occupy MLA has given me a measure of purpose and a place in the public agora. #mla12 Seattle will moreso. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147366582316834816
@occupymla1:15 PM - 15 Dec 2011I have nothing to hide. Who knows, someone on one of the committees might be perusing these lines now. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147379213211668481
@ShadowMLA2:39 PM - 15 Dec 2011@occupymla Yes, Mr. Nibbles. #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/147400352013103104
@ShadowMLA3:11 PM - 15 Dec 2011#mla12 tip: We don't recommend anyone acting as childish as us online or otherwise. We don't have as much at stake as you do. #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/147408544969404416
@occupymla8:05 AM - 16 Dec 2011Lit. PhDs wrack up twice as much debt as those in science and engineering, and we don't even need particle accelerators. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147663546921136129
@occupymla9:25 AM - 16 Dec 2011Guess being a part of #omla is one of those intangibles. Well, who needs a job that doesnt support a little rabble rousing, rt? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147683697724895232
@occupymla10:01 AM - 16 Dec 2011We gravely regret any harm we have brought our members in the process of launching our protest via #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147692725666459648
@ProfessorIsIn10:34 AM - 16 Dec 2011@academicdave @occupymla sorry to intrude, but you mean you had an int. cancelled because you are part of #omla? https://twitter.com/ProfessorIsIn/status/147701026642853888
@occupymla10:55 AM - 16 Dec 2011Hey, I have no regrets. Were the 999 lines! Were #omla! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147706330931671040
@ShadowMLA11:50 AM - 16 Dec 2011Who is our enemy; our foe? While you sleep, we gallop down your hallways chasing after it. #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/147720385620742144
@ShadowMLA11:55 AM - 16 Dec 2011We know that @mlaconvention is in cahoots with that hollow ball with the bell inside. #omla #meow https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/147721415360126977
@occupymla3:25 PM - 16 Dec 2011#mla12 #s194 #omla Need tips on how to protect oneself when speaking out. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147774275984687104
@occupymla4:20 PM - 16 Dec 2011No, TT not enemies. Perhaps just forgetful. Looking ever up the ladder instead of back down. We genuinely want better/best for all. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147788126805442560
@occupymla5:15 PM - 16 Dec 2011Is it not time for adjuncts at last to unionize? @NewFacMajority @AdjunctNation? #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147801961234825216
@VCVaile6:03 PM - 16 Dec 2011@occupymla NFM is not a union but 4 right2organize & ALL #adjuncts even where cannot or who choose not. Why #omla? Come 2 #newfac12 Summit https://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/147814041316884480
@occupymla6:30 PM - 16 Dec 2011Hey, I know I'm late to the funeral but how could any school drop a candidate for supporting something like #omla? We're the good guys! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/147820852484907008
@occupymla7:10 AM - 17 Dec 2011The occupy #mla12 encampment/installation/whatever needs to be Positive! Keep our sense of humor, offer solutions, not just gripe #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148012074864349184
@occupymla10:50 AM - 17 Dec 2011Coming to terms with the realization, accepting the fact that I have not been called in for any interviews. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148067463572099072
@occupymla11:15 AM - 17 Dec 2011Given recent events, wondering if #omla is serving any of our interests. We speak out, we pay the price. #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148073751462940673
@occupymla11:25 AM - 17 Dec 2011Furthermore, since I was not offered courses to teach next semester, no contract, financing this operation has taken on an ashen hue. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148076260084555777
@occupymla11:35 AM - 17 Dec 2011Many believe that our nomenclature #omla signals we are protesting against #mla12. Is not the naming convention: activity-location? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148078769867997184
@ShadowMLA5:03 PM - 17 Dec 2011Felt stupid and left out because no one would even tell you what #HoL11 was? #occupythatcamp #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/148161436743503874
@ShadowMLA5:10 PM - 17 Dec 2011Occupy is just another word for nothing left to lose. #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/148163115832459264
@occupymla7:45 PM - 17 Dec 2011Now I know what it's like to be shut out by really good goal-keeping With yesterday's cancellation our little #omla team is 0-for on appli's https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148202080488792064
@ShadowMLA1:10 AM - 18 Dec 2011Tybalt, you've said too much. We really didn't want the Wizard to know about The Restaurant. Your gf is in danger now. #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/148283874097643520
@occupymla12:15 PM - 18 Dec 2011Over the past several days, we have been debating via bc my proposal to call off the physical occupation of #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148451256191565826
@occupymla1:50 PM - 18 Dec 2011Tell every grad student & adjunct you know: Be icily pragmatic! The TT job is a fairy tale for most, like pay equity #omla #MLA12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148475135643492352
@ShadowMLA5:19 PM - 18 Dec 2011Drunken Scottish ballad gf restaurant job tweets -> ??? -> PROFIT #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/148527721637625857
@occupymla11:25 PM - 18 Dec 2011What is #omla without the o? A bitter twitter. What's an ongoing stream of tweeted complaints if not just a pest? This sucks. #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148619988029280256
@occupymla11:32 PM - 18 Dec 2011You are embarrassing yourself & #omla. When she tweets about US being unprofessional, she is referring to YOU. Pls. #bc https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148621784390971392
@occupymla11:45 PM - 18 Dec 2011Pls utilize the bc! I was not lying to you. What jobs? I thought this would help, but it does not help #omla to show our feuds in public. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148624914725867521
@KeethInk11:46 PM - 18 Dec 2011Are you keeping up with @occupymla's stream of infighting? Because I am. #jawdrop #trainwreck #selfdestruct #omla https://twitter.com/KeethInk/status/148625116157317120
@brandontlocke11:47 PM - 18 Dec 2011.@occupymla just needs to call it quits with these Twitter feuds. Utterly embarrassing. #omla https://twitter.com/brandontlocke/status/148625577014861824
@AmandaMichelle11:52 PM - 18 Dec 2011WTH??? "@KeethInk: Are you keeping up with @occupymla's stream of infighting? Because I am. #jawdrop #trainwreck #selfdestruct #omla" https://twitter.com/AmandaMichelle/status/148626816255528960
@trentmkays12:39 AM - 19 Dec 2011I decided to follow @occupymla because it's now become entertaining on many levels. Haha. #omla https://twitter.com/trentmkays/status/148638448478199809
@occupymla8:30 AM - 19 Dec 2011Such a decision would result from our failure to employ this collective Twitter account coherently & from divergent visions for #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148757114649706496
@occupymla8:50 AM - 19 Dec 2011Nonetheless, we ourselves have been at fault for exposing each other through indiscretion & lapses in decorum. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148762037739192321
@briancroxall9:57 AM - 19 Dec 2011Favorite! RT @occupymla: Such a decision due to failure to employ collective Twitter acct coherently & from divergent visions #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/briancroxall/status/148778918558695426
@gerrycanavan10:27 AM - 19 Dec 2011#omla makes the CHE in an article that's fair-minded to a fault. Is there evidence the OccupyMLA account is not a hoax? http://bit.ly/vPp7g0 http://t.co/Y9JUQLUwhttps://twitter.com/gerrycanavan/status/148786558290509824
@occupymla1:05 PM - 19 Dec 2011The thought of closing the #omla account feels strangely good to me like a cool bath after a workout thats left you bruised, beaten. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148826225786372096
@Occupy_MOO1:52 PM - 19 Dec 2011Moo! #omla https://twitter.com/Occupy_MOO/status/148838161634689024
@occupymla5:05 PM - 19 Dec 2011It has been resolved: we intend to cease posting from the group @occupymla twitter account. Commencing final posts. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148886592797421570
@ShadowMLA7:29 PM - 19 Dec 2011We're SAD PANDAS today because nobody gave us a hug! Three-headed feline adjuncts need love, too! #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/148922822679470081
@occupymla8:30 PM - 19 Dec 2011We call upon all of you to use #omla at #mla12 and whenever you wish to stand up for adjuncts, NTT, grad. students, the voiceless https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148938289875914753
@Occupy_MOO8:44 PM - 19 Dec 2011*munch* *munch* *munch* #omla https://twitter.com/Occupy_MOO/status/148941744917065729
@BigSamThompson9:37 PM - 19 Dec 2011Sooo anticlimactic; @occupymla should DM me their password so I can keep it going. #omla https://twitter.com/BigSamThompson/status/148955037895376896
@occupymla12:05 AM - 20 Dec 2011Give em hell on health care! It's why I'm considering bailing on academe! We are not contingent! #omla forever! DM-haters: #kizzit https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/148992286288654336
@Occupy_MOO8:05 AM - 20 Dec 2011MoooOOOooooo! Moo. #omla https://twitter.com/Occupy_MOO/status/149113312364343297
@occupymla8:30 AM - 20 Dec 2011Since CHE brought us so many readers, we should present CliffsNotes. First #omla is a shared Twitter account tweeted by 150+ members #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/149119411939323905
@occupymla9:45 AM - 20 Dec 2011Follow the reform movements: @NewFacMajority @AdjunctNation @HigherEdPIRG #ff Join them! #mla12 #omla http://adjunctmanifesto.tumblr.com/ http://t.co/LFHYm1Rxhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/149138321199738880
@occupymla10:01 AM - 20 Dec 2011We must disperse shortly. May all who wish to raise a tweet of critique against this inequitable system, use #omla in our name. #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/149142273106522112
@ProfessorIsIn10:26 AM - 20 Dec 2011@occupymla @mrsalander @BendProf @The_book_girl @briancroxall @rgfeal @kfitz @MichaelBerube1 thanks for the shoutout, #omla! I do what... https://twitter.com/ProfessorIsIn/status/149148758465191937
@VCVaile11:29 AM - 20 Dec 2011@occupymla we'll miss you but will do what we can to keep the torch alight: #omla go virtual, be the spirit of resistance #WhitherU https://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/149164573545594880
@occupymla11:50 AM - 20 Dec 2011There is a brief passage I keep tucked in my moleskine. Perhaps those who carry on #omla's legacy will thrum to it! #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/149169752277917696
@VCVaile11:52 AM - 20 Dec 2011MT @occupymla re closing acct, blogger deceived us into naming s/o who then lost #mla12 interview | flog both, blogger & interviewer #omla https://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/149170370904199168
@laglowzenski11:58 AM - 20 Dec 2011if over 150 people share the #omla twitter acct., then isn't it a miracle that only one name was exposed? https://twitter.com/laglowzenski/status/149171932468752384
@jessemenn12:14 PM - 20 Dec 2011Browsed through #omla tweets... Still not sure if it's a joke or not. https://twitter.com/jessemenn/status/149175858832220160
@occupymla1:10 PM - 20 Dec 2011someday I hope to meet you in person, though after what happened, its doubtful ill have the courage to tell you who I am. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/149189869468528641
@VCVaile1:20 PM - 20 Dec 2011@gerrycanavan Does it matter if @occupymla hoax? #omla asked Qs, commented on imperial couture & opened up conversation. Now follow through https://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/149192356896325633
@occupymla2:15 PM - 20 Dec 2011Another passage: ...As long as they preserve harmony at home, and keep their institutions healthy... #mla12 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/149206249064513536
@occupymla2:45 PM - 20 Dec 2011MT @dystopiandream: Life is a message tweeted in the dark. #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/149213809238740994
@occupymla3:00 PM - 20 Dec 2011Are we really not going to use the account anymore? What are you going to do? Change the passwords?+ #omla #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/149217724533444608
