Emptiness – (i) and the language of the Self
Homi Bhabha thinks that the loss of the Other can be overcome through parody, by cloaking in language, in mimicry of the Self (see Homi K. Bhabha, "Of Mimicry and Man" in October, Spring 1984 pp 125 – 133). For Bhabha, the act of faking – a semiosis of the Self acting like a slightly out of phase shadow – distorts the egologocentric Self representation and allows the Other to emerge, as if coming out of the cracks of the shattered mirror. Bhabha's strategy undermines both Self and Other but does not appear to address the prospect of many sided bodies co-existing in the one and many spaces simultaneously. Bhabha's approach might be more appropriate to a non-European Other coming from the outside and engaging with a European Self. And that other silenced Other buried deep within?