Hyperrhiz 11 | Netprov | Spring 2015
Twitter Archive - feralc, a public list by pupa_mistress / Mez Breeze

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@Miss_Stressa1:05 AM - 8 May 2010Hmmm. Is this thing working? https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13591510769
@gossama1:06 AM - 8 May 2010....bout 2 ask the same sheete myself..any1 else there? https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13591579395
@gossama1:11 AM - 8 May 2010..+ wow ***scorched*...yeah yeah @pupa_mistress tag this sheet up i kno *sheesh* #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13591771828
@gossama1:13 AM - 8 May 2010i tellz ya: this isn't worth the moolah. u there @Miss_Stressa ? who else b there? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13591838382
@Miss_Stressa1:20 AM - 8 May 2010Yes, @gossama . Are you there? Where is "there"? I'm just trying to work this out. @o0000O0 you seem quite rude! #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13592086380
@gossama1:22 AM - 8 May 2010heh @Miss_Stressa no "stress" *geddit?* thought there was 5 of us in this but fark i dunno. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13592192247
@gossama1:23 AM - 8 May 2010oh + yeah if u wanna kno more about me , RTFM! #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13592230866
@QReada1:24 AM - 8 May 2010{ xxxA xxxRxxxxC] #feralC https://twitter.com/QReada/status/13592254932
@Miss_Stressa1:26 AM - 8 May 2010I'm certainly not going to talk to you with an attitude like that @o0000O0. And I can't work out what you're saying, anyway. Speak English! https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13592338716
@HUD_B1:27 AM - 8 May 2010um...hi? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13592382338
@gossama1:29 AM - 8 May 2010heh @o0000O0 alliance ftw! #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13592434197
@gossama1:35 AM - 8 May 2010hiya @HUD_B . wots cracking? u here cos of the trial as well? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13592690798
@HUD_B1:39 AM - 8 May 2010hi @gossama yeah i am here cos of the trial...did u sign up thru 1 of those match-matching surveys 2? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13592822856
@gossama1:43 AM - 8 May 2010huh no wai @HUD_B THEY MADE ME DO EET! *not rly* i just signed up 4 the money. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13592981164
@Miss_Stressa1:47 AM - 8 May 2010@gossama Well I'm certainly glad that @o0000O0 person left. How rude! And I'm yet to work this out.. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13593106108
@Miss_Stressa1:49 AM - 8 May 2010Hm apparently I tweeted too soon... #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13593179054
@gossama1:52 AM - 8 May 2010dw bout @o0000O0 he's horde anywai @Miss_Stressa ;) u'll get the hang o this + all we gotta do is type sheet in + then get paid. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13593293145
@Miss_Stressa1:57 AM - 8 May 2010Oh I'm not getting paid for this @gossama, I'm doing this as a favor for a friend. They must value you highly to pay you. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13593462094
@gossama2:03 AM - 8 May 2010*bbbeeeeeppp* tweetearth 2 @HUD_B. we've scared u off huh? + @QReada i dunno wot ur deal is ur last tweet was borked as #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13593688432
@HUD_B2:11 AM - 8 May 2010noOOOOo @gossama i'm just a bit shy. & i find chilling nec in all this stuff!!??? i ahve manged to work out that @o0000O0 =??? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13593969079
@gossama2:14 AM - 8 May 2010yeah that dude seems broke @HUD_B ...just dmed @pupa_mistress + they said @o0000O0 isn't 1 of the main ppl here. means were missin 1#feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13594049384
@gossama2:17 AM - 8 May 2010afk a tic, brb #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13594165031
@gossama2:28 AM - 8 May 2010back. wot did i miss? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13594546683
@Miss_Stressa2:33 AM - 8 May 2010@gossama I don't think you missed much. And by my watch that's the first session over. Is that right @pupa_mistress ? #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13594693948
@gossama2:34 AM - 8 May 2010ty buddy @if. think times up for now anywai #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13594722466
@gossama2:37 AM - 8 May 2010later peeps . we'll find out who the fark we're missing next go round. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13594842547
@HUD_B2:39 AM - 8 May 2010@gossama @Miss_Stressa cya guys!! stay safe promise i'll ahve a clue next time!!!????? <3 #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13594899395
@Miss_Stressa6:55 AM - 8 May 2010I'm actually not sure if I'm allowed to respond to you outside of Session Times @jr_carpenter, I'll have to check the manual. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13602422733
@Miss_Stressa7:02 AM - 8 May 2010Well @jr_carpenter "Stressa" is my birthname (I'm unmarried) so it doesn't indicate anything else. At least I don't think it does. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13602611729
@Miss_Stressa7:04 AM - 8 May 2010Hunger could have something to do with it @jr_carpenter . I find when I'm out photographing I need to keep my blood sugar levels up. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13602687006
@Miss_Stressa7:09 AM - 8 May 2010Also, I hope you find a beneficial way to deal with your Stress @jr_carpenter. Do you know of Seligman? http://bit.ly/kamUP #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13602824479
@Miss_Stressa7:12 AM - 8 May 2010So I can put links in here...That's very handy. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13602940626
@Miss_Stressa8:35 AM - 8 May 2010Ha! @jr_carpenter Glad you found the source of your problem. I'm off to do some photographing and remodeling #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13605822607
@gossama9:06 AM - 8 May 2010******w00Tage!**** [Gossama] Has now completed [Keristrasza kills (Heroic Nexus)] 35 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13607088375
@gossama5:31 PM - 8 May 2010ahhhh FRACK!!!! ingame atm in LFG 2 mins left in random dailly queue TWEETCRAFT IS BORKIN OUT ON MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i'll b there #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13629807622