@savasavasava9:16 PM - 20 Dec 2011I miss @occupymla. #omla https://twitter.com/savasavasava/status/149312336358944768
@ShadowMLA11:08 PM - 20 Dec 2011You know what? We wouldn't call us for an interview or hire us because we look like idiots on the internet. #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/149340358122283010
@ShadowMLA11:09 PM - 20 Dec 2011We understand frustration and the idea of having nothing left to lose, though. #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/149340627727958018
@ShadowMLA11:28 PM - 20 Dec 2011At some point, we'd like to have dialog about accountability. We. Us and YOU. (Yes, you.) #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/149345356700852224
@Occupy_MOO1:16 AM - 21 Dec 2011Moooo. #omla https://twitter.com/Occupy_MOO/status/149372771623895040
@laglowzenski3:25 PM - 12 Jan 2012So what ever became of #omla? Anything at all? https://twitter.com/laglowzenski/status/157558835073130496
@ShadowMLA6:31 PM - 12 Jan 2012@laglowzenski We occupied Stanley Fish and Conference Sex instead. (Close enough.) #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/157605699017379840
@fauxdeity3:38 PM - 16 Jan 2012I'm going to establish the Organized Music Libraries Act with @meannejeanne #OMLA #voteyes https://twitter.com/fauxdeity/status/159011612567666688
@meannejeanne3:39 PM - 16 Jan 2012@fauxdeity When you get right down to it, this is really an issue of national security. EVERY American should support #OMLA. #VoteYes https://twitter.com/meannejeanne/status/159011843162124288
@fauxdeity3:41 PM - 16 Jan 2012Support #OMLA and we can force mediafire and the like to encourage it's users to tag files adequately for your enjoyment. https://twitter.com/fauxdeity/status/159012296952250368
@ShadowMLA7:31 PM - 19 Jan 2012We had a black raspberry milkshake today to celebrate the year's first batch of listserv messages. We're ready. Are you? #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/160157423137591297
@fauxdeity11:18 PM - 29 Jan 2012As a member of #OMLA I feel the need to organize my iTunes rn. https://twitter.com/fauxdeity/status/163838359318433792
@FernandoDH9212:21 AM - 6 Feb 2012Old money, liquid assets. #OMLA https://twitter.com/FernandoDH92/status/166390932692934659
@SmartEdServices9:52 AM - 24 Feb 2012@educationalrap Thanks for the mention in your #OMLA blog post! Did you see @TAPitTalk at the conference? https://twitter.com/SmartEdServices/status/173057827575840768
@StoneyGrlNation11:32 AM - 1 Mar 2012"@immeMayaK: They bout too lock #TCHS down" #OMLA https://twitter.com/StoneyGrlNation/status/175257265450913792
@BigSamThompson1:12 PM - 21 Mar 2012@GeorgeOnline Same goes for #omla. Important people only pay attention to me when I behave badly online. https://twitter.com/BigSamThompson/status/182515145178742785
@HBSSeniorWeek6:10 PM - 4 Apr 2012"Social capital is aggregated at the holding company level." #OMLA #seniorweek https://twitter.com/HBSSeniorWeek/status/187663446886727680
@helenyweng1:36 PM - 8 Apr 2012We played this song approx 8 times during our dance party last night- how "Call Me Maybe" went viral #omla #HBS http://www.usatodayeducate.com/staging/index.php/ccp/call-me-maybe-goes-viral …http://t.co/OK9vWgMRhttps://twitter.com/helenyweng/status/189043985757642752
@MouNej12:55 PM - 15 Apr 2012 http://t.co/kgN4Ywuyhttps://twitter.com/MouNej/status/191570540748734464
@Khaffousa1:10 PM - 15 Apr 2012@Ming_Na_ interesting account of events. Demonstrators attack, Police respond. #Tap e #tap e petite main :) #OmLa'rayes #Gafsa https://twitter.com/Khaffousa/status/191574228905099265
@svcardona11:58 AM - 18 Apr 2012Jammin' to DJ K.Kess & Haddaddy Warbucks' - Best of Both Worlds Mixtape http://bit.ly/I2iCY9  #HIPHOP #RnB #HBS #OMLAhttp://t.co/VrnO2Hyfhttps://twitter.com/svcardona/status/192643184336187392
@hwangjeanne11:12 PM - 23 Apr 2012RT @dianadimi: Will you be there? #dance #laugh #getinvolved #OMLA http://bit.ly/IAkK82 http://t.co/B7J3d7mehttps://twitter.com/hwangjeanne/status/194624911921250304
@OMLatamAcademy1:40 PM - 25 Apr 2012En minutos inicia webinar sobre Gamification con @nachoharriage , a tiempo para registrarte sin cargo! https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/355149894 … #omlahttps://t.co/pDskM3wwhttps://twitter.com/OMLatamAcademy/status/195205583534694400
@cdjyost11:07 AM - 18 Jun 2012Listening to a sales pitch..when did this become part of our workshop? #OMLA https://twitter.com/cdjyost/status/214736008426684417
@kastriotsmaloku2:48 PM - 19 Jul 2012choko-choko-lada #omla #omla loool https://twitter.com/kastriotsmaloku/status/226025803073339392
@ChangerCharles1:10 AM - 27 Sep 2012@CompHaze: There once was a group that wanted to change the world called #omla https://twitter.com/ChangerCharles/status/251187150941478912
@Ainesplicavel2:39 PM - 19 Oct 2012Nunca.pensei.que.ter.aparelho.doesse.tanto! #OMLA :c https://twitter.com/Ainesplicavel/status/259363231213178881
@SaveAsWTF12:02 PM - 22 Oct 2012@readywriting what do you think? Could the "999 lines" refer to 999 tweets? #omla https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/260410723379838976
@Fatma_AlNameh4:17 AM - 23 Oct 2012 http://t.co/Xk0JfpmGhttps://twitter.com/Fatma_AlNameh/status/260656081833975808
@Ainesplicavel7:01 PM - 2 Nov 2012Desculpem-me, mas... quem é que na sua perfeita sanidade faz covers numa casa de banho? xd #OMLA https://twitter.com/Ainesplicavel/status/264502457277743104
@SaveAsWTF1:43 AM - 16 Nov 2012@savasavasava Okay. Cause there's also the #omla tag that they used to use. I don't know if that just keeps things organized. https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/269329871522643968
@occupymla9:50 AM - 19 Nov 2012Call us #omla II. (Like, the second.) #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/270539483991117825
@SaveAsWTF1:22 AM - 20 Nov 2012In the meantime, I've got a new question: looking back through the old tweets, there's a time where lots of people are Tweeting abt #omla + https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/270774061129400320
@SaveAsWTF1:24 AM - 20 Nov 2012Did they just lose interest? Some of the people seemed very interested -- but then they stop using #omla or @occupymla https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/270774515393523712
@occupymla7:45 AM - 20 Nov 2012Oh hey almost forgot about the #omla tag! The perfect way to join us! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/270870404657201152
@occupymla8:00 AM - 20 Nov 2012Great read: What Is a “Toxic” Campus? A Guest Post on @professorisin blog http://ow.ly/fqyCB  #mla13 #omlahttp://t.co/saZHRfwehttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/270874157640728576
@occupymla9:30 AM - 20 Nov 2012Glad to see old friends in the fight against exploitation are still in it: @readywriting @VCVaileNFM @academicdave #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/270896821939888128
@occupymla9:45 AM - 20 Nov 2012ANy new leaders in the assault against adjuncts & grad students emerged in the past year? Tweet names to follow #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/270900580006916096
@occupymla10:19 AM - 20 Nov 2012Do lit phd's create (at bare minimum) 600+ more grads than needed every year? #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/270909221397204992
@occupymla10:35 AM - 20 Nov 2012@IshaiBarnoy @natesilver @digitaldigs is counting. Let's help him out! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/270913228194840576
@occupymla7:54 PM - 20 Nov 2012@savasavasava It's nice to see you're still awesome!! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/271053884787654656
@SaveAsWTF12:10 AM - 21 Nov 2012But the troubel is I'd have to be following him. And I doubt he'll mention #omla or @occupymla https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/271118470903640064
@occupymla10:05 AM - 22 Nov 2012On American Thanksgiving Day, grateful 4 our former adversary & new comrade in advocating reform, the MLA #mla13 #omla #olivebranch https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/271630439440068609
@occupymla11:21 AM - 22 Nov 2012On this day, thankful that @readywriting is leading the chatstream on #highered reform! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/271649665240420354
@occupymla11:23 AM - 22 Nov 2012@rogerwhitson too is a proving to be an honest voice in #highered reform! Awesome! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/271650149049180160
@occupymla11:26 AM - 22 Nov 2012@readywriting awesome!!! Planning to be there in force! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/271650847216267265
@tmccormick8:45 PM - 22 Nov 2012major academic association @MLAnews thanked by @OccupyMLA: "grateful 4 our former adversary & new comrade in advocating reform" #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/tmccormick/status/271791615717285888
@occupymla3:00 PM - 23 Nov 2012Don't forget @occuchat chat Sunday 7pm CST! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272067159402901504
@occupymla4:50 PM - 23 Nov 2012@occuchat The link for #mla13 is http://mla.org/convention  ! #omlahttp://t.co/1lLLoxRJhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272094757591842816
@occupymla10:35 PM - 23 Nov 2012@occuchat @tibettruth @deadhead1991 @kylefarq @DebtForgivenes1 @R_DeBiasse_Jr right back at ya! #omla @mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272181539893305344
@SaveAsWTF2:04 AM - 24 Nov 2012Ok may sound weird but are any of my tweeps followin a medieval lit tweeter who's recently & inexplicably becom pissed? #omla pls RT https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/272234306485776384
@occupymla10:15 AM - 24 Nov 2012Some are puzzld by our return: Think of it as an #OMLA do-over; lieve and learn #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272357692918607872
@occupymla11:13 AM - 24 Nov 2012@occuchat Getting stronger! Gathering numbers! #omla RT @occuchat: Good morning #Occupy! How are all you guys today? #ows #Occuchat https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272372297388675072
@occupymla11:45 AM - 24 Nov 2012Be the surprise you wish to see! Join us! #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272380468337467392
@occupymla6:15 PM - 24 Nov 2012Getting your PhD should not be the death of your dream of a life studying lit! Join us! #omla #MLA13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272478486084583425
@occupymla6:22 PM - 24 Nov 2012@noeljackson yes! As part of #omla this time we are going to put together a website! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272480243258896384
@SaveAsWTF11:22 PM - 24 Nov 2012So I think the one who is Tweeting now for #omla is the one who got the restaurant job -- or the t-shirt contest one. https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/272555935266910208
@SaveAsWTF11:24 PM - 24 Nov 2012Definitely not the medievlist or the girl who lost her job interview. The voice doesn't mathc up. #omla https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/272556301651935233
@SaveAsWTF11:27 PM - 24 Nov 2012I still feel like if the others are out there, they must be barking mad -- and probably be Tweeting -- at leas tthe mediavalist #omla https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/272556996165787648
@occupymla12:35 PM - 25 Nov 2012Don’t have any interviews at the MLA Convention in Boston? Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272755315592802304
@occupymla12:45 PM - 25 Nov 2012Your panel proposal rejected at MLA Convention? Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272757840899371008
@occupymla12:50 PM - 25 Nov 2012Manuscript rejected by outdated academic press? Join us! (the O also stands for OPEN Up!) #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272759099614175232
@occupymla10:41 PM - 25 Nov 2012@readywriting You are a born leader and are in a position to incite change! #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272907897451708417
@occupymla10:43 PM - 25 Nov 2012@readywriting @MeganJMcPherson we know about CLMs, but is it all about making a living or making a better life? #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272908412310921216
@occupymla10:46 PM - 25 Nov 2012@readywriting We are listening! #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272909224848273408
@occupymla10:58 PM - 25 Nov 2012@MeganJMcPherson @readywriting Some fights are bigger than a job, bigger than what we think we want, bigger than any one of us #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272912294307065857
@occupymla11:13 PM - 25 Nov 2012@readywriting With you as her role model, that is the message she will hear! Someday she will read your columns & understand #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272915937550807040
