Portion of a recent telephone conversation with my mother:

K: "So, ummm...did it creep you out at all?
M: "No, no. You were just a little baby."

K: "But, I've just been loking back over some of the pictures Jakie sent me, and I was trying to remember the songs, and, shit mom, I freakin wore a garter and danced to "Push It." Do you even remember the lyrics to "Push It?" Shall I recite them for you: "Oh baby, baby, oh baby, baby, push it..." And so on!

<Mom laughs>

M: Well, to be honest, I was kind of uncomfortable when they started going past the cute stuff. When they started to do the skimpy outfits, I felt a little weird. The garter was a bit much. But, you loved doing it. You wanted to do it.