@gossama6:01 PM - 8 May 2010gimme a sec just finishing a quest #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13630954022
@Miss_Stressa6:03 PM - 8 May 2010Well I'm here. I've worked out quite a bit about this Twitter. I also have some photos to show if I can. @gossama What's "a quest?" #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13631029274
@HUD_B6:05 PM - 8 May 2010hi all!!!!!!! <3 how r u all? i'm great just finished writing some poetry!!!??????????? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13631117491
@gossama6:06 PM - 8 May 2010@Miss_Stressa just gimme a sec + i'll tell ya #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13631166932
@Miss_Stressa6:08 PM - 8 May 2010Oh there's no drama @gossama take your time. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13631227772
@HUD_B6:10 PM - 8 May 2010ooOOOoooo hi @labfly @if ummMMM....... dunno aboot sharing my poetry....mebbe a few lines!????? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13631315922
@HUD_B6:14 PM - 8 May 2010my poem is "Fareetail Romance" @labfly @if heer goes !!!!???? "u are my love, my love, my love. the 1 i wanted. the 1 i needed" #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13631448919
@Miss_Stressa6:16 PM - 8 May 2010Really @if? I must say I'm not the world's best photographer. I do try though. There's quite a bit of complexity involved, you know?#feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13631530495
@HUD_B6:17 PM - 8 May 2010um yea i kno that poem needs wrok but its a start!!!??? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13631576827
@Miss_Stressa6:21 PM - 8 May 2010I applaud you for your effort @HUD_B - it's never easy to share. Oh hullo @strongria, I mostly take nature and building photos?. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13631739782
@HUD_B6:24 PM - 8 May 2010uhhMMmmmm @labfly heh in luv? well i dunno.....i wanna b i guess LOL !!?? r u???? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13631837798
@gossama6:27 PM - 8 May 2010ok back. wots goin on? oh sheete .... @HUD_B ? u freakin *serious* re that? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13631949695
@HUD_B6:30 PM - 8 May 2010serious!!!?????? @gossama um well i guess... @if thx will look at that poem now... @labfly thats BEAUTIFUL thats a poem rite there #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13632074114
@gossama6:32 PM - 8 May 2010oic @HUD_B...just...y e a h + @Miss_Stressa that quest thang? is part of WoW, gotta level up in thar so quests = the go #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13632156388
@gossama6:34 PM - 8 May 2010yah bro gotta grind awai 2 get phat loot:) u a gamer @labfly? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13632231950
@Miss_Stressa6:35 PM - 8 May 2010I'm trying to work out how to upload photos. Can anyone help me please? #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13632272900
@Miss_Stressa6:38 PM - 8 May 2010Thanks @strongria and @if and @pupa_mistress . Will try now. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13632418419
@gossama6:40 PM - 8 May 2010nice work @labfly ..WEREWOLVES RAWK! not enuff of em in WoW but we get Worgens soon #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13632495751
@HUD_B6:41 PM - 8 May 2010dont think i'll post anymore poems here.....:(((((((( #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13632539128
@gossama6:42 PM - 8 May 2010hey @HUD_B ffs i was just kiddin #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13632572553
@gossama6:44 PM - 8 May 2010BIO afk brb #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13632656559
@HUD_B6:47 PM - 8 May 2010thx @labfly!!!!! not now tho just feeling like crushing things now....soon !! #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13632762267
@Miss_Stressa6:50 PM - 8 May 2010Hmm. I think the photo might be too large. Trying again. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13632865621
@HUD_B6:51 PM - 8 May 2010baibai @labfly !!! moving is kerazzy...<3 #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13632908530
@QReada6:53 PM - 8 May 2010[XXLXX HXXP XEX] http://bit.ly/cNT1RX #feralC https://twitter.com/QReada/status/13632994981
@gossama6:55 PM - 8 May 2010cheeus x xhrist there goes that @QReada again....wtf? is he just botting @pupa_mistress? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13633058416
@gossama6:59 PM - 8 May 2010yeah woteva @pupa_mistress . we still haven't met the 5th dude yet anywai. betcha theyre a gold farmer;) amirite? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13633218705
@Miss_Stressa7:03 PM - 8 May 2010Well I haven't managed to upload a photo yet @strongria. it needs to be smaller.And now it's the end of the Session @pupa_mistress? #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13633424146
@Miss_Stressa7:04 PM - 8 May 2010I'll show you next time. I'll work it out before then, I promise @strongria #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13633455615
@gossama7:05 PM - 8 May 2010farck that went quick. later all. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13633491597
@HUD_B7:08 PM - 8 May 2010baibai all!!!!! <3 #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13633624230
@gossama8:01 PM - 9 May 2010[Gossama] has now completed [Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 10 player)] 3 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13695310297
@Miss_Stressa5:24 AM - 10 May 2010http://twitpic.com/1mne6c https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13717254638
@Miss_Stressa5:32 AM - 10 May 2010Well I have finally worked out how to post Photos. @strongria may enjoy these. That last link is to one of my favourite buildings. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13717491091
@Miss_Stressa5:44 AM - 10 May 2010http://twitpic.com/1mnhe5 https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13717854627
@gossama5:33 PM - 10 May 2010[Gossama] Has now completed [The Prophet Tharon'ja kills (Heroic Drak'Tharon Keep)] 17 times #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13748941505
@gossama5:55 PM - 10 May 2010wtf @jr_carpenter Sess3 isn't 4 freakin aaaaages;) u a gamer? wots ur game poison o choice eh? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13749922254
@gossama1:45 AM - 11 May 2010weEEEeeLLL howz bout that this eh? i'm EARLY!!!!!! #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13772389511