@occupymla11:14 PM - 25 Nov 2012@readywriting That is the steamin bowl of BS we've been served. #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272916169852346369
@occupymla11:34 PM - 25 Nov 2012@MeganJMcPherson @missoularedhead @readywriting in the past #omla has been a little anti alt but now I've had to work in it's not so bad https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/272921254468661248
@occupymla10:00 AM - 26 Nov 2012There’s a grassroots, ground-up HELPING thing that can happen with #OMLA, not just a angry whiny thing #mla13 Join us! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/273078774625599488
@occupymla9:30 AM - 27 Nov 2012We need a #RollingJubilee for PhDs! Join us! #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/273433582821838849
@occupymla9:40 AM - 27 Nov 2012Just like OccWalSt this year, we’re more of a bailout than a tantrum. #mla13 don’t think you need bailing? #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/273436051874406402
@occupymla5:05 PM - 27 Nov 2012See this amazing(ly scary) site. The Adjunct Project! http://www.adjunctproject.com/us/  Join us! (Tho not connected) #omla #mla13http://t.co/hBlxbzdEhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/273548041951256576
@occupymla10:11 PM - 27 Nov 2012The great wall is trembling as a prof announces giving up her tenure. Wow. #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/273625108264931329
@SaveAsWTF10:24 PM - 27 Nov 2012I think I finally have a guess at who one of the #omla former member was... just a guess. Checking the Clue envelope moment. https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/273628525490216961
@SaveAsWTF10:26 PM - 27 Nov 2012Okay, here goes. Ok, I could be wrong but I've got a strong hunch. #omla https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/273628814549082112
@SaveAsWTF10:28 PM - 27 Nov 2012@medievalisprob your voice sounds so familiar to me. Very clever. Were you ever a part of @occupymla ? #omla ? https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/273629521612267520
@SaveAsWTF10:31 PM - 27 Nov 2012@medievalistprob Your voice sounds quite familiar. Were you ever part of @occupymla ? #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/273630063226916864
@occupymla9:44 AM - 28 Nov 2012RT @cjprender: Public Service Announcement: It's too early to conclude you have no interviews at #mla13. /Join us! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/273799436822532097
@occupymla4:10 PM - 29 Nov 2012How broken is the tenure system if the multitudes are clambering at the gates while others happily give it up? Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/274258962717749249
@occupymla5:26 PM - 29 Nov 2012@noeljackson No way. Haven't you been watching the Tweets? It's mos def mas than one person gave up tenure #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/274278093156413441
@occupymla5:28 PM - 29 Nov 2012@s_insley_h No just noting the GREAT DIVIDE btwn those who have (& so CAN give it up) & those who dream of it & deal with less #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/274278639569350656
@occupymla11:50 PM - 29 Nov 2012Now that you're following us again, can you please go back to calling us by name, instead of by code names? Middle school is over. #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/274374940688523264
@occupymla9:50 PM - 30 Nov 2012#MLA13 will be a party for some:cashbars, dance parties, interviews; for the rest, a time to stand up! Join us! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/274706906411593728
@occupymla10:50 PM - 30 Nov 2012Let's sit up & speak out rather than slump down & tweet out (during panels)! Join us! #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/274722008753922048
@occupymla9:30 AM - 3 Dec 2012@michaelberube1 I don't think I was either, if you look back at what I said. #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/275607967942971392
@occupymla9:40 AM - 3 Dec 2012Somtimes the big tweeps of #mla13 can be insensitive to the many many who did NOT get interviews all I meant #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/275610359203762177
@occupymla10:10 AM - 3 Dec 2012No interview at #mla13? Not so optimistic abt your job prospects? Join us! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/275617972473692160
@occupymla10:20 AM - 3 Dec 2012Feeling like #altac is your only alt? Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/275620463739289601
@occupymla9:49 AM - 4 Dec 2012We are in danger of losing our most critical voices in academy. Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/275975160656449536
@occupymla9:50 AM - 4 Dec 2012Academic method: create experts, then demoralize them! Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/275975460326866945
@occupymla9:51 AM - 4 Dec 2012Someone should start a kickstarter to keep leaders like @readywriting in the academy! Such a loss it wld be! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/275975732851773440
@occupymla9:59 AM - 4 Dec 2012@readywriting But the profession NEEDS you. We chickens run better with our heads still on. #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/275977699992936448
@occupymla10:51 AM - 4 Dec 2012@prof_anne Let's kick it off! Losing @readywriting would be such a tragedy & a MAJOR loss to #highered reform #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/275990697738379266
@occupymla12:55 PM - 4 Dec 2012Trained by a profession & then abandoned by it? Join us! #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/276021840185532416
@occupymla1:16 AM - 5 Dec 2012Just took the first steps toward an Adjunct Strikedebt! Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/276208520624472064
@occupymla9:00 AM - 5 Dec 2012They Quailed at your Quals, Dissed your Diss, & Now say Pfft to your Phd! Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/276325274637983745
@occupymla2:30 PM - 5 Dec 2012Sick of watching the sheep line up for the slaughter of their semiotic training? Join us! #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/276408183050866688
@occupymla12:28 PM - 6 Dec 2012A month to go till #MLA13 Time to prepare! Join us! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/276739890270576640
@occupymla12:48 PM - 6 Dec 2012Being strung along by a department that will (ab)use u as an adjunct but never as TT? Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/276744841579343873
@occupymla12:09 PM - 7 Dec 2012This is just the opening we needed! @noeljackson #mla13 #omla now we need to develop the best mutualaid plan. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/277097560567582722
@occupymla8:40 AM - 9 Dec 2012Tomorrow: the return of an adjunct day! #omla #mla13 (observed on a Monday of course) https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/277769638492905472
@occupymla9:45 AM - 9 Dec 2012It's a small but sweet way to show #adjuncts that they matter! #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/277785974791086081
@occupymla12:35 PM - 9 Dec 2012If you're an adjunct, let us know with a hashtag: #adjunct #omla #mla13 Hug-an-adjunct Day 12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/277828795728277504
@occupymla5:10 PM - 9 Dec 2012Tomorrow's an adjunct day includes NTT and other offTT PhDs! Just use the #adjunct hashtag! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/277897974892343296
@occupymla7:15 PM - 9 Dec 2012Your PhD is never too stale for a ! Hug-an-adjunct day 2morrow 12/10! Tweet #adjunct if you'd like a Spread the love #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/277929494503890944
@occupymla12:10 PM - 10 Dec 2012Unlike a job or benefits, anyone can offer a , so please send them out to adjuncts, pt fac, NTT, & offTT #adjunct #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/278184831735709698
@occupymla3:10 PM - 10 Dec 2012It's super easy to make reservations for #MLA13. Hotels deals only till the 12th for registered members! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/278230183645937664
@PrecariousFac4:08 PM - 10 Dec 2012Remember #omla from #mla12? Ze are back w/ a special day to celebrate #adjunct/s #mla13 & zir return.How... http://fb.me/ONNmyaKQ http://t.co/zrkrziZThttps://twitter.com/PrecariousFac/status/278244794365521920
@VCVaile4:12 PM - 10 Dec 2012@occupymla right back atcha #omla baby. Welcome back! Wondering when we'd see you again. I missed you. We all did #adjunct #mla13 https://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/278245849442689025
@VCVaile4:45 PM - 10 Dec 2012Remember #omla from #mla12? Ze are back w/ a special day to celebrate #adjunct/s...: Remember #omla from #mla12?... http://on.fb.me/Z6SuV4 http://t.co/HOom4LZ5https://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/278254254693687296
@occupymla6:00 PM - 10 Dec 2012Because a is not enough to make up for the disparity in pay, job security, & respect! #mla13 #omla an #adjunct Day! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/278273009675014144
@occupymla12:00 AM - 11 Dec 2012Another terrific an #adjunct day!!! Now let's turn that power into meaningful reform in Higher Education! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/278363518607167488
@VCVaile11:08 AM - 11 Dec 2012@occupymla a for @TheAdjunctVoice too…all in this togethe…Matchmake #voice & @adjuncthulk? #mla13 #adjunct #omla https://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/278531832956461057
@occupymla12:00 PM - 11 Dec 2012It is with heaviest regret we acknowledge #omla's work will not be completed any time soon. Join us! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/278544846392799232
@occupymla12:30 PM - 11 Dec 2012The hour to challenge the status quo has long since past. The status quo must swiftly go! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/278552422085963777
@SaveAsWTF11:00 PM - 11 Dec 2012@noeljackson oh, you mean public nuissances can be good. Yes, regular occupy /ows = good. #omla is just kinda whiney. https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/278710994681864192
@occupymla10:30 AM - 12 Dec 2012As I survey the landscape since last into the Hootsuite I crept, sadly little is altered. #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/278884478347276290
@occupymla5:05 PM - 12 Dec 2012Supercool news at #omla!! I'll let you all in on it tomorrow! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/278983886896234496
@occupymla9:05 PM - 12 Dec 2012Again, big news tomorrow! Stay tuned! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279044260215545856
@occupymla9:30 AM - 13 Dec 2012Great news! We got one of our old members back!! #OMLA is strogner than ever! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279231898524463104
@occupymla9:45 AM - 13 Dec 2012Yes, we got one of #omla's most vocal members back! We're all in this together!! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279235587821666305
@occupymla9:50 AM - 13 Dec 2012But still, this won't be like the #OMLA of #mla12. Like any movement, we've had a lot of growing pains since then but have emerged stronger. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279236848759472128
@SaveAsWTF10:52 AM - 13 Dec 2012Of course, if he did just rejoin #omla, then he's not likely respond, which would mean: I've found the medievalist https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/279252482960543744
@occupymla3:30 PM - 13 Dec 2012It is w a heavy heart but no small joy I have returned to #omla: joy that we could mount a 2nd stand but sadness that we are needed #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279322335130054656
@occupymla4:30 PM - 13 Dec 2012It is beyond belief that it has been over a year since the need for #omla arose & the crisis in the profession has only gotten worse #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279337461648343041
@occupymla6:03 PM - 13 Dec 2012@brendabethman @DonnaBickford but for the sake of those who dream of the professoriate I merely wish things were...alt. #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279360861435490304
@occupymla7:30 PM - 13 Dec 2012Furthermore, I apologize for any dishonor I brought #omla or reprisal I brought upon any of its members thru my injudicious tweeting #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279382824665088001
@occupymla1:55 AM - 14 Dec 2012And with that, my exile has come to an end, as I am returned to #omla, none too soon! The ship of scholars is sinking fast #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279479610201239552
@occupymla3:00 PM - 14 Dec 2012Zounds! Outrageous fortune! One of #OMLA has won a job interview for teaching position! Would have his own classes, benefits! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279677244652277760
@occupymla3:20 PM - 14 Dec 2012Do not fear that such a windfall will slacken his resolve to fight for all the exploited who look to #OMLA for leadership! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279682243708989440