@Miss_Stressa1:46 AM - 11 May 2010Well @gossama it just so happens that I'm early as well. And not too happy to boot. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13772425416
@gossama1:47 AM - 11 May 2010hmmm @Miss_Stressa sounded afued. wots the prob, officer? [j/king] #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13772464093
@gossama1:48 AM - 11 May 2010heh lots of us r keeno 2day @if #feralc https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13772500117
@Miss_Stressa1:51 AM - 11 May 2010It seems @gossama as if this "Twitter" is a bit unstable. Have you seen this? http://bit.ly/dhQ3fF #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13772610816
@gossama1:54 AM - 11 May 2010yerr saw that @Miss_Stressa. dw bout it...sheete like that just happens. @if dunno re if this is off da record? ask @pupa_mistress #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13772685959
@Miss_Stressa1:55 AM - 11 May 2010Well I'll take your word for that @gossama. I was quite annoyed as I have new photos I've finally managed to upload. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13772734799
@gossama1:56 AM - 11 May 2010nah not always @if she has to SS+S sometimez *wink* #feralc https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13772780055
@gossama1:58 AM - 11 May 2010nice @Miss_Stressa #feralc https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13772840886
@Miss_Stressa2:01 AM - 11 May 2010Thank you @if. As I've said before, I'm still learning photographic techniques and how to manipulate them. #feralc https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13772948984
@Miss_Stressa2:05 AM - 11 May 2010Thank you @if #feralc. I was extremely patient and still so as not to scare the cat. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13773094075
@HUD_B2:07 AM - 11 May 2010KITTIES!!!! ooOOO @Miss_Stressa <3 <3 <3 ur pic. ...that cat is sooooO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! i <# cats. #feralC oh + hey all:)))) https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13773138243
@HUD_B2:09 AM - 11 May 2010is @labfly heer?..... #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13773213237
@Miss_Stressa2:12 AM - 11 May 2010Hi @@o0000O0. I'm slowly learning some new techniques. See here for more photos: http://twitpic.com/photos/Miss_Stressa #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13773298963
@gossama2:13 AM - 11 May 2010soooooo @pupa_mistress we gonna get 2 meet that 5th dude 2day? wots his name... shadow mchidesmyface? ;)))))) #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13773355502
@HUD_B2:16 AM - 11 May 2010eh wut @o0000O0? i just wann c @labfly again?????????!!!!!!...mite send them some more poetry....I"LL B BACK #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13773436182
@Miss_Stressa2:20 AM - 11 May 2010Well @if it's a house I pass by most days. I know the photo isn't brilliant, but I still do like it. I'm not sure why. @o0000O0 NO? #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13773569057
@shadowmcclone2:22 AM - 11 May 2010#feralC HEY. BEEN THUNDER RUNNIN & FOD DEALIN. https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/13773635273
@Miss_Stressa2:23 AM - 11 May 2010Loverly @o0000O0. I'm keen to see it. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13773690765
@gossama2:26 AM - 11 May 2010heh fuk me @shadowmcclone u r there. tbh i thought u'd flown free o this sheete.... #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13773767944
@Miss_Stressa2:27 AM - 11 May 2010Sorry @o0000O0 but I can't see any link: I am new to this remember. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13773797341
@shadowmcclone2:29 AM - 11 May 2010#feralC CLDN'T MAKE LST SESS = 2 AFUED. T_L____IZATION CNTRL. https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/13773868929
@shadowmcclone2:33 AM - 11 May 2010#feralC WOT @o0000O0? https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/13773993681
@Miss_Stressa2:35 AM - 11 May 2010There's quite a few photos there @o0000O0 . I'll ahve a look through and get back to you. Thanks for sending them. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13774045999
@gossama2:36 AM - 11 May 2010ffs @shadowmcclone don't tells me ur gonna b another tarded @QReada #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13774083966
@QReada2:37 AM - 11 May 2010[SX XO COLX. WHXRE'X MY XAD?] http://bit.ly/ba1ed7 https://twitter.com/QReada/status/13774119231
@gossama2:38 AM - 11 May 2010AHAHHAHAHHA zomg & there he goez.....#feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13774146915
@shadowmcclone2:40 AM - 11 May 2010#feralC MBRACE THE SUC @gossama https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/13774197048
@Miss_Stressa2:46 AM - 11 May 2010No @if: that house isn't in Aultsville. There's some beautiful houses there though. And @o0000O0 I thought you'd wish me goodnight. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13774385336
@gossama2:48 AM - 11 May 2010*rolls eyes* hey @shadowmcclone chill bro! was just sayin @QReada is a fruitloop. anywai where bouts r ya? + where u beeEen? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13774436759
@Miss_Stressa2:49 AM - 11 May 2010Just when I was starting to think @o0000O0 was quite reasonable. I guess not many people follow etiquette in here. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13774482191
@shadowmcclone2:51 AM - 11 May 2010#feralC STFU @gossama AINT NO BIZ OF URS WHERE I AM BUDDY https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/13774536821
@gossama2:53 AM - 11 May 2010og BIG WORDS @shadowmcclone y don't u step in2 WoW + we'll c how good u r *pwnage time* #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13774600087
@Miss_Stressa2:57 AM - 11 May 2010What a note to end the session on. Goodbye @if and @pupa_mistress #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13774723928
@shadowmcclone2:58 AM - 11 May 2010#feralC ROGER @pupa_mistress OVER + OUT. https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/13774749340
@gossama2:59 AM - 11 May 2010wotever @pupa_mistress *gone* #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13774769394
@Miss_Stressa3:06 AM - 11 May 2010Thanks you @if! I will post more. Especially of that house. There's something about that house. #feralc https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13775002031
@HUD_B3:40 AM - 11 May 2010oooooH NOOOOoooOOOOOOooo.....i missed the end!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!??? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13776028861
@gossama3:44 AM - 11 May 2010heya @jr_carpenter lol re scrabble. idc mucho 4 board-games-gone-intermehnet. wots w00Tworthy bout em? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13776126015
@HUD_B3:47 AM - 11 May 2010i was heer 4 a bit!!!!!! but then @jr_carpenter i couldn't find @labfly 's email addy????!!!! i looked EVRYWHERE!!!? do u have it?? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13776208689
@gossama3:52 AM - 11 May 2010*hi5s* 2 u then gal;) i'm afk 4 a bit. BIO. laters @jr_carpenter #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13776352722
@HUD_B3:56 AM - 11 May 2010awwwwww @jr_carpenter !!!!!! i still use email:( thx anyway.....:((((((((((((((((((((((( #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13776490435
@gossama1:26 PM - 11 May 2010ughhhh no.... more..... quests. must.....BIO..... #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13799786575
@Miss_Stressa1:29 PM - 11 May 2010Are you there @gossama? I've just been sent the strangest email. Could you help? #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13799906083
@gossama1:36 PM - 11 May 2010oic @Miss_Stressa wot's the deal? ....i'm just wrappin up these quests + lulz-watching http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBONEHe8xKU& #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13800216465
@Miss_Stressa1:40 PM - 11 May 2010I signed up for some Trial Photo Manipulation Software and now I have this emailed invitation to try another program? @Miss_Stressa #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13800404252
@Miss_Stressa1:42 PM - 11 May 2010Is that normal @gossama? I'm worried I might be getting sent Viruses. The email is from the same company? #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13800483096
@gossama1:44 PM - 11 May 2010yah @Miss_Stressa if its from the same peeps it's prolly ok. stress less:) + btw gotta go afk soon...u kno when the next sesh is?#feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13800589818
@Miss_Stressa1:48 PM - 11 May 2010Thanks @gossama .That's a relief. I'll might even try it out. And I'm not sure re Session 4:I haven't been told yet. Thanks and bye #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13800772758
@gossama1:50 PM - 11 May 2010coolies re trying out the proggie @Miss_Stressa + later bud......i'm gone.:) #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13800848763
@gossama9:50 PM - 11 May 2010whoa this *sucks*: RTing @GamePron: Blizzard issues takedown on Cataclysm leak http://bit.ly/clxE7i #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13823503865
@HUD_B6:45 PM - 12 May 2010oooo hi @labfly!!!!!<3 i had sum new poems but i trashed em lol !!!!!!!!!1! i couldn't find ur email!!!! they were 2 long 2 msg #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13876523101
@gossama5:35 PM - 13 May 2010zomg WE HAVE WG!!!!!! i farkin hope i can get a VoA group + finish b4 sess4 #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13935829545
@gossama5:38 PM - 13 May 2010"You Are Now Listed In The Raid Browser"....#feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13935984581
@gossama6:16 PM - 13 May 2010[Gossama] has earned the achievement [Toravon The Ice Watcher (25 Man Player)]! #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13937671536
@gossama6:18 PM - 13 May 2010w00T! #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13937760147
@gossama6:26 PM - 13 May 2010that'll show the farckers..BM a dead spec my arse! hey @pupa_mistress have we started yet? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13938131096
@gossama6:29 PM - 13 May 2010oic @pupa_mistress np + ty #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13938278082
@gossama6:42 PM - 13 May 2010*twiddles thumbs* lol #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13938896834
@gossama6:46 PM - 13 May 2010heh nah @pupa_mistress just hangin till the others show up. bit wired here btw..the others r all poppin heads in 2day yah? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13939093782
@gossama7:01 PM - 13 May 2010bout borkin time....HI ALL! *bounces* #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13939842928
@HUD_B7:03 PM - 13 May 2010hi!!!!!!!!! u seem happy 2day @gossama!!! wots happening there!??? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13939917903
@Miss_Stressa7:05 PM - 13 May 2010Hi All. Yes gossama do tell: why so "bouncey?"#feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13940010323
@gossama7:07 PM - 13 May 2010heh 'lo @HUD_B + @Miss_Stressa...bit pumped 4rm *finaNNNAAAAlLLLLLYYYYyyy* downing the ice boss in VoA. FTWFTWFTW!!!:))))) #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13940110979
@HUD_B7:09 PM - 13 May 2010oooo sounds .....good??????!!!!! LOLOL!!!!! i'm listening 2 http://www.myspace.com/kenjiuradatheband yayness #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13940227577
@Miss_Stressa7:10 PM - 13 May 2010Well seems like you did achieve "something" so good for you. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13940281387
@Miss_Stressa7:13 PM - 13 May 2010Oh sorry @pupa_mistress. I will do. I'm a bit distracted today, sorry. I've had a strange couple of - things happen. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13940415010
@gossama7:15 PM - 13 May 2010nice @HUD_B. bit emo 4 me but still not bad...sweet name 2 *Kenji Urada* #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13940507021
@HUD_B7:16 PM - 13 May 2010ooooOO yay!!!! @strongria <3 em. try goldibots.....<3 <3 <3 !!!!!!! #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13940584318
@gossama7:18 PM - 13 May 2010huh @Miss_Stressa wots the skinny? u ok? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13940670702
@Miss_Stressa7:19 PM - 13 May 2010Yes thank you @gossama. I've just been having a few days this week where - I can't seem to remember much. Of anything. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13940741509
@gossama7:22 PM - 13 May 2010whoa @Miss_Stressa lay off those *kickin* drugs babe :) seriously tho u just can't remember *anything?* #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13940869818
@Miss_Stressa7:24 PM - 13 May 2010Hi @Disam_biguation, have we seen you here before? And I hope I was there, otherwise I'll be in big trouble I assume -smile-. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13940960180