@SaveAsWTF1:43 AM - 15 Dec 2012So unless @jeffreyjcohen just got a job offer, he's not the medievalist in #omla and was, as I suspected, f-ing with me. Surprise, surprise https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/279838996505427968
@noeljackson5:27 AM - 15 Dec 2012I am #omla. https://twitter.com/noeljackson/status/279895332635148290
@occupymla8:40 AM - 15 Dec 2012We are ALL #omla! #mla13 RT @noeljackson: I am #omla. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279943978579816451
@occupymla10:10 AM - 15 Dec 2012Does your #mla13 panel support #OMLA and highered reform? Let us know! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279966634364530688
@occupymla10:25 AM - 15 Dec 2012You can just tweet your session # with the #omla tag -- or you can just DM us! We'd like to visit friends at #mla13! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279970402158133248
@occupymla12:20 PM - 15 Dec 2012Beamin to see 2 #omla friends doing so stellar today! Turnin o the tide! The retrograde is switching gears to drive!! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/279999379602014208
@occupymla10:25 AM - 16 Dec 2012Believe that your dreams of becoming a professor could actually come true? Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/280332775033278466
@SaveAsWTF11:06 AM - 16 Dec 2012Last yr on or abt Dec 21, #omla closed it Twitter accnt. I wouldn't be surprised if they did that again. Frees em up for xmas. #justsayin https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/280343232125222912
@occupymla1:40 PM - 16 Dec 2012Because it's not actually a failing to want the thing you trained and tested and thesis-ed for! Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/280381891138445313
@occupymla2:40 PM - 16 Dec 2012If your panel is #omla friendly, tweet it out with the hashtag #mla13 Looking for friends to visit! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/280397009335250944
@occupymla6:00 PM - 16 Dec 2012In your argument for the value of your PhD, don't let MLA become just a parenthetical! Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/280447322587004928
@SaveAsWTF12:57 PM - 17 Dec 2012Reading back over the #omla tweets from last year. Prediction: some sort of account closing drama should begin in the next few days #mla13 https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/280733496782229504
@SaveAsWTF1:00 PM - 17 Dec 2012Assuming: they're following the pattern from last year, closing down the account LONG before #mla13 & xmas! #omla https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/280734208136192000
@occupymla1:03 PM - 17 Dec 2012When great minds are used then dismissed by the academy #highered will fail !! #omla #mla13 (cc @readywriting) https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/280735104303775744
@ReneePrisble1:05 PM - 17 Dec 2012“@occupymla: When great minds are used then dismissed by the academy #highered will fail !! #omla #mla13 (cc @readywriting)” https://twitter.com/ReneePrisble/status/280735439063756800
@occupymla3:50 PM - 17 Dec 2012Will all #omla supporters be allowed to enter #mla13 or only those with badges? Where will our zuccotti park be? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/280777011650244608
@occupymla6:20 PM - 17 Dec 2012:-) #omla RT @MLAconvention: Go here. Find friends to meet up with, frenemies to maybe see, foes to avoid: http://mla13.org/people/  #mla13http://t.co/hLGktfIFhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/280814725435125760
@occupymla9:30 AM - 18 Dec 2012So stoked! Today we welcome back another former member of #OMLA! Sooo awesome to have her back! She's been thru a lot! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281043827815510016
@occupymla9:45 AM - 18 Dec 2012Please, give her some She had a heckuva time in #omla & an even worse time after #mla12 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281047558615359488
@occupymla10:50 AM - 18 Dec 2012thank you for all who tweeted kind words of support during my difficult time last year #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281063847446585344
@occupymla11:30 AM - 18 Dec 2012some of you might remember what happend to my interview cause of my assoctn. with #omla. lost a golden opportunity. #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281074047381536768
@occupymla11:45 AM - 18 Dec 2012so it was a long road to here, where I can come back & rejoin #omla & try to advocate for your rights & stand up for my own and say: #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281077780974813184
@occupymla11:55 AM - 18 Dec 2012Tired of getting used & abused like an English dept. copy machine? JOIN US! #OMLA Cause its not your fault you keep jamming! #MLA13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281080241479352320
@SaveAsWTF12:02 PM - 18 Dec 2012This little #omla reunion is totally distracting me from grading #kingofprocrastinationistan https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/281081948326219776
@occupymla12:45 PM - 18 Dec 2012Welcoming back our long lost sister!! We were just not the same without you! You're awesome! Long live #omla! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281092794234318850
@occupymla1:01 PM - 18 Dec 2012Group #OMLA! Come on, everybody in! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281096826512371713
@occupymla2:05 PM - 18 Dec 2012Seeing fresh wounds inflicted on one of our own has snapped stuff clear in my lil’ noggin. A question for you #MLA13 #OMLA https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281113044799606785
@occupymla2:10 PM - 18 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Ahoy, tenured faculty! A simple question for you: Are we (“term/contingent” faculty) equal to you or not? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281114320702668800
@occupymla2:15 PM - 18 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Are term/contingents equal to tenureds? Doesn’t matter what the answer is, but we want to hear you say it. Who’ll answer? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281115530092482560
@occupymla2:20 PM - 18 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Before the haters leap in: I’m NOT trying to be divisive. Just real. Equal or not? Let’s face it and then discuss amicably! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281116756376944640
@occupymla2:25 PM - 18 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Equal or no? It’s just like talking openly re: Aunt X’s alcoholism at the family holiday gathering.1st: honesty. 2nd: remedy https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281117994841677824
@occupymla2:39 PM - 18 Dec 2012@digiwonk good starter listt! "differential experience" maybe not since tenure [does not necessarily equal] seniority #omla do I misconstru? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281121626580455426
@occupymla3:30 PM - 18 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Decorum & social norms scream: Don’t Ask Don’t Answer. Nvrtheless we ask: Are term/contingents equal to tenureds? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281134470436884482
@occupymla4:23 PM - 18 Dec 2012@digiwonk Yes, yes I see now! [knocks forehead with fist] Right you are! #omla TT and #adjuncts "different supports" for sure. less scaffold https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281147780477636608
@occupymla4:34 PM - 18 Dec 2012@digiwonk Are they differently skilled, or merely differently networked? At my place we have both wise #adjuncts and clueless tenured #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281150472109293569
@occupymla5:00 PM - 18 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Contents of room: 10s of 10Ks of hard working well meaning educators and 1 elephant. All good folk. Pesky Pachyderm. Lets talk! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281157113944879105
@occupymla5:30 PM - 18 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA As docs fear not blood, we critical thinkers need not fear a simple question. Are term fac equal to tenured fac? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281164677495521280
@occupymla6:35 PM - 18 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA We will give you a penny for your thoughts. Are term fac equal to tenured fac? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281180854229819392
@occupymla7:25 PM - 18 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Question of the day still rides for all to ponder. Yes or no suffices. Are term/contingent faculty equal to tenured faculty? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281193426580566016
@occupymla11:20 AM - 19 Dec 2012the invisible hand of the market generally gives PhDs the finger! Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281433831872032770
@occupymla11:30 AM - 19 Dec 2012they taught you to critique abuses of gender, power, & privilege and then illustratd the abuses on your raw backside! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281436379458727938
@occupymla11:50 AM - 19 Dec 2012our dignity cannot be a function of our job prospects! join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281441319883247616
@occupymla12:20 PM - 19 Dec 2012though your position is contingent, your self-worth is not! Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281448974307708929
@occupymla1:08 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA The unsurprising answer to yesterday’s question: No, tenured faculty and #adjuncts term/contingent faculty are NOT equal. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281461050220634112
@occupymla1:21 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Proof of tenure/adjunct inequality, you ask? Goog a gander at http://www.adjunctproject.com http://t.co/lmUbABUEhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281464369416642560
@occupymla1:22 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA On http://www.adjunctproject.com  look at the Spreadsheet column for Health Insurance and scroll the endless "N"s for NOhttp://t.co/lmUbABUEhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281464478451781632
@occupymla1:35 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Proof? Yesterday a digiwonk made great points about adjuncts missing the networking and support from day 1 compared to tenured https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281467702797815809
@occupymla1:56 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA So, yesterday’s question was a gimmee. But today we have a true challenge for you. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281473157515321344
@occupymla1:57 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Ahoy, tenured faculty! A Penny 4 Yr Thoughts! In what exact ways are adjuncts not equal to you? Be precise. Give examples. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281473275081682946
@occupymla1:57 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Tenured treated one way, adjuncts another. Worse. What was the reason again? What inequality between the two accounts for this? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281473377238142977
@occupymla1:58 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Why are tenured faculty and adjuncts treated so differently? Are #adjuncts less intelligent? Less hard working? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281473666146004992
@occupymla2:00 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Why are tenured faculty and adjuncts treated so differently? Are #adjuncts younger and healthier so they don’t need insurance? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281473978835542016
@occupymla2:00 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA We’re as serious about this as my buddy the adjunct’s uninsured testicular cancer. Join us! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281474169378578432
@occupymla3:10 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Why are tenured faculty and adjuncts treated so differently? Institutional Darwinism? Tenured: better fighters? Cull the herd? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281491710515748864
@occupymla3:15 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Why are tenured faculty and adjuncts treated so differently? We dare you to actually articulate a reason. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281492939144851457
@occupymla4:20 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Not so simple! Some deep dream logic must underlie “it’s cheaper and they won’t complain” or regents couldn’t sleep at night. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281509302810857472
@occupymla4:25 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Somewhere between Oxford and Hogwarts a kind of magic, metaphysical, class-based justification must still linger. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281510529154027521