@shadowmcclone7:24 PM - 13 May 2010#feralC HI TEAM. https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/13940979725
@gossama7:25 PM - 13 May 2010wellwellwell hiya @shadowmcclone. going good bro? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13941049840
@Miss_Stressa7:28 PM - 13 May 2010Well @gossama I can remember some aspects.But I can't remember walking to photograph that house I mentioned before, it's just blank. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13941190589
@shadowmcclone7:29 PM - 13 May 2010#feralC SHINY @gossama https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/13941217576
@HUD_B7:32 PM - 13 May 2010oooOOOooo @Miss_Stressa sounds scary!!!!!! have u seen doctor????? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13941396920
@gossama7:35 PM - 13 May 2010hmmMMm @Miss_Stressa i dunno...had a few blackouts myself in my time but most o those i kno how it happened lol . hope u feel betta. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13941517154
@Miss_Stressa7:36 PM - 13 May 2010No @HUD_B , I haven't. I think I'm just tired and I'm probably photographing too much. Its not good for my eyes. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13941583589
@shadowmcclone7:38 PM - 13 May 2010#feralC YAH @gossama RAT-FUCKING. HEY @Miss_Stressa TRY THIS http://i.imgur.com/GNeQr.jpg https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/13941689186
@shadowmcclone7:43 PM - 13 May 2010#feralC ROGER @pupa_mistress. MUST BAIL ANYWAY. OVER + OUT. https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/13941922500
@Miss_Stressa7:45 PM - 13 May 2010Hm that's just as well @shadowmcclone. That image and your language! Not impressed. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13942030935
@HUD_B7:48 PM - 13 May 2010OMG KITTIESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how cute r they!?????? not as cute as this tho http://bit.ly/93kvmM #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13942159979
@Miss_Stressa7:49 PM - 13 May 2010On that note I'm leaving early. I need to lie down for a bit. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/13942217145
@HUD_B7:50 PM - 13 May 2010awww @Miss_Stressa???!??? much <3 & watch the vid it will cheer u up!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13942287269
@QReada7:52 PM - 13 May 2010[PLEASX LISTXN. IXM TRYING TO TELL U ALX SOMXTHXNG] http://bit.ly/cRDwRM #feralC https://twitter.com/QReada/status/13942380962
@gossama7:54 PM - 13 May 2010@Miss_Stressa later babe...i'm off 2 [+ gonna look up that sheete from @shadowmcclone] ;))))*. later all. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/13942470762
@HUD_B7:55 PM - 13 May 2010baibai alll!!!!!! kisssesssss #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13942508518
@HUD_B7:59 PM - 13 May 2010oooooo oooooooOOO @labfly !!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 have 2 go but PLS LISTEN 2 thees http://bit.ly/ctvsDE http://bit.ly/93kvmM U"LL <3 EM!!!?????:))) https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/13942695472
@gossama7:34 AM - 16 May 2010just cracked 13k dps !!! #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14093497050
@gossama7:47 AM - 16 May 2010healer in my guild just said "who needs drugs when u have healing bars to top up" lolz:)) #feralC #putthatonatshirt https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14093982154
@gossama6:37 PM - 16 May 2010[Gossama] Has now completed [Lord Marrowgar kills (Icecrown 10 player)] 9 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14124052475
@gossama6:38 PM - 16 May 2010[Gossama] Has now completed [Lady Deathwhisper kills (Icecrown 10 player)] 4 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14124106253
@gossama6:40 PM - 16 May 2010[Gossama] Obtained [Chestguard of the Frigid Noose] http://www.wowarmory.com/item-info.xml?i=50780 #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14124180869
@gossama6:41 PM - 16 May 2010Has now completed [Gunship Battle victories (Icecrown 10 player)] 4 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14124221233
@gossama6:41 PM - 16 May 2010{Gossama] Has now completed [Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 10 player)] 4 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14124247259
@gossama6:42 PM - 16 May 2010*gah!* TOO MUCH BOSSDOWN SPAM! sry folks *turns the spamathon off*;) #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14124295688
@Miss_Stressa11:41 PM - 17 May 2010I just found this lovely site about Maps via the BBC. Interesting visualizations, especially the Desceliers Map http://bit.ly/bVpQ5i #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14204680002
@gossama11:44 PM - 17 May 2010oh hai @Miss_Stressa those digital maps there r preddy epic 2. u feeling any bedda? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14204836419
@Miss_Stressa11:50 PM - 17 May 2010Hi @gossama. Yes, I'm planning on looking through those next. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14205147312
@Miss_Stressa11:51 PM - 17 May 2010Oh and @gossama I am feeling better, thanks. I still haven't walked past this house again though. http://twitpic.com/1mne6c #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14205226040
@gossama11:56 PM - 17 May 2010dw babe mebbe u just need 2 chill. anwai i'm off 2 do a random. cya in sess5 @Miss_Stressa #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14205474698
@Miss_Stressa12:00 AM - 18 May 2010I'll try @gossama. Thanks and looking forward to Session 5. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14205660296
@Miss_Stressa12:03 AM - 18 May 2010http://twitpic.com/1mne6c - Well @if it's a house I pass by most days, though I haven't been able to lately - I https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14205816899
@Miss_Stressa4:24 AM - 18 May 2010http://twitpic.com/1mne6c - It's not something I've really thought about @if, though I will now. I guess the two https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14215373762
@Miss_Stressa4:34 AM - 18 May 2010Thanks @if. You've really got me thinking - I'll try to go to the house ASAP and take more pictures. I'll let you know what happens. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14215718960
@gossama6:42 PM - 19 May 2010[Gossama] Has now completed [Flame Leviathan kills (Ulduar 10 player)] 18 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14321087203
@gossama6:43 PM - 19 May 2010[Gossama] Has now completed [Razorscale kills (Ulduar 10 player)] 13 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14321123680
@gossama6:54 PM - 19 May 2010man i'm gettin bored waiting 4 sess5. wots happening @pupa_mistress? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14321689552
@shadowmcclone7:05 PM - 19 May 2010#feralC WONDERING BOUT THAT MYSELF. https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/14322268764
@HUD_B7:07 PM - 19 May 2010Hi guys. yeh when's it happening!!!!??????thought i'd missed it!!!!!!!!!!!!! #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14322365162
@gossama7:31 PM - 19 May 2010huh wtf? "tech difficulties" @pupa_mistress? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14323646793
@shadowmcclone7:36 PM - 19 May 2010#feralC AINT ME BUD. https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/14323860107
@HUD_B7:39 PM - 19 May 2010oooO @pupa_mistress i hope it isn't @QReada :(((( they seem 2 ahve so much trubble!!!???? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14324036035
@gossama8:47 PM - 19 May 2010hMMMm so it's @Miss_Stressa....u there babe? u ok? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14327661300
@HUD_B8:52 PM - 19 May 2010ooOOo @Miss_Stressa hugs 2 u!!!??? <3<3 this mite cheer u up!!!!! http://isparade.jp/# type in #feralC !!!!!!! we all look SOOoooo CUTEEEE!! https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14327940496
@gossama8:58 PM - 19 May 2010fark @shanehinton tat's *massive*+ ty 4 the headsup! u lookin 4ward 2 Cata? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14328316773
@gossama9:03 PM - 19 May 2010+ lemme guess @pupa_mistress u can't tell us wot's wrong with @Miss_Stressa rite? ;)#feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14328576548
@gossama9:08 PM - 19 May 2010yeahyeah woteva @pupa_mistress. fark this #feralC sheete 4 a while...ltr all:) https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14328887671
@gossama9:11 PM - 19 May 2010nice @shanehinton. lemme kno + we'll PVP it up :)) #WoW #cataclysm #feralC #PVPLIKEABIATCH https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14329045521
@gossama9:32 PM - 19 May 2010BLIZZ PULLED THE VID while i was f'ling dling it @shanehinton #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14330242639
@HUD_B10:29 PM - 19 May 2010hiya @labfly!!!!!! u poor thing!!!??? no aircon!!! this mite make it betterer http://meowmania.jqln.org/ MROAHWWWWwwWW!;)))))) #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14333610701
@QReada10:42 PM - 19 May 2010[HUD_B I LXXE CATS MY TXBBY IS CALXED TUFFS CAN YOU C IX HE'S XK 4 ME PXS] http://bit.ly/bWCjnr #feralC https://twitter.com/QReada/status/14334368461
@HUD_B10:49 PM - 19 May 2010ooooo hi @QReada !!!???1!!!! r u ok there? i can't read ur msg sry!!!!!!??????? *hugs?* #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14334760145
@QReada11:03 PM - 19 May 2010[HUD_B THXS HURTX TAXES XO MUCH WANTED U 2 C IF XY KITTYS XK] http://bit.ly/bLmxrU #feralC https://twitter.com/QReada/status/14335570127
@HUD_B11:09 PM - 19 May 2010ummmm @QReada i worked it out!!!!!!!!! i can reed wot ur saying in the address bar of ur links!!!!! YAY!!!!! #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14335921769
@HUD_B11:11 PM - 19 May 2010i don't kno how ur kitty is tho @QReada!!!!??????? i'll try to find out tho<3<3<3 *********MMEOWRRRRRrr****** #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14336012739
@HUD_B11:20 PM - 19 May 2010baibai 4 now @QReada xoxooxoxoox<3 i'll find a way to help don't wurry :))))) #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14336530784
@HUD_B11:47 PM - 19 May 2010oooooo *blush* @if !!!??/ i didn't really crac k@QReada's code i just read the address bar by accident LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14338001013
@HUD_B11:54 PM - 19 May 2010oooooOOOOoooo *shy* @if!!!!???? LOLOL #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14338367597
@gossama5:35 AM - 20 May 2010howdy @jr_carpenter re: @Miss_Stressa i dunno P[ain-in-arse]Mistress said she can't chat 2 us, that's all i got.hows scrabblesville? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14350797530
@gossama5:40 AM - 20 May 2010eh? HoL? Is that like _Halls Of Lightning?_ oh + @jr_carpenter been DMing @Miss_Stressa: when she replies i'll letcha know #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14350971346
@gossama5:42 AM - 20 May 2010+ @jr_carpenter niiiice re scrabble. u rawk;) u reckon @Miss_Stressa will b ok? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14351025562
@gossama6:11 AM - 20 May 2010zomg @jr_carpenter looks freakazoidal. be awesome as a game...some gamerhead already luuuvs it;) - http://bit.ly/9uDSVV #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14352052108
@gossama9:15 PM - 20 May 2010freakin typical o Blizzard 2"break the ability for AVR (Augmented Virtual Reality) mod to continue functioning" http://bit.ly/aElZSk #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14396441219
@shadowmcclone8:43 AM - 21 May 2010#feralC HEY U GUYS KNOW ANY BODS UP 4 THIS http://bit.ly/9JoRYW https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/14425382761
@gossama8:49 AM - 21 May 2010o hai @shadowmcclone i'll send that link round the traps 4 ya bro:) u up late there? bored with WoW atm #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14425670865
@shadowmcclone8:55 AM - 21 May 2010#feralC NAW 17:53 HERE. OUT NOW. OVER + OUT. https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/14425958951
@HUD_B9:06 AM - 21 May 2010ooooooO hiya @QReada!!!!! trying 2 send LOTS of <3 2 tuffs!!!!!! bet hes doing fine sending mroooowwwwahhhhhhhs & patssss 2 him!!!!!! Lol!!! https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14426573471
@gossama9:10 AM - 21 May 2010fark @HUD_B. yay u...i'm freakin booOOred. laters. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14426742564
@HUD_B9:24 AM - 21 May 2010:((((((( @gossama tried dming @pupa_mistress aboot tuffs she won't lemme kno bout that poor KITTY!!!!!!!??!*sadpanda*:((( anyhoo bai #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14427512446
@gossama7:07 PM - 21 May 2010guildie just linked me this [niiice nice clip] http://bit.ly/ayQ3O2 #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14458105330
@HUD_B12:15 AM - 22 May 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3 http://chrismckenzie.com/ #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14473421789