@occupymla4:30 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Why are tenured faculty and adjuncts treated so differently? Dismiss us if you dare, but at least THINK of some justification! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281511809519849477
@occupymla5:35 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Why are tenured faculty and adjuncts treated so differently? ‘cause institutions should be run like businesses? Right to fire? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281528140973617153
@occupymla5:40 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA But then, if institutions should be run like businesses how does tenure fit in again? Hmm. Is it part business, part medieval? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281529395569647617
@occupymla5:42 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA It's the delicious, delirious double standard that fascinates. A 21stc neo-lib-cap employee sits next to a 15thc guild member https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281529961410613249
@occupymla6:45 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Why are tenured faculty and adjuncts treated differently? Is anyone really going to make a “better scholars” argument in 2012? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281545739530825729
@occupymla6:50 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Are tenured fac “better scholars,” “better qualified,” “better researchers,” “better instructors?” Srsly? Yr gonna say that? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281547007724752897
@occupymla6:55 PM - 19 Dec 2012#MLA13 #OMLA Experience? Important, yes. Seniority? An egalitarian principle. But this inequality has nothing necessarily to do with these. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281548269597908993
@occupymla3:40 AM - 20 Dec 2012@academicdave Here in the hackademy, we teach Marx to distract us from listening to him! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281680419567570945
@occupymla9:30 AM - 20 Dec 2012do not let hiring committees tell you the value of your scholarship! Join us! #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281768540195930112
@occupymla9:45 AM - 20 Dec 2012Here's equality: Now they're expecting us NTT to publish in refereed journals! http://twitpic.com/b7ktoh  (via @briancroxall) #mla13 #omlahttp://t.co/AzeK0zjZhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281772267430629376
@occupymla10:00 AM - 20 Dec 2012Going to new lengths of humiliation & supporting the academic edsel: peer-review! FTW! #MLA13 #omla http://twitpic.com/b7ktoh http://t.co/AzeK0zjZhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/281776216497860609
@occupymla12:52 AM - 21 Dec 2012Assuming the world does not end, in 2 weeks #OMLA will realize a dream 2 years in the making! #mla13 JOIN US! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282000582275895296
@SaveAsWTF1:47 AM - 21 Dec 2012The initial rumblings of the Occupocalypse may have just begun! #omla https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/282014446795247617
@occupymla2:27 AM - 21 Dec 2012@justmeloo21 the hashtags for our movement are #mla13 (the conference tag) & #omla -- these are ways to communicate support. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282024462453452800
@occupymla2:35 AM - 21 Dec 2012@justmeloo21 lets just say your efforts have not gone unnoticed. & true to the #omla way, here's a ! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282026490785325058
@occupymla9:10 AM - 21 Dec 2012after a lot of consideration & reflection, one of us has decidd to leave academia tho not the cause of #omla! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282125853557653504
@SaveAsWTF9:32 AM - 21 Dec 2012I strongly doubt their will be an #omla tomorrow. Suck it, Mayans. I know my #occupocalypse https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/282131421315874817
@occupymla9:35 AM - 21 Dec 2012climb out of the illusion of the Pile (Higher & Deeper) & youll see how the odds were stacked against you #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282132158259265537
@occupymla10:45 AM - 21 Dec 2012those who made you feel less than a professor only reveal that they are unworthy of the name #MLA13 #OMLA https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282149742274813952
@occupymla12:00 PM - 21 Dec 2012It is worth holding out for that academic dream job bc the dream itself is a sign of your destiny! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282168756904534016
@occupymla12:15 PM - 21 Dec 2012& if that job be in a diff country or corn' of the globe, what matters? What the WORLD needs now is lit, sweet lit! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282172451817943041
@occupymla3:50 PM - 21 Dec 2012But we continue to ask: How do you justify to yourself the unequal treatment of #adjuncts and tenured? #MLA13 #OMLA How can it be? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282226523539390464
@occupymla4:30 PM - 21 Dec 2012Sometimes the missive you were waiting for, missiles through your door. Fills your sails with hope undreamt! #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282236684098228224
@occupymla9:00 AM - 22 Dec 2012prostitution<-->adjuncting, same dif, except prostitutes get screwd for their jobs, adjuncts get screwd out of them! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282485722789855233
@occupymla10:00 AM - 22 Dec 2012Demoralized that your life's Lit. research earned you a life sentence correcting commasplices in an online course? Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282500839912923136
@ChangerCharles10:01 AM - 22 Dec 2012Demoralized that your life's Lit. research earned you a life sentence correcting commasplices in an online course? Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/ChangerCharles/status/282501024047042560
@occupymla2:36 PM - 22 Dec 2012Bizzare! Further odd moment in an autumn of odd moments. One of our merry band may actually get a all-expns-paid trip to #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282570241505128448
@occupymla2:45 PM - 22 Dec 2012A penny for your thoughts: chime in on the irony of an #adjunct on a search committee judging/hiring his/her elders/betters? #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282572643255853056
@occupymla2:47 PM - 22 Dec 2012And (we suddenly realize) it means one of us will be there to organize some kind of physical gesture in Boston. Join us fer sure! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282573112959180801
@occupymla5:11 PM - 22 Dec 2012I'm liking this notion of standing in conference hallways at #mla13 opening sport coat to reveal #omla "penny for your thoughts" t shirt https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282609277250703360
@occupymla5:13 PM - 22 Dec 2012and cheerily asking the tough asks. E.g. "Hands up those with healthcare! Now those without! See? Is that OK with everybody?" #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282609902344601600
@occupymla5:19 PM - 22 Dec 2012grading done. Now over river & thru woods to gf's grandmother's house. Hugs peace and healthcare to all #omla friendz! I'll twit when I can https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282611448344092672
@occupymla9:44 AM - 23 Dec 2012@roopikarisam I believe yours is the type of tweet for which my colleague in #omla would find it appropriate to tweet https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282859168342343680
@roopikarisam9:49 AM - 23 Dec 2012@occupymla Thanks for the #omla! https://twitter.com/roopikarisam/status/282860414553960448
@occupymla9:57 AM - 23 Dec 2012& Thus, #omla, can reach out arms stretched to exploited #adjuncts, lectureres, phd dreamers, & acknowledve the power of #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282862544102760448
@occupymla11:34 AM - 23 Dec 2012+#omla #mla13"@valdes23: @literarychica platitudes we hear at graduation and promptly ignore, until something lets us know to pay attention" https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/282886960652103680
@SaveAsWTF7:07 PM - 23 Dec 2012Despite what I had predicted, the #occupocalypse did not happen. #omla is still alive, though tweets suggests conflicts are mounting. https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/283000804837847040
@SaveAsWTF7:08 PM - 23 Dec 2012But get this: in my Twitter inbox, someone had DMed with 3 Twitter accounts that they said were #omla. & they seem to fit. https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/283001049898418176
@SaveAsWTF7:09 PM - 23 Dec 2012I don't want to go into details bc @noeljackson & @savasavasava basically convinced me to let the group remain anonymous. #omla https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/283001290076864513
@SaveAsWTF7:12 PM - 23 Dec 2012So I can now say I have v strong evidence of 3 accounts directly connected to @occupymla. If you want to know more, DM me. #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/283002058100068354
@SaveAsWTF8:42 PM - 23 Dec 2012It's amazing how much deference people seem to be giving to the privacy wishes of #OMLA https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/283024749943205889
@occupymla9:38 PM - 23 Dec 2012We are the 999 lines! We stand strong and will continue to fight for the contingent! Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/283038968340176896
@ShadowMLA11:53 PM - 23 Dec 2012Rather be napping in that narrow little spot between the couch and the bookcase instead of worrying about #OMLA? Join us! #mla13 https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/283072945167953920
@noeljackson1:39 AM - 24 Dec 2012Sweet jayzus I want to go OFF on the stupid motherfuckers who make sport of outing anonymous accounts such as #omla's https://twitter.com/noeljackson/status/283099523130200065
@SaveAsWTF1:53 AM - 24 Dec 2012@noeljackson is this rant really about me? #omla? Or something else? Bc this is feeling a little over the top. https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/283103075164647424
@opendna1:53 AM - 24 Dec 2012@SaveAsWTF Yes, we're all very impressed that you haven't followed through on your vindictive threats to out #OMLA. @noeljackson https://twitter.com/opendna/status/283103124737105920
@occupymla8:30 AM - 25 Dec 2012Holiday to all the friends of #omla esp. all the contingent faculty out there & PhDs dreaming of teaching plums! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/283565305119264768
@occupymla8:45 AM - 25 Dec 2012And to all the Scrooges who say: Are there no adjunct positions? Are there no #altac positions? We offer as well! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/283569095100739584
@occupymla8:30 AM - 26 Dec 2012Occupy MLA has finally created a platform for us to express more than just a tweet at a time. Still in rough draft, though. #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/283927726602207232
@occupymla8:35 AM - 26 Dec 2012Hopefully, this will serve as a grounds for deepening and widening the discussion as well as a place to develop new strategies #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/283928945571815424
@occupymla8:40 AM - 26 Dec 2012Please take a look at the first draft of a site for Occupy MLA! http://occupymla.tumblr.com/  #mla13 #omlahttp://t.co/Eg50b9Tohttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/283930206249570305
@occupymla10:15 AM - 26 Dec 2012Or realize you are Jean Valjean! Somewhere beyond the hiring committee is there a world you long to see? #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/283954080764813312
@Lipogrammatical11:08 AM - 26 Dec 2012Occupy MLA? I would but I'm lazy, & anyhow I got mine, Jack! Let adjuncts & junior faculty do it - I find it too much work. #omla @occupymla https://twitter.com/Lipogrammatical/status/283967534607241216
@occupymla12:13 PM - 26 Dec 2012Because we have fought on together, youre my family. #mla13 #OMLA! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/283983785194815488
@Lipogrammatical6:24 PM - 26 Dec 2012Occupy MLA? I would but I'm lazy, & anyhow I got my own, Jack! Adjuncts & junior faculty can do it-I find it too much work. #omla @occupymla https://twitter.com/Lipogrammatical/status/284077312767561728
@SaveAsWTF10:51 PM - 26 Dec 2012So we all know who they are, why don't they just come out and say it? Why the game? #OMLA https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/284144438824009728
@occupymla11:40 PM - 26 Dec 2012Looking for sessions open to #OMLA supporters 4 possible gathering spot. We promise not to occupy your QA period! We're polite. #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/284156778919378944