@gossama1:45 AM - 22 May 2010thats twice i've looted Reins of the Blue Drake. pity u can't trade em #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14477162681
@QReada9:06 AM - 22 May 2010[THE WRXTE WRITXS ROTXINGS ON THX WALL] http://qrcode.kaywa.com/img.php?s=8&d=[THE%20WROTE%20WRITES%20ROTTINGS%20ON%20THE%20WALL] #feralC https://twitter.com/QReada/status/14492239284
@QReada9:09 AM - 22 May 2010[LARGE CHXRCOAX BLACK DXG WITH SNOW WHITE SAND OOZING EXES] http://bit.ly/a2zMZZ #feralC https://twitter.com/QReada/status/14492379484
@QReada9:11 AM - 22 May 2010[LET THEM EXT CACHE] http://qrcode.kaywa.com/img.php?s=8&d=[LET%20THEM%20EAT%20CACHE] #feralC https://twitter.com/QReada/status/14492466584
@QReada9:12 AM - 22 May 2010[SMAXL SUEDE TAN XAT WITH SXNDPAPER CLAWS] http://bit.ly/c9VlDQ #feralC https://twitter.com/QReada/status/14492545988
@QReada9:19 AM - 22 May 2010[MIRXORED MARXON SLIPPERS FILLED WITH UXRIPE BLOOD PLUMX] http://bit.ly/cRIlAf #feralC https://twitter.com/QReada/status/14492857655
@QReada9:21 AM - 22 May 2010[3 BAGS FULLEUR] http://qrcode.kaywa.com/img.php?s=8&d=[3%20BAGS%20FULLEUR] #feralC https://twitter.com/QReada/status/14492931725
@QReada9:23 AM - 22 May 2010[2 BAGS BOOMX] http://qrcode.kaywa.com/img.php?s=8&d=[2%20BAGS%20BOOM!] #feralC https://twitter.com/QReada/status/14493033989
@gossama9:23 AM - 22 May 2010wtf is going on!? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14493051873
@QReada9:25 AM - 22 May 2010[1 BAG-1 BAG 1-] http://qrcode.kaywa.com/img.php?s=8&d=%0D%0A[1%20BAG-1%20BAG%201-] #feralC https://twitter.com/QReada/status/14493107919
@gossama9:28 AM - 22 May 2010cheeze-uz x christ @pupa_mistress !! we b droppin like flies...1st @Miss_Stressa goes AWOL + now @QReada?? sheesh #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14493245418
@shadowmcclone9:30 AM - 22 May 2010#FERALC MAN DOWN EH? SNAFU https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/14493354154
@gossama4:36 PM - 23 May 2010{Gossama] Obtained [Whispering Fanged Skull]. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14577501384
@gossama4:37 PM - 23 May 2010{Gossama] Has now completed [Gunship Battle victories (Icecrown 10 player)] 5 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14577549842
@gossama4:39 PM - 23 May 2010{Gossama] Has now completed [Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 10 player)] 5 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14577605960
@gossama4:41 PM - 23 May 2010{Gossama] Obtained [Rock-Steady Treads]. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14577684982
@gossama8:26 PM - 23 May 2010w00Tage! @pupa_mistress. nice work...wot about @Miss_Stressa? she back? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14588617365
@gossama10:12 PM - 24 May 2010sess5 = long time comin' + thurs seems agggGGGes awai. any of u peeps awake? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14663742442
@HUD_B10:18 PM - 24 May 2010hi goss!!!!!!!!! i'm here:)) )))<3 hey look at this if ur bored!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUQsRPJ1dYw *WoooOOFFFFFFff*#feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14664105282
@gossama10:21 PM - 24 May 2010oh hai @HUD_B :) how u been babe? watching that link now #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14664263196
@gossama10:56 PM - 24 May 2010heh @HUD_B that mechodawg looks like the monsta from Aliens with a handle glued 2 its head;) #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14666291132
@HUD_B11:04 PM - 24 May 2010LOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! @gossama it soooOOOoooooo does lolol!!! u called me babe !!!!!!!!!! *blush purrRRRrrr* #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14666702573
@gossama11:05 PM - 24 May 2010*wink* @HUD_B #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14666758614
@gossama5:51 AM - 25 May 2010[Gossama] Has now completed [Sjonnir the Ironshaper kills (Heroic Halls of Stone)] 23 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14682960384
@gossama4:32 PM - 26 May 2010[Gossama] Has now completed [Lord Marrowgar kills (Icecrown 10 player)] 11 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14786632440
@gossama4:33 PM - 26 May 2010[Gossama] Has now completed [Lady Deathwhisper kills (Icecrown 10 player)] 6 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14786670513
@gossama4:33 PM - 26 May 2010[Gossama] Has now completed [Gunship Battle victories (Icecrown 10 player)] 6 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14786699748
@gossama4:34 PM - 26 May 2010[Gossama] Has now completed [Deathbringer kills (Icecrown 10 player)] 6 times. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14786722774
@gossama4:37 PM - 26 May 2010[Gossama] Earned the achievement {Got My Mind on My Money] http://bit.ly/cYGwVp #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14786846058
@gossama1:32 AM - 27 May 2010yeh yeh @pupa_mistress i'm g2g. just finishing LF a JCer. f'king impossible 2 find 1. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14815367308
@HUD_B1:38 AM - 27 May 2010ooooO hiya @gossama !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! both early 4 session 5! YAY!!!!<3 #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14815644421
@HUD_B1:39 AM - 27 May 2010oh wats a JCer @gossama? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14815678220
@gossama1:41 AM - 27 May 2010heh @HUD_B its a jewelcrafter in WoW...freakin rarer than dodo's teeth;) #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14815734132
@HUD_B1:43 AM - 27 May 2010!!????LOLOL!!!!!!!!! does that mean ur getting some bling @gossama ???????? i LUV bling :)))))))))))) <33333 #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14815826734
@gossama1:44 AM - 27 May 2010heh @HUD_B only getting some epic sheete blinged up #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14815874137
@HUD_B1:45 AM - 27 May 2010ooooohhH ok @gossama :///////// #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14815921838
@gossama1:49 AM - 27 May 2010ahoya @there MISS! pupa_mistress SIR! *lulz*. typing o which @Miss_Stressa back with us 2day eh? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14816070289
@gossama2:00 AM - 27 May 2010phew back now. wot's cranking peeps? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14816497404