@occupymla9:20 AM - 27 Dec 2012Don't miss the new site for #OMLA organizing: http://occupymla.tumblr.com  #mla13 #omlahttp://t.co/KtISFLwbhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/284302656988667905
@occupymla1:55 PM - 27 Dec 2012There are MORE options for your degrees overseas! Seize, Louise! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/284371849519984640
@occupymla3:20 PM - 27 Dec 2012Rt @StrikeDebt: Help us build the #StrikeDebt People's Mic! Pledge one tweet or FB post per day here: http://donateyouraccount.com/StrikeDebt  |#mla13 #omlahttp://t.co/0JQW3y2whttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/284393414773047297
@ShadowMLA7:26 AM - 28 Dec 2012The last time I had an interview in a hotel room, it was for something completely different... #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/284636496483475456
@occupymla8:08 AM - 28 Dec 2012Still looking for more #omla-friendly panels. We cont. to build our guide to Occupy #mla13 Thnx for the ones you've sent so far! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/284646998076977152
@occupymla8:15 AM - 28 Dec 2012Hate waking up with that not-so-fresh PhD feeling? Could it really go stale?? Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/284648658857775105
@SaveAsWTF8:17 AM - 28 Dec 2012@ShadowMLA hey, you are out there. I sent you some tweets abt #omla. Wanted to compare notes. https://twitter.com/SaveAsWTF/status/284649315337662464
@VCVaile9:22 AM - 28 Dec 2012@occupymla working on #adjunct relevant #mla13 sessions for #newfac blog…will tag for #omla…share yrs? https://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/284665581687414787
@occupymla10:55 AM - 28 Dec 2012@brendabethman Only that you want #omla and OMLA supporters to come! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/284689129579626496
@occupymla11:30 AM - 28 Dec 2012This year, to show you stand with #OMLA, put a penny in your badge holder. 1 cent to symbolize the 99% #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/284697815031099392
@ShadowMLA11:46 AM - 28 Dec 20129 lives > 999 lines! Join us! #kittehMLA13 #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/ShadowMLA/status/284701827788849152
@cplong12:01 PM - 28 Dec 2012Here is the Occupy MLA Tumblr: http://buff.ly/TBXFvb  #OMLAhttp://t.co/7QBJxQj5https://twitter.com/cplong/status/284705576666165249
@occupymla1:35 PM - 28 Dec 2012Do you dream of teaching literature in college? Keep dreaming! Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/284729224101769216
@occupymla3:25 PM - 28 Dec 2012See the new #OMLA website! A site for those who wish to change the profession! http://occupymla.tumblr.com  #mla13 #omlahttp://t.co/KtISFLwbhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/284756895284207616
@jayjaystroup4:39 PM - 28 Dec 2012Fascinating RT @occupymla: See the new #OMLA website! A site for those who wish to change the profession! http://occupymla.tumblr.com  #mla13 #omlahttp://t.co/3B5vvWnvhttps://twitter.com/jayjaystroup/status/284775712437702656
@occupymla7:55 PM - 28 Dec 2012Okay #altac, the wedding's off! Sorry, my heart is with another lover with unmetered locks and blushing prose, lit, lit, Lit! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/284824839141875713
@occupymla9:30 PM - 28 Dec 2012#adjuncts are like girls crushing, making mountains out of occasional smiles, listening for the ring tone, strung along #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/284848782582104064
@occupymla9:00 AM - 29 Dec 2012Announcing the #OMLA Session Guide to #MLA13 Recommendations for those who support our movement! http://occupymla.tumblr.com/schedule http://t.co/YSF5HOTthttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285022402319093761
@occupymla9:10 AM - 29 Dec 2012Be sure to place 1 penny in your badge if you support the goals of #OMLA for highered reform, adjunct rights, etc. #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285024899670605824
@occupymla9:20 AM - 29 Dec 2012We invite ALL #OMLA supporters to attend #s270 #mla13 as we have been invited by the organizer @brendabethman https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285027433093152768
@occupymla11:03 AM - 29 Dec 2012"@celloandbow: @occupymla Set an expiration date for adjuncting. We deserve employment with dignity and a living wage." #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285053363094175745
@occupymla3:44 PM - 29 Dec 2012Were unis ever places of social change/justice or always just bulwarks to protect the status quote-us? #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285124134483132417
@shermandorn3:56 PM - 29 Dec 2012@occupymla yes and yes #mla13 #omla #complications https://twitter.com/shermandorn/status/285127250825867264
@occupymla4:30 PM - 29 Dec 2012"A College Christmas Carol" by @NewFacMajority http://ow.ly/gqtkL  #mla13 #omlahttp://t.co/JO1MtbIzhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285135637244420097
@occupymla10:00 PM - 29 Dec 2012#omla supporters: please be gracious and frame the BIG questions as questions rather than as essay-length comments! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285218669473177601
@CraigCrowder12:03 AM - 30 Dec 2012Going 2 MLA? "@occupymla: Be sure to place 1 penny in your badge if you support the goals of #OMLA for highered reform, adjunct rights, etc" https://twitter.com/CraigCrowder/status/285249839711793153
@occupymla10:20 AM - 30 Dec 2012people have lied to you abt the prospects for your prospectus but its okay because you love literature. join us #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285404900836388868
@occupymla12:15 PM - 30 Dec 2012Don't miss the #OMLA gathering for session #s270 on Friday to which we have received a special invitation. #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285433845690531840
@FlaviaFescue3:18 PM - 30 Dec 2012I'm not putting a penny in my damn badge. I'm keeping them in my loafers where they belong. #omla https://twitter.com/FlaviaFescue/status/285479985605656576
@noeljackson5:36 PM - 30 Dec 2012Hic Rhodus, hic saltus! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/noeljackson/status/285514645714898944
@ChangerCharles8:10 PM - 30 Dec 2012As a new year begins, a hope for the future of the profession is in our hands #omla Join us! https://twitter.com/ChangerCharles/status/285553414384001024
@ChangerCharles8:20 PM - 30 Dec 2012Yes, for those of you who know #OMLA, but do not know me, I am one of the members of Occupy MLA. https://twitter.com/ChangerCharles/status/285555928743419904
@ChangerCharles8:25 PM - 30 Dec 2012For too long, I have hid behind that fiction, what some would call a hoax, but I call a public demonstration! #omla https://twitter.com/ChangerCharles/status/285557184237015040
@ChangerCharles8:28 PM - 30 Dec 2012@readywriting And, my dear, you are also one, one whose leadership we have followed for years! #omla https://twitter.com/ChangerCharles/status/285558058682314752
@ChangerCharles8:30 PM - 30 Dec 2012So I tweet before you those two magical words: Join us! #omla https://twitter.com/ChangerCharles/status/285558510211715072
@occupymla9:10 PM - 30 Dec 2012@teacheronradio Excellent. What more can you tell is about your session? #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285568460019363841
@occupymla5:08 AM - 31 Dec 2012We must have the courage to own our dreams of a better profession, one that delivers on promises or stops leading us on. #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285688818839986176
@occupymla7:11 AM - 31 Dec 2012Place just one penny in your #mla13 badge to signify your support for those less fortunate than you in the profession #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285719921701298176
@occupymla7:13 AM - 31 Dec 2012In part the penny marks the 99% who make up the @newfacmajority #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285720278863077376
@occupymla10:30 AM - 31 Dec 2012Reminder: the #OMLA guide to #MLA13 is out! We've carved out a conference from the formless mound http://occupymla.tumblr.com/schedule http://t.co/YSF5HOTthttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/285769845893656576
@ChangerCharles2:20 PM - 31 Dec 2012Dreamed your PhD would lead to more than an adjunct slot or PT-teaching? Join us! #omla #MLA13 https://twitter.com/ChangerCharles/status/285827795643404288
@VCVaile2:29 PM - 31 Dec 2012MT @occupymla:#mla13 #s270 is Official #OMLA meeting session…plz attend…put a penny in yr badge to show support http://bit.ly/JqjHdj …http://t.co/BmxQr53shttps://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/285830177198571520
@occupymla6:10 AM - 1 Jan 2013Here's to real and meaningful change to the plight of contingent faculty and unemployed PhDs in 2013! Happy New Year! #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286066768634576899
@occupymla10:33 AM - 1 Jan 2013Welcome to 2013: Year of the Adjunct! Rise! Join us! #omla #mla13 @AdjunctHulk @NewFacMajority @VCVaileNFM https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286132979179331584
@occupymla2:00 PM - 1 Jan 2013Still making plans for #MLA13? See our session guide: http://occupymla.tumblr.com/schedule  #omla Join us!http://t.co/YSF5HOTthttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286185084892106752
@juanahang3:01 PM - 1 Jan 2013the restau is such a great counter -balance -point to the cliquademy . . . recharges my fighting spirit for #omla https://twitter.com/juanahang/status/286200382932267008
@occupymla3:42 PM - 1 Jan 2013If the Senate can do it, we can do it! Let's get to the table with admin and make good things happen for #adjuncts Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286210715486912512
@occupymla6:08 PM - 1 Jan 2013@GracieG @AdjunctHulk @NewFacMajority @VCVaileNFM thats awful! Follow the twitstream & make your voice heard on the hashtag #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286247576821440512
@occupymla6:37 PM - 1 Jan 2013@GracieG might be worth contacting them. @MLAconvention has stated a goal to help stand for those less fortunate, no? #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286254971773648898
@occupymla7:05 PM - 1 Jan 2013Updated #OMLA schedule for #MLA13 with added session by @teacheronradio, #s644 "Invisible Professors" https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286261830685433856
@EstherRawson10:14 PM - 1 Jan 2013that awkward interview moment: "do you have any questions for us?"... Yes. How many people do you know on food stamps? #mla #omla https://twitter.com/EstherRawson/status/286309582073106432
@EstherRawson10:16 PM - 1 Jan 2013... guess I should just as about their rich intellectual community instead. #mla #omla https://twitter.com/EstherRawson/status/286309882532073472
@annemcgrail10:22 PM - 1 Jan 2013I love this. Of course, there's no other person TO be with the stakes so high and the prospects so dim, really. #OMLA http://tmblr.co/Zuw9FuTkwQO4 http://t.co/zlMI3kSHhttps://twitter.com/annemcgrail/status/286311591195058176
@chrisjudetaylor11:24 PM - 1 Jan 2013@occupymla so, the sign of support is one penny in convention badge, yes? #omla https://twitter.com/chrisjudetaylor/status/286327179594301442
@occupymla12:59 AM - 2 Jan 2013@chrisjudetaylor Correct! 1 penny in the badge is the sign of #OMLA support this year! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286350992147116032
@occupymla10:00 AM - 2 Jan 2013Reminder: the Occupy MLA guide to #mla13 is here: http://occupymla.tumblr.com/schedule  #omlahttp://t.co/YSF5HOTthttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286487076348780544
@occupymla1:30 PM - 2 Jan 2013If you stand for those with no standing, put a single penny in your #mla13 name badge! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286539920674275329
@Occupy_MOO3:59 PM - 2 Jan 2013Moo. #omla https://twitter.com/Occupy_MOO/status/286577426593628160
@occupymla6:10 PM - 2 Jan 2013Wheels down in BOSton and ready to offer #mla13 a penny for its thoughts. How DO you rationalize the inequality of adjunct/TT? Join us #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286610375619792897
@juanahang6:27 PM - 2 Jan 2013Asst. Chef or Asst. Prof? That is a really, really tough decision. But the choice makes me feel downright reckless brave about #omla ! https://twitter.com/juanahang/status/286614826321600514
@occupymla6:32 PM - 2 Jan 2013Remember: put a penny in your #mla13 badge to show solidarity with #omla and our question: In what exact way are adjncts unequal to TT? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286615926860808192
@occupymla8:45 PM - 2 Jan 2013All that was lost, can be regained. The fight is not in vain! #mla13 #omla Join us! https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286649467548090369
@vpiercy8:46 PM - 2 Jan 2013MT @occupymla: Remember: put a penny in your #mla13 badge to show solidarity w #omla & our question: In what exact way do adjuncts =/= FT? https://twitter.com/vpiercy/status/286649670678237184
@EstherRawson10:11 PM - 2 Jan 2013note to self: reading #mla13 and #omla tweets is not really interview prep. :/ https://twitter.com/EstherRawson/status/286671081954230272
@CompHaze2:50 AM - 3 Jan 2013dont get infatuatedd wihth the profesoiriate =. Join us! #mla13 #omla itsnottworth it https://twitter.com/CompHaze/status/286741344813211648
@CompHaze8:31 AM - 3 Jan 2013time to come clean. i am a member of Occupy MLA aka #omla #mla13 join us. https://twitter.com/CompHaze/status/286827181949198336
@CompHaze8:35 AM - 3 Jan 2013though i couldnt actually go to the convention, i have been and will continue to support adjunct rights through it. #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/CompHaze/status/286828203627126786
@CompHaze8:46 AM - 3 Jan 2013thx to all those who supported me (albeit anonymously) last yr. it was a tough experience but your notes helpd. #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/CompHaze/status/286830809141346306
@occupymla10:05 AM - 3 Jan 2013Welcome to #MLA13! The #OMLA guide can be found here: http://occupymla.tumblr.com/schedule http://t.co/YSF5HOTthttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286850829409980416
@occupymla10:10 AM - 3 Jan 2013#s270 is the official gathering place for #omla supporters to rally. 1 of us will be there but will prolly have to keep anonymous. #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286852086509993984
@occupymla2:11 PM - 3 Jan 2013Saw my first badge-penny in the elevator! Too stunned and shy to speak. It's an #omla family reunion! Join us! #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286912758480510977
@occupymla2:14 PM - 3 Jan 2013What, exactly, are we occupying? A moment of your time A corner of your mind We give permission to see clearly and act kindly Join us! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286913462452514817
@VCVaile4:00 PM - 3 Jan 2013wazzaup @occupymla? #omla #mla13 schedule http://occupymla.tumblr.com/schedule  omits #newfac & #adjunct sessions like #S112 http://www.mla.org/program_details?prog_id=112&year=2013 …http://t.co/Eg8Zz1Qnhttps://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/286940145373044737
@PrecariousFac4:00 PM - 3 Jan 2013wazzaup @occupymla? #omla #mla13 schedule http://occupymla.tumblr.com/schedule  omits #newfac & #adjunct sessions like #S112 http://www.mla.org/program_details?prog_id=112&year=2013 …http://t.co/4kRm7rwehttps://twitter.com/PrecariousFac/status/286940162817134592
@occupymla4:03 PM - 3 Jan 2013@NewFacMajority too many sessions to keep track. Pls. Recommend additions!!! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286940896568680449
@occupymla4:04 PM - 3 Jan 2013@friede or consider a better use for the latte $ and draw a penny on your badge! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286941167537508352
@occupymla4:09 PM - 3 Jan 2013@rcbatp see http://occupymla.tumblr.com  #mla13 #omla for talking points. Who is the conservative media?http://t.co/KtISFLwbhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286942358073929728
@Occupy_MOO7:22 PM - 3 Jan 2013mooOOOOooo! #omla https://twitter.com/Occupy_MOO/status/286991061669257216
@occupymla7:25 PM - 3 Jan 2013No more promises! Stop dangling tenure! Put up or shut up! We have MANY options. We are #OMLA! Join us! #MLA13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/286991780925292544
@CompHaze7:26 PM - 3 Jan 2013No more promises! Stop dangling tenure! Put up or shut up! We have MANY options. We are #OMLA! Join us! #MLA13 https://twitter.com/CompHaze/status/286991842984210432
@vpiercy7:35 PM - 3 Jan 2013MT @revandref via @readywriting: Faculty working conditions are student learning conditions #mla13 yes, yes, yes. #omla https://twitter.com/vpiercy/status/286994258920095744
@noeljackson10:38 PM - 3 Jan 2013Why yes, that *is* chewing gum holding the penny in place #omla #mla13 pic.twitter.com/fh4MJWdfhttp://t.co/fh4MJWdfhttps://twitter.com/noeljackson/status/287040222104014849
@N1academy11:16 PM - 3 Jan 2013Faculty working conditions are student learning conditions #mla13 yes, yes, yes. #omla https://twitter.com/N1academy/status/287049798966706176
@Occupy_MEL9:22 AM - 4 Jan 2013Flo, pick up!#omla https://twitter.com/Occupy_MEL/status/287202226273931264
@occupymla9:56 AM - 4 Jan 2013Remember #s270 is the official #omla #mla13 session. See also the guide http://occupymla.tumblr.com/schedule http://t.co/YSF5HOTthttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/287210871166496769
@CompHaze10:04 AM - 4 Jan 2013Join us! #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/CompHaze/status/287212825598914561
@occupymla12:04 PM - 4 Jan 2013Here in sesh #s270 Yay. We have been joined! Huge room. #mla13 #omla Exciting. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/287243217886404608
@occupymla12:06 PM - 4 Jan 2013Storytelling session in #270 about to begin. Occupying our minds. #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/287243519200993281
@juanahang12:06 PM - 4 Jan 2013Sitting here in session 270 looking around trying to identify #omla folk. Exciting. https://twitter.com/juanahang/status/287243668304318464
@occupymla12:12 PM - 4 Jan 2013@briancroxall 's stick drawings cracking 'em up #mla13 #omla session #270 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/287245231500451840
@juanahang12:17 PM - 4 Jan 2013I rarely tweet from the audience (kinda ethically opposed) so hoping I don't look too nerdly hunched over my fone #omla https://twitter.com/juanahang/status/287246417779630080
@VCVaile12:17 PM - 4 Jan 2013Missed #MLA13 #S112 Presidential Forum on #adjunct #academiclabor issues? #omla http://storify.com/VanessaVaile/mla13-presidential-forum-s112/ … @MichaelBerube1 @rgfeal @josh_boldthttp://t.co/PJR6Ds61https://twitter.com/VCVaile/status/287246476768342016
@PrecariousFac12:17 PM - 4 Jan 2013Missed #MLA13 #S112 Presidential Forum on #adjunct #academiclabor issues? #omla http://storify.com/VanessaVaile/mla13-presidential-forum-s112/ … @MichaelBerube1 @rgfeal @josh_boldthttp://t.co/BtsObNV3https://twitter.com/PrecariousFac/status/287246485828038656
@occupymla12:27 PM - 4 Jan 2013@wynkenhimself Wonderful essay/story on altac jobs "not by luck" #mla13 #omla Yay, career agility. Yay, open, balanced attitude. Yay, humor. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/287248879928344576
@juanahang1:25 PM - 4 Jan 2013@ChangerCharles @CompHaze Had to dash back to my suite before session s270 finished wish you could be here to feel the #omla luv https://twitter.com/juanahang/status/287263490631168001
@kqandrews1:43 PM - 4 Jan 2013And now for your tweetspam pleasure, #mla13 #s332, Class and the Academy. (Why isn't THIS the official #omla panel?) https://twitter.com/kqandrews/status/287267987004747776
@occupymla4:23 PM - 4 Jan 2013What, exactly, are we occupying? A moment of your time A corner of your mind We give permission to see clearly and act kindly Join us! #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/287308325358534656
@occupymla4:24 PM - 4 Jan 2013Remember: put a penny in your #mla13 badge to show solidarity with #omla and our question: In what precise way are adjncts unequal to TT? https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/287308657966854144
@occupymla4:27 PM - 4 Jan 2013If you can't fathom what could possibly merit the unequal treatment of #adjunct and TT, Join us! #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/287309335174991872
@occupymla4:28 PM - 4 Jan 2013If you believe adjunct/contingent time served should be counted officially in the plus column on TT searches, Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/287309591933513728
@occupymla4:29 PM - 4 Jan 2013If you stand against age discrimination, and "outside of hackademe" job experience discrimination, Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/287309833546366976
@occupymla4:34 PM - 4 Jan 2013If you want to prevent shabby treatment & raw workloads of those who teach online, Join us! #mla13 #omla Hug an adjunct We r the 1,998 lines https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/287311041510113280
@occupymla4:59 PM - 4 Jan 2013Heading out for drinks. Join us! #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/287317415577149440
@occupymla8:22 PM - 4 Jan 2013Major announcement forthcoming. #mla13 #omla Though maybe not through us. https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/287368564355256320
@AlienWeedMan8:26 PM - 4 Jan 2013"The wine at the after-party is substandard." RT @occupymla: Major announcement forthcoming. #mla13 #omla Though maybe not through us. https://twitter.com/AlienWeedMan/status/287369336279142400
@GeorgeOnline9:35 PM - 4 Jan 2013RT @samplereality: @occupymla is net-prov by @markcmarino and Rob Wittig #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/287386817576189952
@karikraus9:38 PM - 4 Jan 2013RT @samplereality: @occupymla is net-prov by @markcmarino and Rob Wittig #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/karikraus/status/287387505651769345
@markcmarino9:47 PM - 4 Jan 2013Just to be upfront: tonight I revealed @occupymla to be a work of netprov by @Netprov_RobWit and I #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/287389956337451008
@savasavasava9:50 PM - 4 Jan 2013 RT @markcmarino: Just to be upfront: tonight I revealed @occupymla to be a work of netprov by @Netprov_RobWit and I #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/savasavasava/status/287390607708676096
@RogerWhitson10:03 PM - 4 Jan 2013@miriamkp sorry, not re: but the moment reminded me of many great @EmoryDiSC convos I had w/ u about #omla https://twitter.com/RogerWhitson/status/287393980575014912
@Netprov_RobWit10:05 PM - 4 Jan 2013Easiest way to A the Qs about netprov re: @occupymla -- http://bit.ly/jFelO0  and http://robwit.net/?p=223  #mla13 #omlahttp://t.co/4GsvEn26https://twitter.com/Netprov_RobWit/status/287394284867555328
@vitaminbillwebb11:03 PM - 4 Jan 2013I'll be putting a penny in my tag tomorrow. #omla #mla13 https://twitter.com/vitaminbillwebb/status/287409042136113155
@samplereality12:49 AM - 5 Jan 2013Now that I know he's fake I can admit that I think @changercharles is such an pitiful asshole jerk. #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/samplereality/status/287435545028739072
@samplereality1:30 AM - 5 Jan 2013RT @Netprov_RobWit Easiest way to A the Qs about netprov re: @occupymla -- http://bit.ly/jFelO0  and http://robwit.net/?p=223  #mla13 #omlahttp://t.co/ZnpGNcg7https://twitter.com/samplereality/status/287445862261600257
@noeljackson2:54 AM - 5 Jan 2013Fuck with #omla, homies, you fuck with me. #mla13 https://twitter.com/noeljackson/status/287466993441992704
@noeljackson6:27 AM - 5 Jan 2013#OMLA was just a big hoax, y'all! Turns out there is no adjunct faculty problem; we must've imagined that whole ugly mess. Phew! #mla13 https://twitter.com/noeljackson/status/287520818928431104
@lianamsilva6:47 AM - 5 Jan 2013RT @markcmarino: Just to be upfront: tonight I revealed @occupymla to be a work of netprov by @Netprov_RobWit and I #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/lianamsilva/status/287525780676833280
@jeffreyjcohen7:01 AM - 5 Jan 2013So I am gleaning that #OMLA was a performance piece? https://twitter.com/jeffreyjcohen/status/287529184459362304
@noeljackson7:11 AM - 5 Jan 2013@wynkenhimself "Invested in it"? There was never a speculative futures market in #omla -- only a bunch of morons looking to out them. https://twitter.com/noeljackson/status/287531833606938625
@jeffreyjcohen7:12 AM - 5 Jan 2013Question isn't did #OMLA do much to advance adjunct exploitation? Did @MichaelBerube1 in his address? But: what will each of us do, now? https://twitter.com/jeffreyjcohen/status/287531916230545408
@noeljackson7:22 AM - 5 Jan 2013@rgfeal Let's distinguish bw #omla & @occupymla -- the latter a pathetic stunt of @markcmarino et al.; former a movement that surpassed him. https://twitter.com/noeljackson/status/287534495681363968
@rgfeal7:24 AM - 5 Jan 2013@noeljackson @occupymla @markcmarino That is why I did not mention #omla. https://twitter.com/rgfeal/status/287534971831345153
@noeljackson7:28 AM - 5 Jan 2013Because I did not give 2 shits from the start who @occupymla was, I am no less #OMLA than before. (Good job meme'ing, boys.) https://twitter.com/noeljackson/status/287536070093066240
@FlaviaFescue8:42 AM - 5 Jan 2013So relieved @occupymla a hoax: hated those smug, preachy tweets. Now can focus on those who actually care about the problem. #mla13 #omla https://twitter.com/FlaviaFescue/status/287554672120696832
@kathiiberens8:43 AM - 5 Jan 2013MT @briancroxall: @markcmarino Brilliant, sir. Love it.// re: @occupymla #OMLA https://twitter.com/kathiiberens/status/287554805352771585
@MelMarGon9:08 AM - 5 Jan 2013But didn't we always suspect @occupymla was performance art bc narratives read like fiction about very real problem? #omla https://twitter.com/MelMarGon/status/287561327264804865