@HUD_B2:03 AM - 27 May 2010just watched this @gossama!!!!!!! poor pooch!!?!! http://bit.ly/9qGHnQ all i want 2 do is hug him & tha hero guy!!!!! #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14816608924
@Miss_Stressa2:05 AM - 27 May 2010Hello? Is this getting through? #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14816674888
@gossama2:06 AM - 27 May 2010WOOT allo @Miss_Stressa! where u been babe?! u ok? been worried bout cha! #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14816722487
@Miss_Stressa2:10 AM - 27 May 2010Hi @gossama. Yes I'm ok now thanks. Been a strange few weeks though. How are you? And everyone? #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14816865785
@HUD_B2:12 AM - 27 May 2010ooo hi @if *puuRRRRrrrrr*!!!!!!!!!! and @Miss_Stressa!!!! where's @QReada ????!!! have 2 tell him about tuffs :(#feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14816944920
@gossama2:15 AM - 27 May 2010fark @Miss_Stressa thoguht we'd lost ya..where u been? wots the dealio? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14817029552
@Miss_Stressa2:19 AM - 27 May 2010Well @gossama I did as @if suggested and took more photos of that house http://twitpic.com/1mne6c - it started out well enough... #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14817186081
@Miss_Stressa2:20 AM - 27 May 2010And by "well" I mean no blackouts. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14817235240
@gossama2:24 AM - 27 May 2010o i c @Miss_Stressa ..sounds freaky. u uploaded the snaps yah? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14817357195
@shadowmcclone2:25 AM - 27 May 2010#FERALC WHATUP @if I'M HERE BUD https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/14817400768
@Miss_Stressa2:27 AM - 27 May 2010Well @gossama i have uplaoded the photos, but that's where it gets - troublesome. http://twitpic.com/1r8bss #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14817488176
@shadowmcclone2:28 AM - 27 May 2010#FERALC HEY @if CHECK THIS SH_T OUT http://bit.ly/ddN6v6 https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/14817521706
@shadowmcclone2:31 AM - 27 May 2010#FERALC CONFIRMED @pupa_mistress https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/14817635922
@gossama2:33 AM - 27 May 2010just checked that link @Miss_Stressa looks normal 2 me babe?! #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14817676297
@shadowmcclone2:34 AM - 27 May 2010#FERALC @if NAW BUT HOW RAD IS IT. https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/14817720915
@Miss_Stressa2:37 AM - 27 May 2010Yes @gossama it is normal, but it's just that I can't remember it ever looking so - new? #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14817831015
@HUD_B2:38 AM - 27 May 2010awww @Miss_Stressa they prob just painted it!!!!!?! @QReada r u there????????? #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14817885721
@gossama2:40 AM - 27 May 2010heh @Miss_Stressa betcha they just schmicked it up? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14817921280
@Miss_Stressa2:41 AM - 27 May 2010Yes @gossama and @HUD_B, they probably did just paint. @if I'm not sure who, if anyone, lives there. And I'll tell you why... #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14817985170
@Miss_Stressa2:43 AM - 27 May 2010After I took that first photo I decided to take some more. Each time they *looked* normal enough at first: http://twitpic.com/1r8c7w #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14818040168
@Miss_Stressa2:45 AM - 27 May 2010But then I realised they weren't normal at all: http://twitpic.com/1r8cmk - see what I mean? #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14818108936
@HUD_B2:46 AM - 27 May 2010OOoO i do c it!!!!!!!!! grey stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14818146655
@gossama2:47 AM - 27 May 2010hmm @Miss_Stressa just looks like a frackup with exposure or somefink? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14818172726
@Miss_Stressa2:49 AM - 27 May 2010I thought that as well @gossama but then I realised that couldn't happen with an IPhone? See the next one: http://twitpic.com/1r8cy1#feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14818257744
@Miss_Stressa2:51 AM - 27 May 2010It does @if. And look at the next one: http://twitpic.com/1r8e2d - I swear I haven't manipulated that. And the other odd thing.. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14818324684
@shadowmcclone2:51 AM - 27 May 2010#feralC READING ALL THIS https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/14818335207
@HUD_B2:52 AM - 27 May 2010i'm sccccaaaaaredddddddd !!!!! #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14818354179
@Miss_Stressa2:54 AM - 27 May 2010..Is the title. When I downloaded them, each one had the title "Street Museum". -All- of them. I certainly didn't call them that. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14818432820
@gossama2:56 AM - 27 May 2010that's totally whackjob. i have nfi @Miss_Stressa. maybe get ur cam looked at? #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14818498514
@HUD_B2:58 AM - 27 May 2010:((((((((( but i LUV writing poems!!!!!!! i dont like heering bout haunted houses!!!!!!!???! @if #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14818550649
@Miss_Stressa3:00 AM - 27 May 2010Yes I should I suppose @gossama. It still does make me feel - strange though. #feralC https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14818610496
@shadowmcclone3:03 AM - 27 May 2010#feralC COULDN'T SHAKE IT HUH @Miss_Stressa ANYWAY I'M OVER + OUT POGS. https://twitter.com/shadowmcclone/status/14818725686
@HUD_B3:04 AM - 27 May 2010OOOoooooO @if I will!!!!!!! i'll show u next time!!!<3<3<3<3 #feralC https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14818766475
@gossama3:05 AM - 27 May 2010no stress @Miss_Stressa!! ;) u'll be fine. just getcha cam seen 2. #feralC https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14818800898
@gossama3:09 AM - 27 May 2010so that's it 4 this round o #feralC @pupa_mistress ? wtf happened 2 @QReada? & whe-----[ TERMINATION ]------ https://twitter.com/gossama/status/14818952106
@HUD_B3:10 AM - 27 May 2010omgGGGG wot just happened!!? @gossama!!!??? is it cos u typed #feralC? i'm scccccccaaaarrrr ----[ TERMINATION ]------ https://twitter.com/HUD_B/status/14818997215
@Miss_Stressa3:12 AM - 27 May 2010Bye @if and all. I'll let you know what happens in the next #feralC sessi-----[ TERMINATION ]------ https://twitter.com/Miss_Stressa/status/14819047404