@Netprov_RobWit10:09 AM - 5 Jan 2013@noeljackson @occupymla had its own momentum. The characters grew minds of their own, as novelists tell. But #omla was always more important https://twitter.com/Netprov_RobWit/status/287576593952546817
@whitneytrettien11:29 AM - 5 Jan 2013Just catching up on this #omla @occupymla mess. Should have ended last year, when everyone still thought it *was* performance art. https://twitter.com/whitneytrettien/status/287596643455488000
@Occupy_MOO3:52 PM - 5 Jan 2013We remain real cows concerned with bovine exploitation. Join us! #moo #omla https://twitter.com/Occupy_MOO/status/287662785435930624
@markcmarino4:00 PM - 5 Jan 2013@readywriting: Lodyans: lying "mentir pour dire plus vrai que vrai," [lying to reveal a more real truth]. (Anglade) #mla13 #s584 #omla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/287664865517109248
@jeffreyjcohen4:42 PM - 5 Jan 2013@markcmarino @Netprov_RobWit also trying to wrap mind around this as #OMLA didn't say anything I hadn't heard before, from nonfiction source https://twitter.com/jeffreyjcohen/status/287675579669561345
@markcmarino4:49 PM - 5 Jan 2013@jeffreyjcohen @Netprov_RobWit I hate to name names but my hope is in @noeljackson @readywriting @briancroxall who fight rgrdless of #omla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/287677222641356800
@Occupy_MOO8:12 PM - 7 Jan 2013They lied about us being grass fed. Join us! #omla https://twitter.com/Occupy_MOO/status/288453177467080706
@roopikarisam6:54 PM - 9 Jan 2013@readywriting We need to talk #omla and maybe about #mla14 - would love a collab. https://twitter.com/roopikarisam/status/289158193052000256
@kathiiberens8:49 PM - 12 Jan 2013@rgfeal Some of the real ppl involved in #omla r figuring out extent to which they were harmed. A balance btwn pol ideals v feelings. #elit https://twitter.com/kathiiberens/status/290274331295117312
@ProfHacker8:10 AM - 14 Jan 2013A new post by guest authors @markcmarino and @Netprov_RobWit: "Occupying MLA" http://ow.ly/gMe0N  #mla13 #omlahttp://t.co/HbGcKITXhttps://twitter.com/ProfHacker/status/290808039047585792
@occupymla9:43 AM - 14 Jan 2013New article in ProfHacker: reflections on Occupy MLA http://chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/occupying-mla/45357?viewMobile=0 … #omla #mla13 #mla12http://t.co/ZlkC4obVhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/290831554232590336
@markcmarino9:54 AM - 14 Jan 2013I look forward to discussing people's thoughts & reaction to @occupymla openly over at ProfHacker. Time to move beyond the backchannel #omla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/290834297940750337
@noeljackson10:02 AM - 14 Jan 2013@gerrycanavan Plus as the @occupymla's lead authors acknowledge in the ProfWanker [sic] piece, #omla gathered a lot of energy to the cause. https://twitter.com/noeljackson/status/290836391640846337
@noeljackson10:21 AM - 14 Jan 2013@gerrycanavan I bear no ill will towards them, tho confessedly do have a sense of revulsion that #omla would be "revealed" as at a car show. https://twitter.com/noeljackson/status/290840953261023232
@Thalesdisciple9:33 AM - 15 Jan 2013Occupy MLA as an example of "netprov": electronic, collaborative, improvised literature. http://chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/occupying-mla/45357 … @hannahnpbowman #omlahttp://t.co/ppL6i5KPhttps://twitter.com/Thalesdisciple/status/291191420902064128
@briancroxall10:55 PM - 17 Jan 2013Finally had a chance to read @markcmarino and @Netprov_RobWit's post about #omla on @ProfHacker. And to comment: http://bit.ly/SSZsMi  #mla13http://t.co/ArrhIg5ahttps://twitter.com/briancroxall/status/292118081881399297
@briancroxall10:58 PM - 17 Jan 2013@katinalynn @michaelberube1 @kathiiberens @wynkenhimself @literarychica I join your comments on #omla @ProfHacker bit: http://bit.ly/SSZsMi .http://t.co/ArrhIg5ahttps://twitter.com/briancroxall/status/292118812898258944
@footnotesrising12:18 AM - 18 Jan 2013thinking about strange overlaps between occupymla and manti te'o fake girlfriend revelations. #omla https://twitter.com/footnotesrising/status/292138853450530816
@GeorgeOnline6:58 AM - 18 Jan 2013.@briancroxall Thoughtful comment on the #omla post: http://chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/occupying-mla/45357#comment-771502342 …http://t.co/4i65LRNwhttps://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/292239432864645122
@kathiiberens6:26 PM - 18 Jan 2013My response to @briancroxall re: #omla on @ProfHacker: http://chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/occupying-mla/45357#comment-771502342 … #elit #MLA13 "What was @occupymla's 'intended goal'?"http://t.co/9gmDdXZPhttps://twitter.com/kathiiberens/status/292412746035777537
@readywriting4:13 PM - 5 Feb 2013Call for Papers: Occupy MLA http://www.mla.org/cfp_detail_5708#.URF14Sh22yQ.twitter … Want a chance to talk back to this? Here it is. #omla #mla14http://t.co/ncUpBSmshttps://twitter.com/readywriting/status/298902195473117184
@digital_cfps11:31 AM - 6 Feb 2013RT @readywriting: Call for Papers: Occupy MLA http://www.mla.org/cfp_detail_5708#.URF14Sh22yQ.twitter … Want a chance to talk back to this? Here it is. #omla #mla14http://t.co/2O1MNgdFhttps://twitter.com/digital_cfps/status/299193574958956544
@pbenzon3:30 PM - 6 Feb 2013Should be interesting...MT @readywriting: CFP: Occupy MLA http://www.mla.org/cfp_detail_5708#.URF14Sh22yQ.twitter … Want a chance to talk back to this? Here it is #omla #mla14http://t.co/PslwNZ6ehttps://twitter.com/pbenzon/status/299253731176886273
@GeorgeOnline9:00 PM - 7 Feb 2013@jbj Backchannel!!! Now! #omla https://twitter.com/GeorgeOnline/status/299699205402947584
@samhicks19853:40 PM - 18 Mar 2013@andy_design exactly like that. Omg! You win at tweeting #mspl #omla #oll https://twitter.com/samhicks1985/status/313736669578805248
@bileyrecquet10:50 PM - 25 Mar 2013Omla, omla, OMLA. #omla https://twitter.com/bileyrecquet/status/316381602886328321
@markcmarino7:42 PM - 29 Apr 2013@burrlauren Great. You've seen this, right? http://markcmarino.com/omla/  #omlahttp://t.co/AZSuW8AZwghttps://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/329017754034245632
@markcmarino2:13 PM - 7 May 2013Just read an ace essay by @burrlauren abt @occupymla & her awesome project Bonfire of the Humanities. #netprov #omla #elit https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/331834186585485313
@markcmarino11:14 AM - 6 Jan 2014Just got my official @occupymla #mla14 badge #elit #omla pic.twitter.com/fP8KGsDcayhttp://t.co/fP8KGsDcayhttps://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/420226790682931200
@markcmarino11:49 AM - 7 Jan 2014What is @occupymla? Read tweets from 2 yrs of occupation http://markcmarino.com/omla/  #mla14 #omlahttp://t.co/8gXEPV2G6Uhttps://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/420597979595026432
@occupymla3:54 PM - 7 Jan 2014RT @markcmarino: What is @occupymla? Read tweets from 2 yrs of occupation http://markcmarino.com/omla/  #mla14 #omlahttp://t.co/EQobDNeAAshttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/420659674694680577
@LAFloodProject11:22 PM - 7 Jan 2014RT @occupymla: RT @markcmarino: What is @occupymla? Read tweets from 2 yrs of occupation http://markcmarino.com/omla/  #mla14 #omlahttp://t.co/4ZEbNCxqY5https://twitter.com/LAFloodProject/status/420772419767246848
@occupymla8:54 AM - 10 Jan 2014"all" the tweets might be a misnomer since it doesn't include all the people who twitteracted with (cocreated) #OMLA #MLA14 https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/421641169827667968
@markcmarino5:10 PM - 26 Jan 2014@gerrycanavan yeah, sucked the air out of it, inspired it, coincidental with it. Hard to say. These are vulnerable times. #omla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/427564281421246464
@kathiiberens12:27 PM - 22 May 2014Wonderful range of topics on “Literary Twitter #MLA15 panel org'd by @kristinabooker: @TheLizzieBennet #OMLA “Born-Tweeted” lit, pedagogy. https://twitter.com/kathiiberens/status/469514954576379904
@kathiiberens12:28 PM - 22 May 2014Honored to be talking #OMLA activist art #Twitterfic #Netprov #elit on “Literary Twitter” panel org’d by @kristinabooker at #MLA15 https://twitter.com/kathiiberens/status/469515244327292928
@OMLAnetwork11:10 AM - 15 Jun 2014La menace extra-terrestre est un vrai danger. Agissez avec précaution, les évènements du 23 novembre ne seront jamais oubliés. #OMLA. https://twitter.com/OMLAnetwork/status/478192819946143745
@markcmarino10:10 AM - 19 Jun 2014@kathiiberens showing the @occupymla archives #elo14 #omla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/479627276930547712
@markcmarino10:13 AM - 19 Jun 2014@kathiiberens: a #netprov archive is a relic of somebody else's good time, like watching some1 ski downhill vs. skiing yourself #omla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/479628070195052544
@markcmarino10:15 AM - 19 Jun 2014@kathiiberens: @occupymla was primarily a romance, the story of @ChangerCharles' dream of a tenure track job #omla #elo14 https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/479628448290574336
@occupymla10:19 AM - 19 Jun 2014@kathiiberens presenting on #omla at #elo14: Framing the project as "protest art" https://twitter.com/occupymla/status/479629487156785152
@markcmarino10:22 AM - 19 Jun 2014@kathiiberens: @MLAconvention & MLA not the target of #OMLA, just the streetcorner where everyone hangs out #elo14 https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/479630393654923265
@markcmarino10:25 AM - 19 Jun 2014@kathiiberens: #netprov is inescapably human #elo14 #omla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/479631012667092992
@markcmarino10:28 AM - 19 Jun 2014@kathiiberens: a #netprov listens and talks with its audience of coauthors #elo14 #omla @occupymla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/479631756090703873
@kathiiberens11:06 AM - 19 Jun 2014Yes, Lee. The “unwitting participants” element figures in my forthcoming #OMLA article. #ELO14 @readywriting @markcmarino https://twitter.com/kathiiberens/status/479641472632107008
@mjgWTF1:19 AM - 23 Jul 2014My thoughts are in line w/ us, y'all #omla https://twitter.com/mjgWTF/status/491814937333731328
@markcmarino4:46 PM - 17 Sep 2014What's going on? @noeljackson re: #omla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/512341930756558848
@markcmarino6:39 PM - 27 Oct 2014@johndiamond1787 thanks. As we used to say in the #omla days, Join us! #Buzzademia https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/526865716117794816
@markcmarino10:51 AM - 1 Dec 2014It's been several years now since #omla, and yet there are still many parts of the experience we have not discussed. @occupymla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/539446823673692160
@markcmarino11:33 AM - 1 Dec 2014There was an account called shadowmla that would recap events, tho we did not run that acount #omla @occupymla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/539457172686798848
@markcmarino11:36 AM - 1 Dec 2014The administrators & their friends wld react to #omla tweets by referring to kittehs, leaving these tweets as crumb trails of their reading https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/539458068212613120
@markcmarino11:45 AM - 1 Dec 2014In that way, u could follow what the main conf accounts were discussing re #OMLA & also when they discovered & read the 3 "new" accounts https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/539460408847785984
@markcmarino11:49 AM - 1 Dec 2014& based on that data, it wld be fair to say conf tweeter read every Tweet & saw every account. Talk abt close reading #omla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/539461225692680192
@markcmarino11:52 AM - 1 Dec 2014But it was also clear that not everyone else read every Tweet, which led to some confusion & alternate readings #omla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/539462169080111105
@markcmarino12:00 PM - 1 Dec 2014It's a completely different matter when u kno there's at least 1 person reading EVERY line so closely, the stakes elevate precariously #omla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/539463975646154752
@markcmarino12:21 PM - 1 Dec 2014So there was a group of readers combing thru every Tweet & others who commented but didn't do the reading, but such is Twitter #omla https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/539469389733826560
@markcmarino12:37 PM - 1 Dec 2014Of course that also meant some misreading, but cld we even call it that? People made #omla what they wanted & sometimes needed it 2b https://twitter.com/markcmarino/status/539473392060346368
@occupymla6:57 PM - 16 Feb 2015A new article about Occupy MLA #OMLA #mla16 http://www.hyperrhiz.net/hyperrhiz11/ http://t.co/TJpPbQFvrAhttps://twitter.com/occupymla/status/567472827943899139